Saying Hi and I admit I need help.

Well in my short introduction on my profile I mention i've struggled with my weight all my life and what makes it worse is i'm in the military. Since they are downsizing they are looking for ways to kick people and one of the hottest areas is fitness. I'm doing everything i can to prevent from being discharged from the service because i would go back home to a life of nothing and bad health. One of co-workers mentioned this website to me and at first i was very skeptical of it but then i thought i to myself what do i have to lose other than weight? My goal is to lose more than 50 Ibs in the next year, and my BMI down to 33 % by the next PRT session which is beginning in October.

This is the hardest struggle I've had in my life and i really need help and support from whoever is willing. If you could give excercising tips or different recipes I could try...I am definitely willing to try anything everything. Thank you..

-Nya Reid


  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    Good luck to you! We are all here because we need the help and support. I know the pressures of being heavy in the military, so I do feel for you. Thanks for your service!!:flowerforyou:
  • Hiya...that must be a big pressure for you, but in some respects it should also help you and motivate you as you have something you have to work for!

    good luck to are more than welcome to add me as a friend if you need moral support!
  • HollyLLillis
    HollyLLillis Posts: 113 Member
    That's awesome that your here! It has helped me a ton... just keeping track of what you eat helps alot.... when I came here I had lost about 7 pounds already and now have lost 30 of the 50 I want to lose! You can do it too!! I know you can!! Add me as a friend if you like and welcome!!
  • msmayor
    msmayor Posts: 362 Member
    Hi and welcome to MFP! I'm probably not one of the best or even a good eater but I can tell you that this site is very motivational - today I was in a slump slump and I feel better than I did 2 hours ago - simply from the ppl here - #1 I would recommend making your diary public - why because you may not see why and what your doing but I bet someone on mfp can and usually they will give you the answers/help #2 go on the message board and ask for friends with open diaries - do this a few times until you have a great support team in your corner

    you can add me a a friend and with the support of others we can tackle this weight thing together - good luck:smile:
  • Congrats on joining MFP!! I've been on for 10 days and it has been nothing but wonderful for me. I hope you find it to be that way for you also. If you need an eating plan to follow, look for the Mayo Clinic healthy weight plan book, it's good. Also the August 8 version of Woman's World, the small magazine usually available at the grocery check out stand, has something called the 'Zumba diet'. It's just a good, balanced diet of protein, carbs, etc. that is a really good jumping off point. I would encourage you to find an exercise you really enjoy, that's the only way you'll be committed. I found Jazzercise and it's awesome for me, but not everyone will enjoy it.
    I'll be praying for you that God give you strength. And I'll remind you of something my friend told me that got me on this website: pay less attention to the number on the scale, and pay more attention to how you feel in your own body. I know that 10 days ago when I rolled out of bed my joints hurt and my belly was in the way. I'm only 10 days in and 6 lbs down, but my joints don't ache and there's already less belly in the way!
    Good luck!
  • cingerl
    cingerl Posts: 62 Member
    Track your calories, Ease into the exercise slowly, and weigh yourself once a week. Good luck! You can do it. The choice is yours.
  • You've taken the first step, now you just need to keep on going. Everyone here is super supportive! If you add some friends they will comment/cheer you on when you update your status which helps me stay motivated.

    I found it was really helpful to make smaller mini goals in between my bigger goals so that I don't get overwhelmed. You could go by weight/bmi/inches lost/distance run etc.. I have goals in several categories so that if I have a week when I gain, I can still look to see if I've made any other improvements.
  • nmades
    nmades Posts: 10
    First off all, thank you so much for your service to our country. Second, we're here for you! I am also absolutely in "I need help" mode as well. Stay positive, stay connected and we can do this together!
  • Cat52169
    Cat52169 Posts: 277 Member
    Welcome! Don't be dsicouraged you can do this!!!!!! This website is very helpful. I started in January and then back again in July and I've lost 16lbs and I can attribute a lot of that to this site. My goal is 53lbs by the end of the year and I am pretty positive that I will reach it. Please add me if you'd like extra support! You can do this!!!!! Remember to log in every day!!! :smile: You got this!!!
  • Thank you for all you do :-). The best advice I can give is to find something you love, and do it. I found that I loved the elliptical trainer at the gym. That snowballed into running then cycling then who knows what. Once you find your "gateway drug" to fitness, it's hard to quit. Don't waste your time on things you hate, but don't EVER stop trying new things until you find something you can do consistently.

    Best wishes and please feel free to add me if you need a friend.
  • nmades
    nmades Posts: 10
    "That is not sweat; it's my fat cells crying" is the BEST quote I've heard in a long, long time! Thank you for it!
  • jenbk2
    jenbk2 Posts: 614 Member
    Welcome ! This is a great site for motivation and tips. Good luck on your journey.
  • Hey Nya!
    I just joined yesterday, but this already seems like a fantastic place for ideas and support.
    I too have set a goal of 50 pounds to lose, and would be happy to have you as a buddy on here.
    Thank you for all that you do for our country.
    :) Jen
  • is4031
    is4031 Posts: 71
    Welcome to the site and thank you for your service. Good luck, we are all here to help!
  • SpeedBump1
    SpeedBump1 Posts: 74 Member
    This is an excellent board for help and encouragement. I to feel your pain. I once served during the time of downsizing and was afraid I would be one. I wish this site was here during that time. If you made it through boot camp, you will make it through reaching your goal. There will be ups and downs. Stay strong and never give up. There will be a pot of GOAL at the end of the rainbow.
  • cpegasus01
    cpegasus01 Posts: 400 Member
    Welcome and thank you for everything you do! I can only repeat what everyone else has posted. This is a great website and I am addicted to it! The more support you have from new friends on here the better chance you have of succeeding. My goal is betwee 45-50 lbs. It's taking a while but it is sooo worth it. Feel free to add me as a friend for support.

    GOOD LUCK!!!!
  • thebunnies
    thebunnies Posts: 168
    you've come to the right place. :) since i started actively using MFP, i haven't had a "bad eating days" and haven't slacked at the gym. friends on here are motivating, and i feel like i'm letting them down if i'm not on the ball. it's like being held accountable!
  • sittoojo5
    sittoojo5 Posts: 42 Member
    First, thank you for your service. Yes, weight loss is not an easy thing to do but with determination and a good support group such as is on this web site, you CAN DO IT! Keeping a daily diary of food intake really helps and keeps you focused on what you are eating and/or drinking. DO NOT SKIP meals thinking less calories is good. Exercise helps too. I belong to a weight support group also, TAKE OFF POUNDS SENSIBLY (TOPS) - attend meetings once a week, weigh in, and just exchange tips, recipies, etc. with everyone. God Bless You and good luck.
  • sherismb
    sherismb Posts: 120 Member
    Welcome!!! Everyone here is so helpful and positive, you are at the right place!!