Small Steps, Big Wins: Support and inspiration for your 2024 goals



  • PKM0515
    PKM0515 Posts: 3,089 Member
    edited June 17
    DebCorr44 wrote: »
    Just finished my first steps, hoping to continue this path. I wish someone in my inner circle could do it with me and give me support. But maybe this group is just the support I need.

    Good luck! You CAN do this.

    Don't get discouraged and don't expect perfection. Be kind to yourself and remember your "why(s)."

    Are you looking for in-person support? (It sounds like it to me.)
  • memeq2
    memeq2 Posts: 91 Member
    I've been doing great with exercise but just can't stick to an eating plan. My surrounded by junk food junkies at work and at home. I need to keep up my resistance to what they keep putting in front of me. It's always chips, cookies and chocolate. I need some good ideas to try to stay away from it all.
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,714 Member
    edited June 22
    Now that the newsfeed has gone, our circle of support has diminished. Are any of you in other My Fitness Pal groups that you find helpful?

    I'm in Fat2Fit (I shared the link before). It's organised by individual members of MFP and the main group is split into different groups (in discussions) and people are supportive and helpful. There's a weekly challenge discussion and you can weigh-weekly to keep track.

    I was in another group, I think it was called Tiny Habits, but I want very good at sticking to it.

    What other groups have you found?
  • BodyTalking
    BodyTalking Posts: 2,714 Member
    It's hard, we're going to miss it.

    I've spent time going through the groups and it seems there are some good ones. Fat2Fit, as I mentioned before and Hogwarts weight loss group. I looked at how many members were in the groups to get an indication of their dedication. I've also seen a few names from my newsfeed in the groups.

    I hope you find your tribe and maybe a couple of new ones @Dia_R
  • Thoovee
    Thoovee Posts: 9 Member
    Dia_R wrote: »
    I don’t know where to find my tribe, without the newsfeed. Is anybody even out there now? I feel like I’m taking out a billboard here, but I wanted to share that I’m still making progress. r1p7jox24mne.png

    I feel the same way! I left MFP, and I re-joined, and now the news feed is gone!? I loved that thing! But also, I need to find friends here again!
  • BeccaL032
    BeccaL032 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi I'm from the UK!

    Keep it up everyone! You've got this! 😎
  • WarmJellyfish
    WarmJellyfish Posts: 79 Member
    Hmmm goal. Go big or home is the temptation.. :D
    Aiming to get my A1c below is the main goal for this year. I'm closer now at 6.2, better than the 7.1 before.
    Next goal is to 50k next month. Lord help me. :#:D
  • mamallama606
    mamallama606 Posts: 10 Member
    I’m 7 months postpartum with 20 lbs to lose. Looking for accountability partners and so inspired by you all!
  • Jazz_2014
    Jazz_2014 Posts: 150 Member
    Last year I bit the bullet and cleared the pantry of prepacked foods. The weight literally came off with just that change. I was amazed how simple changes occurred with my body. I still have a way to go and need now to review further my caloric intake and macros. But I'm absolutely sold there is no good that comes from prepackaged foods.
  • dunlewy
    dunlewy Posts: 11 Member
    I have lost 41 pounds from my highest weight. I started exercising 30 minutes a day. Sometimes it would be 45-60 minutes once I got in the groove! Exercise is starting to be fun, surprisingly.
  • Hi my name is Danielle and I go by Dani. This is my 11th day of MFP and I have already lost 6.4 lbs and got in 38k steps. I am looking forward to working another program. I was at Noom and it worked then I hit a plateau for over a year. So I am going to try this one.
  • rms62003
    rms62003 Posts: 6 Member
    I had a health issue in July, and didn't like the numbers at the Dr.'s office. I decided in August to get back on track again. (Went from 295 to 180 in my 20's, kept it off for a year, then regained everything back)
    I'm now 2 months in, and starting to hit my goals - working out 5 days a week and increasing my fitness level. Glad to say, with that short period of time, my blood pressure has responded well - it was 158/106 in July (granted, I was sick as well). Last week had it checked, 120/78. I've also lost 15 lbs in the last 2 months (have about 100 more to lose!)
    I've already cut out all alcohol, and have stopped doing fast food breakfasts. I'm logging basically daily (except when I was in Honduras this month.) So, diet is pretty good right now - exercise is where I want to concentrate.

    My goal by the end of the year is to do a <20 minute mile, and increase my strength training by 10% (currently 17.5 on bicep curls, want to get to 20, etc.)