Thatswhat I was thinking. Teacher her at a young age how to cook healthy. It helps youto learn new recp. She will thank you later in life for the one on one and the eating healthy part.
Thanks guys for the help.
Cajuns fry everything. If it crawls,walks swims, or flys they fry it! I have not eaten anything fryed in 18months. Low cal recps are hard to come by.
Please share you recps. I could use some low cal recps. My wife has stoped cooking and has turned it over to me. She said she has cooked for 30yrs and is tired of it. I dont mind i love to cook. Cajun men love to cook. thats how I caught her in the first place.
It is just nasty! You ever see that commercial where the guys walking the new hire around showing him where the greese goes? Thats McDs!
You might want to look at a TREK 700 series. I ride 20 to 30 miles a day and ridea 7.3. this is a hybrid. Its a cross between a mountain bike and road bike.
I ride on average 30miles. My average speed is 18mph. Im trying to get in shape to ride a 100mile ride in Texas. I want to get down to 165lbs. im at 177lbs.
U dont look like you have a lot to loose. At a centain point you will slow down loosing weight. Just keep up your routean and you will start loosing again.
I have instant grits with lite butter, honey wheat toast, 2 cups 2%milk and 1 cup of coffee. I dont look at sugar I look at carbs. I dont eat anthing above 15crbs. Sugar is not bad, carbs are. You burn sugar, you turn carbs into sugars that dont burn off as easy.
Thanks for the input. I was just cycling about 25miles 5 days a week. I cant eat all my cals my. my cals are 1560 a day and with my cycling I burn around1300. I just cant eat that much. I am going to add some pushups and situps to my rutine.
Thanks for the input. My cal count is 1600 a day. I try to stay with that number plus rideing a bike for no less than 1hr. I have been dieting for over one year now and have lost 65bs. A frient told me about this site and I thought I would give it a try. I didnt have any set plan when I started. Im just trying to drop…