Should I ditch the scales?

I have been putting off asking this for a long time.
When I decided to lose weight I was 82kg. I quickly lost 4kg and down to 78kg. Since then, in the mornings after the bathroom and before breakfast the number has slowly been decreasing down to 74kg.
However, after I have put anything into my body, whether it's two pieces of toast or an entire days worth of consumption, the number balloons to 80kg.
Are my scales broken? Have I not lost as much weight as I thought?

I would gladly ditch the scales but it's the only way I have of measuring my progress as my clothes haven't become l looser or baggier yet.


  • NatLiving
    NatLiving Posts: 10 Member
    I did, and I have honestly been happier. Just keep up what you're doing and using MyFitnessPal. That's been working for me! Plus, we all know that muscle weighs more than fat so sometimes the scale lies ;);)
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    weigh three times instead of the one. take the average.

    weight fluctuates all the time, a few lbs/kg per day. It's natural. Don't stress out about it.

    I'd put the scales away if it's stressing you out... or just weigh once a week.
  • runnergirl0419
    runnergirl0419 Posts: 17 Member
    Don't put the scale away! You need to hold yourself accountable. You have to realize weight can fluctuate up to four or five pounds during the day. Do not step away from the scale because although at times the scale may be upsetting, it is also like that friend who tells the truth no matter what!
  • Rhaynestorm
    Rhaynestorm Posts: 62 Member
    Weightloss is non-linear. Your weight can fluctuate many times during the day so it's probably not a good idea to weigh yourself several times a day because it might make you obsessive. I like to weigh myself once a day in the morning after I use the bathroom without clothes.

    If your weight has been decreasing slowly according to morning weigh-ins then you have nothing to worry about.

    I wouldn't ditch the scale unless you really want to (measurements are also important) because it's a good tool to see how you're doing in your weightloss. At least, I wouldn't want to ditch mine. :laugh:
  • jenschroll
    jenschroll Posts: 162 Member
    Plus, we all know that muscle weighs more than fat so sometimes the scale lies ;);)

    A pound of muscle still weighs a pound.
    A pound of fat also still weighs a pound.

    Don't mistake mass for density.

    Weight will fluctuate throughout the course of a day. Food and water intake, muscle recovery, medications, and a host of other things can cause that fluctuation to happen.
  • Scales are awful. Lol, The only reason I'm using one is because I am trying to lose 10lbs, I gained some muscle so I'm not trying to lose that. I use measuring tapes because sometimes the scales are not accurate.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I wouldn't ditch them completely, but it might be a good idea to not weigh in so often, especially multiple times a day. It's not the only measure of progress, but you will need to weigh in as you lose in order to adjust your calorie goal.

    Pick one day a week, every other week or once a month to weigh in.
  • Thurine
    Thurine Posts: 8 Member
    It depends what your goal is. Is it the actual number on the scale or how you look and feel?

    For me, it's the latter. I want to feel better about my self and look better. Not the number on the scale. So, as hard as it is, I don't weigh myself.
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    How about taking your body measurements? Also, maybe just weigh in once a week at the same time with the same circumstances (such as just when you wake up)?

    I was freaking out at first when my weight would fluctuate by up to 5 pounds per day!
    Now I'm more relaxed about the issue, because I know what my calorie deficits are and that is what counts.

    Good luck.
  • getitgirl6
    getitgirl6 Posts: 11 Member
    I think that weighing in just maybe once a week is more helpful, in the past I weighed daily and although I might have small gains and I might get discouraged and tell myself it just isn't working so I was more tempted to cheat, but despite that it feels much better to see a larger loss on the scale when it is just once a week, You do need to be accountable and so I would weight sometimes, but like many have said measurements are a truly better judgment system.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    I dont know. Maybe I still get this hang-up about the number on the scale associated with my look...I feel I can never let scale go completely. I don't weigh myself every day but once in a while I still do just to make sure I am not gaining too crazily.
  • oinkoink2242
    oinkoink2242 Posts: 17 Member
    All the replies have been really helpful! I'm going to start taking measurements and ONLY EVER weigh myself before eating. I wont religiously weigh myself either just go by how I feel. Thanks so much for all the help!