Thoovee Member


  • I feel the same way! I left MFP, and I re-joined, and now the news feed is gone!? I loved that thing! But also, I need to find friends here again!
  • I'm 38 too! I was pretty seriously into it pre-kids, but then it fell to the wayside after. I've been working out the past few months, and have been loving getting back into it! Always looking for new buds!
    in Need a team! Comment by Thoovee July 3
  • Today it was 30 minutes of Soul Cycle with my friend. And also it was Leg B day concentrating on Deadlifts. Love it!
  • Aw man, yeah. I recently re-joined and so much has changed since 2013. I'm starting my account from scratch now though, so none of my old friends are on MFP anymore. I hope to make new and active friends!
  • Thank you! I'm excited to be back!
    in Hello! Comment by Thoovee July 3
  • Same here. I was here on MFP years ago, had kids, and fitness fell to the wayside. Now that my kids are school aged, I've been lifting again. But I'm tightening up my food and came back to MFP to track my protein better. Excited to meet people here on similar journeys!
  • Hi, I'm 38, mom of 2! I started here pre-kids and was really into weight lifting. But after kids, it all fell to the wayside, so I'm starting here too! I'm also looking for new friends to help keep the motivation going!!
  • Amazing progress and congrats on your baby!!! I'm also from Jersey! I'm a mom of 2! I have been working out regularly for two months, and used to be seriously into weight lifting pre-kids. Now I'm on MFP to tighten up my macros a bit and keep track! I'm always looking for new friends!
    in Hi! Comment by Thoovee July 3