

  • Fit4everyoung-Great dedication! You are so close! Bobbin-Welcome! Well, MFP says I am .3 lbs away from my goal weight! I still think I am going to change it, but my first goal has ALMOST been met!!!
  • I drink 2 cups of coffee when I first wake up 6-6:30ish a bowl of go lean crunch about an hour later. by 8:45-9 I am good to go! Coffee gets everything moving lol. I did 10 miles last week and never had to stop.
  • It also seems the closer I get to my goal weight the more I am thinking of changing it. I am 5'4" and fluctuate between 126 and 128. My goal weight right now is 124 but I think I really need to be closer or under 120. It just seems so far away!
  • I have a huge problem with my sodium! I know if I could get it under control I would see the scale move! I too, eat canned soup a lot for lunch and veggi chips with hummus for snack. I find it hard to buy food that is somewhat healthy that both the kids and I will eat. These foods please everyone.
  • I am not into the HIGH protein stuff, but I seem to go over in my food diary every day anyway. I feel like it depends on how much cardio vs. strength training you do. the more cardio the more carbs you need. the more strength training the more protein you need. at least for me. I am a firm believer of listening to your…
  • I did burn my extra calories and I am under in fat. I hope to see the scale move some when I weigh in Tuesday!
  • Thanks! those are some great tips! I can visualize myself on the beach, looking fit already!
  • I fell off the wagon really bad during the holidays and I am just getting back into the swing of things. I only gained 2 lbs back but feel about 5 lbs heavier with fat. Anyway, I am doing my first half in March! I also am planning a dream vacation in Belize in April. I really want to feel comfortable in a swim suit. No…
  • I am doing my 1st half in March! I am just following the training they have for free on their website. I think following a plan keeps you focused. I was training for one 4 years ago and got up to the 10 mile long run only to be let down by my procrastination and the race was full by the time I registered :( So, this is my…
  • oh oh oh! I was having a problem with this on my left side right under my rib cage after changing my running posture. After weeks of trying to figure it out.... I DID!!!! Breathe DEEP all the way in and all the way out a few times. Any time you feel it creeping back do it some more! I ran a race sunday and had a new pain…
  • I almost did something like that but was overwhelmed by the amount of money I had to raise. I don't know if you have a chick fil a where you live but they do fund raising. Actually I think a lot of places do...where you are allowed a percentage of sales as long as the people buying mention your fund raiser. krispy creme…
  • Seriously?! It seems like all my fat is on my back (and my belly lol). You f'ing rock! I work out 5-6 days a week.... how much back work do you do? Huge motivation! I may put you on my fridge!
  • oh bstamps! i am so sorry. I am sad to say I have lost too many loved ones and it is really hard. You can only do what you can. your emotional health directly effects your physical health. Embrace your family while you can. There is nothing more important! P.S our dentist buys back candy...$1 per pound. I just can't can't…
  • bstamps AWESOME job! you have motivated me for sure! I have gained 2 lbs from this devil Halloween candy so I must 1)ship all this extra candy to my husband and 2) bust my butt this week!
  • Great job on beating you goal time!
  • I have never logged my drives me nuts!!! But the few days I have done it I really stayed on track. I plan to attempt to give it another shot since today the scale moved in the wrong direction. So, you are not gets boring and draining! As long as you aren't gaining then take a break...
  • I would love to join! I have 5-10lbs to drop. My husband will be home from Afghanistan for 2 weeks in Dec. so I would LOVE to at least drop 5lbs by then!
  • Great job on your loss!
  • Are you talking about the books by Tosca Reno? I did it STRICT for 2 weeks and lost 7-10 lbs depending on the scale I used. I love because it is not limited by calories. you are more tuned in with your body actually feeling full. It is most def a way of life though not a diet.
  • I have no idea what NSV means, but you rock and so do your boys....DUH!
  • woohoo! I am excited!
  • I would LOVE too! But with my husband overseas it is hard to find someone to watch the kids while I run. I do the monument ave 10k almost every year. These races are awesome! good luck!