

  • If the greek yogurt is a little too tart for you, a squirt of stevia or another low cal sweetener can make it more palatable.
  • Welcome to MFP!! You're gonna love it!! I've only been on 10 days, but there are some amazing people here, and the support is wonderful!! Keep exploring the site, it has some amazing tools. It has numerous ways to motivate you, visual, network, etc. Remember: do this for YOU!! Not family, friends, children, etc. Friend me…
  • Congrats on joining MFP!! I've been on for 10 days and it has been nothing but wonderful for me. I hope you find it to be that way for you also. If you need an eating plan to follow, look for the Mayo Clinic healthy weight plan book, it's good. Also the August 8 version of Woman's World, the small magazine usually…
  • Even changing for the weekend can throw your system off. Are you consuming dairy? My grandson has belly bloat when he eats dairy, so we changed him to soy or almond milk, which is delicious. Also, make sure you're drinking your water and plenty of it. Good luck! Congrats on your weight loss!!
  • I just got my health mojo back! I'd lost 70 lbs last year but gained 30 of it back this year. You've already done the most important thing: put yourself first! Find an eating plan that's high in fiber & protein, while cautiously using good carbs, brown rice, etc. And above all: drink water, Water, WATER!! :-) I'll be…
  • I love sugar too! What helps me most is trying to take in better sweets, like fruits. Bananas are awesome, and if you peel them and then freeze them it increases the sweetness. Also, just a tablespoon of dried fruits, craisins, raisins, etc., can sometimes help a sweet tooth. Good luck!!