100 lbs or more lost or need to lose

I have several friends on MFP but few of them need to lose as much weight as I do. If you have lost 100 lbs or need to lose 100 lbs or more please add me as a friend. Let's encourange, support and love each other because we understand each other better than anyone who only has 20 lbs to lose ever will.


  • countryluvengal
    countryluvengal Posts: 1 Member
    hello my name is Angie I am in the same boat as you I have 130lbs or more to loose. I would be happy to be your friends and supporter and motivater cause I need it also:-)
  • Hello,

    I started in 2006 having to lose over 100. I lost 87, and over time have gained 51 of it back. Now I have to lose about 60 pounds to be where I want to be, which is not necessarily where I "should" be. So in the end it will be a total of 95 lbs total lost, and maybe more depending on how I feel. More important for me will be maintaining this time around... for life! We can do this!

  • I would like to loose a big amount like that, i have added you. anyone feel free to add me :)
  • JondaC
    JondaC Posts: 42 Member
    I have 150 (approx) to lose. I have just started with MFP, and would love to meet others with over 100 to lose. Together, we can do it!
  • JondaC
    JondaC Posts: 42 Member
    I have 150 (approx) to lose. I have just started with MFP, and would love to meet others with over 100 to lose. Together, we can do it!

    Don't know why it posted twice...couldn't figure out how to delete it.
  • spike90
    spike90 Posts: 704 Member
    I have about 160 pounds to loose and will send you a friend request. The other members on this site are awesome and are a great support staff! I think you will be pleased.
  • welcome here and hope you have a great day
  • Yeah I'm currently 339, I'm shooting for getting down to about 210-200 lbs. I know its going to take me a while, but I've been slowly working on it since the start of last months. So a far I've lost about 10 pounds from my previous weight.

    I'd like to cosplay with my friends and do some other things. So my Ideal weight goal is about the 210-200 lbs range. Altho I don't know about that seeing I'm 5'9" and I'm told I'm big boned. But I will work towards this endeavor and I'm all about cheering people on to do the same.
  • Jan 1, 2008 I started eating right, and exercising (Actually, I think the exercise came about 3 weeks later). I had about 120 pounds to lose. At my lowest, I lost 126, and got down to 116 lbs. It took me less than 2 years to get there.
    I just lost my job this past May, and because of that, I lost my focus. I started punishing myself with food - And that means eating anything and everything, especially when I didn't even want it. I have put on about 20 pounds, and I'm back on track to get it off.

    You just have to take one step at a time, one day at a time. If you look at it like "Holy *kitten*, I have 100+ pounds to lose - That will take forever!!" You'll never do it. Just take it one day at a time. And really, what else are you going to do - Just sit around and get even fatter, and more unhealthy? Theres no good in that!

    My "top tips" would be....
    1. If you have a craving for something you really shouldn't eat, just tell yourself "Today is not the day for this treat, but I can have it in a few days, when I work out my caloric intake to manage it in."
    2. Working out can (sometimes) suck, and it always seems like theres never enough time in the day for it. Just remind yourself, that its only 30-90 minutes out of your 24 hour day - You can manage to get it in there! Back when I was working, I was up at 5am to get to the gym by 5:15 for my workouts.
    3. Be strict with yourself about your caloric intake - This isn't a game. However, allow yourself room for occasional treats - If your not happy in your new life change, you will never stick with it.
    4. DRINK YOUR WATER!!!!!!
    5. Don't under eat!!! Realize what your caloric intake should be for your weight, and stick with it. One program is to go under your calories for 2 days, and then go over (I think its called the Wendy Program?). I think thats a great idea, and it mixes it up for your body. But you still have to stay within your weekly caloric intake when doing this. Also, if you lose 30 pounds, you have to adjust your intake for your new weight.

    Well, I think thats about it! I'm by no means an expert about this, and I'm sure there are others with great tips and ideas too. Just remember that no one way works for everyone - So no matter how well one program worked for one person, doesn't mean its going to work for every person. Find what works for you, and go with it. But remember to switch things up a bit to keep your body guessing!!!!

  • gixy72
    gixy72 Posts: 176 Member
    welcome to mfp and good luck, you can add me if you need support
  • hello lovely x i am on a mission to loose loose loose feel free to add me x keep motivated and stay happy x im new here so anyone else can add me too x
  • OKfreebird
    OKfreebird Posts: 33 Member
    I am currently trying to lose 70 lbs to get to 200 lbs and once I hit my target I'm going to lose 50 more lbs. So all together it will be 120 lbs total to lose. I will love to add you as friend and we can support each other to reach our goals!
  • melonsss
    melonsss Posts: 144 Member
    hi I also have 100 lbs to lose, I will send you a friends request because I am also looking for people who want to lose similar
  • Hi All

    I have just started on my journey with MFP, I work in Kilograms not pounds but I have around 60 Kilograms to lose which I think is around 120 pounds.
    Im interested in having a few online friends to help keep each other motivated and share tip and tricks. I have DDD so I am unable to work out very much because of the pain but hopefully in a few months I will be small enough to get the surgery I require to fix it and from there life can only get better.
    So add me if you like

    Emma xx

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • I am new to this site and after reading your tips i am sure that I can be successful during my weight loss journey.
  • Hello, my name is casandra. I live in louisiana and the food is great unfortunately. I have 150lbs to loose. I am in my twenties and attending a university. It's super hard to maintain weight living a college lifestyle. I would love to have someone to share experiences during his weight loss journey. I'm fed up with being fat and this year will be mine!! Please get back to me.I will support your efforts and I'm quite sure you will support mine. Hope to hear from you soon, and if not good luck!!
  • My names Bill Im 6' 7" and my goal weight is 240 my starting weight was 380 and i am currently at 325 after 2.5 months.
  • sgm73
    sgm73 Posts: 16 Member
    I joined MFP last week and I have at least 100 lb to lose, maybe 120. Anyone please feel free to add me. We can do this together!
  • jennifers2
    jennifers2 Posts: 5 Member
    I too have over 100 pounds to lose this year. Please feel free to add me too:-) We can do it!!
  • I needed to lose 138 lbs and I'm down 41. Its a process so take your time and make it a lifestyle change. Feel free to add me! We can do this!