Insanity made me start this diet in the middle of a FL summe

Kdingo Posts: 145 Member
:ohwell: This is the end of my first day. Still working the site out and hoping my motivation will last the week.:sad: I pretty much have to do all the excersise outside in the heat since my house it to small. After walking 40 mins today I felt my willpower slipping:sick: but I want to lose weight so bad and I have been trying so long.:grumble: I really hope this works.:smile:

P.S I really like smiley's.:flowerforyou:


  • stangma
    stangma Posts: 211 Member
    Congrats on your first day! Great decision ANY time - taking care of yourself. Welcome to MFP, enjoy the support.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    You can always walk in the mall too - it has air conditioning.
  • Don't know if your schedule or "safety" would allow you to go later in the day, evening, etc. Some people to the WII or an XBOX workout to stay indoors. Be proud of your accomplishments today and get ready for tomorrow. Good luck on your journey.:smile:
  • Hey, keep at it, you'll love your self later for it. I'm planning on starting insanity in a few weeks.
  • Welcome to MFP!! You're gonna love it!! I've only been on 10 days, but there are some amazing people here, and the support is wonderful!! Keep exploring the site, it has some amazing tools. It has numerous ways to motivate you, visual, network, etc. Remember: do this for YOU!! Not family, friends, children, etc. Friend me if you'd like.
  • Welcome! The summer's almost over, I don't walk in the summer either but I run alot in the winter :)
  • Monica_has_a_goal
    Monica_has_a_goal Posts: 694 Member
    Welcome to MFP! :flowerforyou:

    This site is a dream come true. I've also tried many "diets" but this site isn't like dieting at all. As a matter of fact the people on here are so full of wisdom and advice that it feels like a good friend that's only there to support and encourage. Try it for one month and see if you don't see and feel a difference. Remember getting healthy is part of the weight loss!

    Btw, Swimming is a great form of exercise if you can get to a pool or the beach.

    Monica :heart:

    P.S. Add me if you'd like! :happy:
  • FitRodr
    FitRodr Posts: 353 Member
    Day 1 - Complete! Congrats on making the decision to DO something about your health struggles. The support I've found here on MFP has been amazing.

    One bite, one meal, one day at a time. That's how it works for most of us. Wishing you mega success & many victories. Add me if you'd like. I can always use another friend.
  • Kdingo
    Kdingo Posts: 145 Member
    Thank you.:flowerforyou:

    I will keep to the outdoors when I can. I figure the sweat can help melt the Then when winter comes.....:bigsmile: There is less risk of dying. (of the heat):wink: I just want to feel better and I think losing weight will help that.:smile: