Last 10 pounds Club



  • I fell off the wagon really bad during the holidays and I am just getting back into the swing of things. I only gained 2 lbs back but feel about 5 lbs heavier with fat. Anyway, I am doing my first half in March! I also am planning a dream vacation in Belize in April. I really want to feel comfortable in a swim suit. No bikini or anything like that just comfortable in a one piece. Thanks for the Challenge Bstamps! I am going to do it!
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Still here! The Holidays did add about 4 pounds for me. I have about 1.5 to reach my low and just a pound after that to goal. The personal trainer is super helpful. (And Hubby is down 8 lbs!) :love: I'm in for the keeping fat under control, and for me reaching that 5th day of exercise every week will be my goal.

    Thanks for helping to keep us motivated bstamps! :flowerforyou:
    And Welcome Newbies! :flowerforyou:
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    I fell off the wagon really bad during the holidays and I am just getting back into the swing of things. I only gained 2 lbs back but feel about 5 lbs heavier with fat. Anyway, I am doing my first half in March! I also am planning a dream vacation in Belize in April. I really want to feel comfortable in a swim suit. No bikini or anything like that just comfortable in a one piece. Thanks for the Challenge Bstamps! I am going to do it!

    I did that too and I didn't gain much weight back (4 pounds), but I am bloated as all hell and that makes me feel 20 pounds heavier. I hate water so much, but it is the ONLY key to getting rid of the poofiness. :(
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Glad to see some old faces & new faces here! It is hard to get back into the swing of things after the holidays and by this point in January the "new year" has kind of lost it's excitement in terms of "I'm going to change and do _____ this year" so I'm glad to see we are all here to motivate each other :smile:

    I am at 134 right now (I'm 5'5 1/2"). I had an original GW of 135 so I've passed that. I really just want to lose some inches, specifically around my stomach (I know, who doesn't?). I'm still experimenting with whether that really means more pounds lost or maintaining my weight but shifting it. I do eat maintenance calories so for those of you who look at my food diary, there's a heads up. However, I hardly EVER actually reach my maintenance calories, especially on big workout days. I DO believe strongly in eating back exercise calories but since I have almost 1900 calories to start with in maintenance mode, I'm not risking starvation mode by not eating back every single calorie. Mainly, my struggle to eat all of my calories comes with the goal to not eat junk food just because I have the calories for it.

    I've done well on fat intake so far this week--how about you guys?
  • How do you join this club, I have less than 10 lbs to reach my goal. It seems so hard to get these final pounds off. Any helpful advice appreciated ; )
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    This quote from Jillian Michaels came from another thread but I thought this was a good place to post it!

    "You know what I like to call those last 10 or 15 pounds that won't come off no matter what you do? Vanity pounds.

    The term describes our desire to lose weight that, as far as our bodies are concerned, actually feels healthy. Today's society pressures us to want to look a certain way, so for aesthetic reasons we try to be thinner than our bodies want us to be. Personally, I have gained and lost the same 8 vanity pounds more times than I care to admit.

    Losing your first 50 pounds might have been tough, but believe me, dropping those final few stubborn pounds is a whole different challenge. The body struggles to hold on to that last bit of fat for survival purposes.

    Now, don't get me wrong — you can lose the weight if you want to, but it will require you to muster a tremendous amount of restraint and willpower. If you're really up for it, do the following for 30 days:

    1.Cut your sodium to 1,000 mg a day.
    2.Drink at least 80 ounces of water daily.
    3.Cut out processed foods.
    4.Abstain from alcohol.
    5.Train at 85 percent of your MHR (maximum heart rate) for 1 hour 5 times a week.
    You can do a lot in 30 days — in fact, I can pretty much guarantee you will lose at least 5 pounds. And you'll feel like a rock star!"
    (End Quote)

    Really brings me back to how badly do I want this? I think I would like to reach my goal just to see if it is maintainable within a lifestyle I can live with :tongue: Really not in a huge rush but I have been at this since April of '09. Lost the 23 lbs. in 5 months and have been moving down (and up) and down ever so slowly since. I'm 5'5" and 135 and would love to see what 130 looks like!

