

  • Thanks im really very pleased with this whole journey..i ride with my children and absolutely have a blast..wind in the streaming back along the ocean front is helping not only body but mind and soul very much so..ive lost 4 kilos since starting this..i have gained strength in my arms and legs and feel it in my…
  • Thought id post this as ive seen others ask similar questions through the search feature also with no/ limited response. Enjoy :)
  • oh meeeeeeee..i could not get through my days and stay sane and not commit some heinous crime unless most days i have a nana nap..sometimes all i need is to just lay there and doze off and bam although i want to sleep more its enough. Naps are the most awesome invention ever imo XD
  • I recently bought a polar FT4..i finally figured out how to really use it to get the most comes with a chest strap and it really really helps me to push myself harder because i can literally see the calories ticking over and how hard my heart is working..totally and utterly reccomend it :)
  • I was diagnosed years ago along with CFS< I have been working at improving the time and pace I get on the treadmill.Ive also recently bought some hand weights and a bench and am slowly now incorporating some strength and mixing it up with some circuit routines.When i first started i would lay on the floor after 15 mins of…
  • Sydneyite here too :)
  • Woohoo excellent work!
  • I have CFS and have had for over 10 years so feeling like i cant breathe is part and parcel of that when i am pushing myself above a normal pace.Im just trying to work out whats that and whats unfit and whats breathing..its all a steep learning curve at he moment :) I hope to get a heart monitor next week on thursday.Im…
  • Thanks for the relies :) I am only doing 20 mins on the treadmill and am only walking,last night though i pushed it and did really brisk walking and pushed the pace till i jogged for a minute then dropped back to brisk walking then slowed down a little more so i didnt feel so dizzy and could regain my breathing and then id…
  • oooh great idea wightvixen Thanks! I tested it and everythings roughly just under half the weight its meant to be which is scary but surely i didnt eat that much! maybe this thing is faulty....darn >.< I upped it to 300 and put that in as my dinner..still puts me under todays calories by over 300 so its all good :)
  • i clicked the little button underneath but it doesnt say whether its ounces or grams so i cant tell. I set it to zero with the plate on and loaded on the lasagne...hehehe If that was grams wouldnt that be wasnt a tiny portion :P
  • Thanks for the replies :) I do often eat a trail kind of mix that I get from aldi at night when i get the munchies or during the day as i do notice simple carbs make me jittery (I have CFS) and crash energy wise.In answer to the person asking about the 1200 cal limit..thats just the basic amount this site has as its…