
atombud Posts: 38 Member
Hello everyone, I have been on myfitnesspal sine May 13, having concerns with my liver and have not been able to find any diets specified for liver health. So if anyone out there could supply any information regarding liver health it would be aprreciated. Thanks in advance.


  • TuscanySun
    TuscanySun Posts: 3,608 Member
    Welcome! I dont know what fatty liver disease is but I've been hearing of it more and more. Maybe try going to ask.com and typing in the condition and/or "diets for fatty liver disease". I did this for my friend who has Crohn's and found lots of info for her, even specific nutritional stuff.

    Give it a shot!
  • fmralskn86
    fmralskn86 Posts: 7 Member
    Have you tried looking into nutritional supplements to help you take in the necessary nutrients that might help your liver? If you haven't heard of USANA nutritionals, you might try looking at them. Good luck. Will continue to pray for you to find the right information to help you.
  • atombud
    atombud Posts: 38 Member
    Thank you, it never came to mind to go to ask.com. Was just looking in google search and came up pretty much empty.