Thurine Member


  • It depends what your goal is. Is it the actual number on the scale or how you look and feel? For me, it's the latter. I want to feel better about my self and look better. Not the number on the scale. So, as hard as it is, I don't weigh myself.
  • Good luck! It is SO HARD to not step on that scale!!!!
  • I want to spend the month eating within my range and not worrying about the number on the scale. Ultimately, knowing how much you've lost is great but I find that I focus too much on what I think I should've lost and then frustrated when it isn't there. I don't want to weigh myself this month, just going to focus on eating…
  • I have the "tomorrow" problem but I also have "Monday" problem…I'll start Monday…OH well, I'll get back on the wagon Monday…. I'm such a procrastinator! I'm almost want to post horrible pictures of myself all over the kitchen so I can deter myself…...
  • I love having the option to scan the barcodes! It makes it soo easy :)
  • I have a hard boiled egg every morning for breakfast. It is good protein and fast on my way out the door. I usually have some cooked in the fridge that I can peel and go. If you don't have high cholesterol then I think they are fine for you.
  • I also have watermelon and pumpkins growing. The squirrels took care of my corn so I will not be growing that again. I also have a large patch of potatoes that we enjoy well into the fall. I love seeing the garden this time of year!
  • For me it's more of a routine thing to eat after the boys go to bed. Try as I might, I can't stop snacking around 8pm. I save some calories for that part of the day. To me, as long as I'm eating within my calorie budget then I will snack at night. I don't see anything wrong with it.