earlybirdlady Member


  • Also I recently discovered Tajin and I just put that stuff on everything. Makes me happy :)
  • Generally I'm a weirdo who loves planning and prepping and cooking because I just love food :D But times, like right now, where work is crazy and I'm just trying to keep it together - I totally feel you! The last thing I want to do is think about meals, but then I'm bored of the same meals all the time. When I'm exhausted…
  • Had some leftover apples so I made the kids an apple Dutch baby for breakfast today. It was actually pretty good! Not too sweet, super simple ingredients.
  • I had forgotten about this thread - thank you all for weighing in! So my first thought was magnesium, but I take mag supplements daily and it’s probably one of the few I’m consistent with. I think it actually was vitamin D. I had gone through my bottle and just forgot to get a new one. Once I started back on it the…
  • I have family members who operate that way, and when I so much as touch a vegetable or any kind of exercise on vacation they say something like “why are you worrying about being healthy - it’s vacation!” I have stopped trying to talk any sense into them!
  • @AnnPT77 I have switched between digital and written logging for years and I actually really love using a written log. But I agree from weight loss and data perspective, digital logging is the way to go. I think it’s the writer in me who just can’t resist a pretty journal! 😂
  • Bummer - I had a great lunch but forgot to take pictures! I had some leftover shredded chicken with roasted veggies and some homemade tzatziki. It was so good and it was beautiful. Need to remember to take pictures!
  • That is good to know. I know people with kidney disease need to avoid leafy greens and other foods high in oxalates, but I don’t know that purslane is any more problematic than any others for people with kidney issues. I think it takes very high amounts to be dangerous. I grew up eating it in a lot of ethnic dishes and…
  • @Adventurista I agree the mindset shift from free-for-all-cheat-day to mindfully enjoying a variety of foods is a huge one. And looking back I can’t even say I was really enjoying myself when I took an unrestricted approach, just ended up feeling mentally and physically awful the next day.
  • I do something similar for single day holidays - I search for a generic entry like “wedding food” or something like that just to give me an estimate of what I’m working with. Love the idea of bringing bands on vacation. Looks like they have tons of options - very versatile!
  • I love purslane!! And same I have never tried in a smoothie. It’s also very good in a stew or cooked with onions and garlic.
  • I’ve never heard of that! I’ll have to check it out. By the way I miss seeing you on the feed! 🙁
  • @Taleciab94 It sounds like you’ve really thought through what will be sustainable for you while also getting you to your goal! I also exercise at home and it’s definitely worked out well for me, however I found that exercise from home is tough without a plan/direction. I primarily use peloton which has programming designed…
  • @csplatt I prepped some shredded chicken for the week and I’m going to use it for bowls similar to what you described and also using some to top salads for work lunches. I haven’t done shredded chicken in a long time and it turned out so good, it’s going back in my rotation!
  • That’s so kind of you care for your guest as they’re going through a tough time. There was a thread that included some lower-calorie swaps or food ideas that might be interesting to check out. Some things that come to mind - making a shepherd’s pie but with turkey breast and make the mashed potatoes with chicken broth…
  • If you have a bit of time in the morning, one of my favorite things to have is egg whites with plenty of veggies and some chicken sausage. Really good to make it greek style with spinach tomatoes and feta. I sometimes still follow up with a shake too sip on in the morning at work. And I agree that it doesn’t always need to…
  • @susandglenn2013 I recently added a book to my reading list that might be helpful here too. It’s The Mountain is You by Brianna Wiest. I learned about it on a podcast, and although I haven’t gotten to reading it yet one of the quotes really stuck with me: “your new life is going to cost you your old one”. I think that…
  • @springlering62 I had looked into these last year and ended up going with a cheaper Amazon version with the longer strap that you have to wrap around. Did its job, but I'm intrigued by your review of versa gripps and I think I'm going to try them out! Especially because the longer strap I currently have is a real pain for…
  • Do you mind sharing which bars you like? Would love some recommendations to take while traveling
  • Was there more here? I missed the original post before the edit
  • @Retroguy2000 This is more of the info I was looking for - thank you! As I mentioned before I’m looking to maintain what I have worked to build and don’t want to lose too much of it while working on losing fat. If I gain some more muscle that’s a bonus, but I’m more looking to maintain what I have already. I appreciate…
  • @JeannieLake1 I wonder if there’s not a lot of discussion about it here because often people are put on low fodmap by a clinician and get their questions answered there? In any case I know it’s a big undertaking and certainly understand the need for support! Like others I found the Monash app useful when I was following…
  • Great questions and thanks for your response and willingness to provide some insight. I’m in my 40’s, 5’8, 170lb, female, and goals include lifestyle change to promote longevity so I can live a long life and annoy my kids as long as possible. My understanding is that muscle gain and maintenance becomes more important as we…
  • I hear you! I struggle with this too and have really been working on it mentally. First, how rigid are your “great” weeks? Are they sustainable? Or are they leaving you burned out and or extraordinarily deprived? Then I would look at what happens on the weeks that you go back to old ways. Do you have an off day and then…
  • Thanks everyone! Feeling the love! ❤️
  • Thanks so much for responding! I might try that. It’s not overly bothersome, I just get a lot of notifications!
  • Just some thoughts on this... I worked at a weight loss clinic for a long time. Everything was focused on calories and macros and tracking. And it was EFFECTIVE. But we also had groups and individual coaching that was focused on changing the relationship with food. The patients who took those classes ended up sustaining…
  • The Oreo powders are a little tricky but one of my favorites is mixing it with Greek yogurt to make a nice yogurt bowl with some berries on top. Also nice with a crushed Oreo cookie or two if it fits for you, or even some mini chocolate chips. I also mix in chia seeds for fiber. Other than that I haven’t found many uses…
  • For salad dressings, I make a larger batch at once of vinaigrette and cut the oil down to about 1/4 of what is in the recipe. Then add Dijon and honey for nice consistency. For salads with tender greens like spinach or arugula, or finely chopped salads, I use balsamic glaze and add some feta. The feta adds creaminess…
  • Had a couple of eggs on sourdough with some pickled onions and jalapeño. Got the fruit and greens in with a smoothie to round it all out. I don’t have a plan for the rest of the day which is dangerous, so wanted to make sure my first meal was solid!