Or about .74 in the US
That's what she said...
Need to have some sugar with that spice too...
I wish my subscription to Playgiraffe came in a plain brown wrapper... the mailman keeps giving me strange looks...
Wearing a tutu dancing to Swan Lake for PD & Cat
It's night somewhere
Tea is easier
Let's see...1. A Job, 2. A Tattoo, 3. An Accountability Partner
Flaming hot cheetos crusted chicken thighs with some garlic wasabi mashed potatoes....yep dinner tonight
Nap time yet?
First rule is there are no rules!
I asked google...what would make me happy....and your picture came up...🤔
It would be highly illogical to strike her with my foot to remover from my bed when she would be a welcome addition.
As part of a throuple with PD!!!
Accordion lessons
Chocolate has caffeine
Starting my own winery
I need someone else to help eat all these baked goods or I'd be as big as a house
What if someone doesn't want to?
Kept calling me Dave and wanted me to grow the "santa" beard
Got The Time - Anthrax
All my did you get them missy?
I'm still workless....😐
A lock of fur from her idol...April the Giraffe
Subscription to Toilet Train Your Pet Magazine
Now where did I put my Metamucil....
She wasn't woke enough....In fact...she slept 20 hrs a day
smidgen sincerely tissue cowl extra vein pixels haunted coils lesson fight gone tissue
Asking myself....what was in that drink