fmralskn86 Member


  • I personally am weighing myself every three weeks. I read Jared Fogle's book (the Subway guy). He really encourages not using the scale as a crutch to see what you are doing. Let your body tell you by the way your clothes are starting to fit. You are less likely to get discouraged if you don't lose the amount you were…
  • I hope you find this website to be as helpful as I have. I have been here for 50 days now--and I absolutely love it. I have found that logging my food choices helps me make better choices about items and amounts. You might also check out getting yourself and your teenager on a good nutritional supplement. That is very…
    in HI there Comment by fmralskn86 June 2010
  • Welcome to the mfp family. I've been here about two months and have found it to be a great way to be accountable. I don't succeed at meeting my caloric or exercise goals most days; however, I do make sure I log my food. It sure helps me to think about what it is I am eating. I haven't done great this last week, being on…
  • Have you tried looking into nutritional supplements to help you take in the necessary nutrients that might help your liver? If you haven't heard of USANA nutritionals, you might try looking at them. Good luck. Will continue to pray for you to find the right information to help you.
    in Hello Comment by fmralskn86 June 2010
  • Welcome, Karen! I LOVE this website. It may not be the same as attending a WW meeting; however, it is great for helping you realize what it is you are eating. I know that has been the greatest benefit for me. I have been on here for 50 days now. Have I made my goal every single day---no. I will say that it has been a great…
  • are you getting the proper amount of vitamins and minerals in your diet? you might try looking up a dr. ray strand on the web. he has a website that has some wonderful recommendations about nutrition for many different ailments, etc. not sure if it will help...just a thought. here's praying you are able to find a solution
  • Welcome from Memphis! I've been using this for about five weeks now, and as Jonathan said, I think it helps most because it actually makes us look at hard evidence of how much we actually eat. I have lost about 20 pounds; however, I don't weigh in but once every three weeks. Good luck to you. I know we will all accomplish…
    in New here Comment by fmralskn86 May 2010