

  • This thread is a real comfort to me. I am 43 and think I have been getting perimenopause symptoms since before I was 40 - my mum started menopause early so no surprise. However, it's been restricted to night sweats, joint ache and anxiety up to now. Over the last year I have put on over a stone and a half without even…
  • Hi dfeledichuk and all (good to see so many people here). Am being a bit thick I think but do I enter my loss in the spreadsheet or submit here. I tried the spreadsheet but didn't work for me. Had a good week and 1.5lb lost which am very happy about. Hope everyone is doing ok :-) x
  • It's amazing! I look like someone who has been running for about an hour lol. I found this via t'interweb! Not sure how accurate it is but at least you get to put your weight and level of activity in to get a better judge of it. http://www.zumbacalories.com/
  • Amazing progress :-) You look great!
  • I'd like to join too please to keep me motivated as would love to be a certain weight in December:) I am 41, have a busy job and no kids - but have a partner instead - who is a slim man who can eat anything he wants! (this doesn't help my cause) My goal weight for Dec 25 is 167lbs. My week 1 nutrition goal - eat more…
  • This thread has made me really hungry lol - some great ideas... *runs away salivating as she has no eggs in the house*
  • Same here, been on here for just a little while and can see this is a very supportive community to feel free to add me too :) Am sure this is easier to do with others x
  • I've just ordered zumba on recommendation of a few people. Am looking forward to it - looks like fun! :)
  • I am trying to stick to a once a week weigh in as get obsessed if I do it more than that. I probably need to hide the scales and get it out ceremoniously for weigh in lol.
  • I am glad to see someone say that about carbs. I love them and don't have a problem with them, but I have lots of friends who have cut them out completely just to lose weight and tell me I am wrong! If I eat them as part of a diet, I will lose weight. If I don't eat them I get hungry. I try to balance with a bit of protein…
  • I have put on weight in different areas over the last couple of years and think my metabolism has slowed a little. I know I can still lose it though - I just have to try a little harder and exercise more. :-) I might try growing a beard too if it really helps - if it's good enough for Chuck...
  • Wow it sounds as if you have definitely found something to keep you interested. I haven't bought anything new for it for quite a while but the dance stuff might be a good idea to keep me from getting bored. That's half my trouble, I have the attention span of a small child lol. Thanks :-)
  • Hello, am new to this too and the best way to success is to do it with others, so feel free to add me too :-)
  • Thanks for your advice Sophie. The boxcersise sounds like fun - may be a good way to de-stress too!! Will get onto it later! Thanks - you too :-) xx
  • Am starting a similar adventure and it's good to know that there are so many others working to similar goals too. Good luck! :)