OKfreebird Member


  • Original starting weight: 288 June starting weight: 267.7 June goal weight: 262.7 Ultimate goal weight: 170 Wish best of luck to everyone! :)
  • Pistol Pete!!!!!
  • I wear a size 11 in womens and size 9.5 in mens.
  • Wow! You look wonderful! You must be very proud of yourself. You are one of those people who remind me that you have to work hard to get what you want! Bravo!
  • I like Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and Narnia. I
  • Lol! That is awesome! Love it!
  • Got a few, here they go: Sweat is just fat crying! I may not be there yet, but I am closer today than I was yesterday. No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everybody on the couch.
  • I am so happy for you! Type 2 Diabetes runs in my family and I am trying to lose weight to avoid getting it! You are indeed an inspiration and keep up the good work. That is awesome! Rachel
  • I am sorry to hear that happened! No, I don't think that it is disrespectful that you don't want kids. Parenting isn't for everyone. It is a tough job and it takes a lot of responsibility to take care of kids. As well as expensive. Having children is a personal choice. You are not a terrible person for deciding that you…
  • Hello. I know how losing 100+ lbs can be overwhelming and may seem like a big number to lose. My heaviest was at 273 lbs and the ligtest I had every been was170 lbs( I am 5'10). So, what I do is make 170 lbs my ultimate goal weight but use small goals to get there. Small goals can range from changing your eating habits one…
  • That is awesome! You should be very proud of yourself of that accomplishment. I have had my struggles too, (just started little before New Year's) and had managed to lose 16 lbs. Right now, my weight had stalled a ltttle but seeing your before and after photo had inspired me to keep plugging away. Thank you!
  • You know, going out on a shopping spree to try on clothes that look better than ever on me, will be the first thing that I will do. But lastly, since I had always been "big" looking (hoping to achieve muscle tone once I hit my goal weight) I want to actually go bikini shopping with confidence for the first time ever. That…
  • MFP is for anyone who wants to lose weight and start living a healthier lifestyle. It most certainly isn't "just for girls." It is for everybody. Do you have any male friends on MFP? Maybe you should show your boyfriend those friends and maybe he will understand that it is not just girls. Also, there seems to be a large…
  • Actually, I just came down to that reality that because I am taller, therefore a little bigger than most women, it is going to take a lot of weight until anyone says anything or notices anything. I had lost 10 lbs, but to be quite honest, it doesn't look like it. But on the plus side, the clothes are starting to feel…
  • I truly love oatmeal. Lately, steel cut oats has become my favorite kind of oatmeal. Well, what I put in mine depends on my mood. I like to add peanut butter, bananas, brown sugar, blueberries, plain yogurt, almonds, sweeteners like truvia or splenda. I found a recipe from one of the biggest losers books that has become an…
  • I hear you! When I was 100 lbs lighter I was at a size 12 and would like to be that size again too! I am also tall for a woman as well at 5'10.
  • I am 5'10 and weigh 271 lbs. Currently, I wear between a size 20 and 22.
  • I think what makes a man sexy is how strong he is mentally and physically. Also, eyes, smile, and sense of humor go a long way with me too! :-) :love: :heart:
  • Thank you so much for your encouragement! For the past five years I have been fighting my weight and have decided it was enough. I have 120 lbs to lose and after reading your message and seeing your before and after photos, you also inspired me. Your message had truly touched me. I hope you don't mind, but I would like to…
  • Start weight: 273 lbs Current weight: 271 lbs Goal weight: 200 lbs Age: 27 Gender: female Size: 22 Favorite exercise: kettlebells Height: 5'10
  • Hello, my name is Rachel. I am trying to lose 120 lbs. So far I had lost two pounds. I just started living a healthier lifestyle a little bit before New Years. My current goal is to be around 200lbs by June and from there lose about 50 more lbs. So far, I am doing kettlebells and C25K to help me reach my current goal as…
  • Hello, I am currently trying to lose 70 lbs to get to 200 lbs and once I hit my target I'm going to lose 50 more lbs. So all together it will be 120 lbs total to lose. I will love to add you as friend and we can support each other to reach our goals!
  • Don't feel bad. I gained a lot of my weight ever since I went back to school. :( Right now I am trying to get my health back in control again. I just started the spring semester yesterday and am wondering how I am going to keep exercising while I am at school. Will have to take some planning. ;)
  • Right now I am shooting for 200, since I am very heavy and have a lot to lose anyway until I meet that number (currently 273 lbs). But I think ideally, I like to be about 150 lbs. Once I hit 200, I'll shoot for 150 then.....
  • My name is Rachel. I am 27 years old. I first learned about kettlebells about 3 years ago from an article from Prevention magazine. I did some of the exercises and I fell in love with it! I started reading about the kettlebells not too long ago and found out you can become a certified kettebell instructor and that…
  • I am 5'10. I wear heels on special occasions.