pawsrbabies239 Member


  • May 2022 my doctor ran blood tests & all my numbers came back bad & weight came up & she said, you must loose weight, so I did, 85 pounds. She followed me & was very pleased with my progress. Unfortunately, I moved & am no longer with that doctor.
  • Great job Jeff! You are so right, cutting back & ridding both sugar & artificial sweeteners makes a huge difference. We chose to help ourselves.
  • I do not know much on sleep other than I have sleep apnea so use a CPAP which is a tremendous help BUT I have a friend who gets her best sleep from 1am - 8am m. She found this out from a sleep study but she works part time & is retired. So yes, I believe our bodies do have a certain sleep pattern.
  • I feel your pain, I lost 85 pounds, gain 25 back, got back on track. I am 5’2” & 57 years old & 1500 calories a day, walking 20 - 30 minutes a day & not an ounce. So discouraged. I’m thinking it’s an age thing as I’ve always been able to loose.
  • I am new to MF and I like it but DO NOT LIKE how I have to go digging to see replies or find feeds. So from what I’m reading is I find a specific group & join or follow it.
  • Welcome aboard! And first off, congratulations on step one, walking away from a very bad situation. By doing so, you have made a giant step toward a new you and show you are a strong young lady and can do this. Logging is so important! You will be surprised at what, when, how much you eat and what triggers you to eat. Once…
  • Hello! Not sure of your struggle but I can share….the struggle to loose even an ounce is very real no matter the foods I eat, amount of steps I take or logging. In the past, drop the intake, eat healthier & pounds come off, not so much as I’ve aged. Let’s keep on this together!
  • Congratulations! Great job & please do your very best at watching it daily to keeping it off. I gained back 30 of 85 but have lost 5 of so but do not let us get you down. Just be careful & watch & take note immediately if you catch yourself gaining. You did amazing!!!!
  • Welcome! Congratulations on your weight loss so far. And keep up the good work as I know at 57 it’s a wee bit harder as we older but so important to our overall health.
    in Hello Comment by pawsrbabies239 June 13
  • Do not be discouraged! You had a bad day or bad choice, it’s a new day, do better today. Do not think of this as a diet or loosing weight, it’s a lifestyle change to a healthy you! In every part of life, we make mistakes, we pickup & try harder & learn from them. You got this!😊
  • I weigh in daily & allow me to explain why as I know this is an ongoing debate with the diet community. May 2022 I was 285 pounds & my PCP said it must come off, ALL my numbers were bad & I felt miserable physically & mentally. My A1C was right there so with that number & BMI high, the nasty word obese, she was able to put…
  • Good Morning! Welcome & I am only beginning week 2. Agree with you some great healthy summer smoothie recipes would be great. Good luck on your new journey.
  • Congratulations! Great job. You look fantastic. You are an inspiration to all of us.
  • So many apps & tried so many of them. And none seem to offer all, meaning calories, carb, fat, protein, walking & exercising tracking and this one does. Many in my YMCA pre diabetes group highly recommended this app. So far very happy with fitness pal & I did pay for premium.