    :flowerforyou: Tina you are in!! As you can see some of us have been here awhile! :laugh:
    :flowerforyou: Madroch welcome also! I'm not the originator of this thread but it's great to see more join to add their input and experiences!
  • This quote from Jillian Michaels came from another thread but I thought this was a good place to post it!

    "You know what I like to call those last 10 or 15 pounds that won't come off no matter what you do? Vanity pounds.

    The term describes our desire to lose weight that, as far as our bodies are concerned, actually feels healthy. Today's society pressures us to want to look a certain way, so for aesthetic reasons we try to be thinner than our bodies want us to be. Personally, I have gained and lost the same 8 vanity pounds more times than I care to admit.

    Losing your first 50 pounds might have been tough, but believe me, dropping those final few stubborn pounds is a whole different challenge. The body struggles to hold on to that last bit of fat for survival purposes.

    Now, don't get me wrong — you can lose the weight if you want to, but it will require you to muster a tremendous amount of restraint and willpower. If you're really up for it, do the following for 30 days:

    1.Cut your sodium to 1,000 mg a day.
    2.Drink at least 80 ounces of water daily.
    3.Cut out processed foods.
    4.Abstain from alcohol.
    5.Train at 85 percent of your MHR (maximum heart rate) for 1 hour 5 times a week.
    You can do a lot in 30 days — in fact, I can pretty much guarantee you will lose at least 5 pounds. And you'll feel like a rock star!"
    (End Quote)

    Really brings me back to how badly do I want this? I think I would like to reach my goal just to see if it is maintainable within a lifestyle I can live with :tongue: Really not in a huge rush but I have been at this since April of '09. Lost the 23 lbs. in 5 months and have been moving down (and up) and down ever so slowly since. I'm 5'5" and 135 and would love to see what 130 looks like!

    :flowerforyou: Tina you are in!! As you can see some of us have been here awhile! :laugh:
    :flowerforyou: Madroch welcome also! I'm not the originator of this thread but it's great to see more join to add their input and experiences!

    Thanks! those are some great tips! I can visualize myself on the beach, looking fit already!
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Hi, so i have increased my water intake, and also made my workouts longer and i am finally seeing the scale move down again , yay for me :P, i am also constanly changing my workout routines so my body dosen't get use to the same thing , i know all u guys are doing awesome
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Cookie, you are so right! It's all about changing and trying new things. We can't keep doing the same thing and expect different results!

    Have you all burned your extra calories? I have done 2 ab workouts I didn't have planned so I got my extra workouts in. I've also been under fat this week! How about you guys? Don't forget to watch it this weekend! We are still only 3 weeks past the holidays--not time for a huge "once in a while splurge" yet!
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    I have really busted my butt this week , worked out longer then i ever have in my life , i am under fat this week and i have really increased my water intake from 40 oz to 100 a huge acomplishment for me , i also recently running again , i recently bought some zigtechs but i am still feeling pain on my left foot right underneath my big toe , and its only on the left foot , what can this be also , i looked up what kind of feet i have and i am neutral so what kind of running shoe should i get? , i keep hearing neutral or stability , Stamps i know u run a lot any suggestions?, where i run there is 1 or 2 hills and i feel like i am going to die , i know u guys are Burning it up, hope u guys have a great weekend
  • I did burn my extra calories and I am under in fat. I hope to see the scale move some when I weigh in Tuesday!
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Reporting in for the week. I will have increased my exercise calories just because I actually will have 5 days of exercise this week. So good for me! :flowerforyou: The fat, well, I have never been super vigilant about fat and I haven't seen the harm in it for me, but I do think it can't hurt to lower the percentage. My main problem was we were working through the leftovers from a party and they consisted mostly of beef. More chicken and fish are ahead now that we have cleaned the fridge out! :laugh: Almost looking forward to my Monday weigh-in! (Almost)
  • Charlottejogs
    Charlottejogs Posts: 351 Member
    Sounds like folks are making progress- yay! I was wondering if anyone has noticed significant increases in protein making a difference. I noticed most difference over break when I was doing protein shakes but I also had more time for exercise then...just curious as I am thinking about buying a large container of protein stuff. Thanks!
  • I am not into the HIGH protein stuff, but I seem to go over in my food diary every day anyway. I feel like it depends on how much cardio vs. strength training you do. the more cardio the more carbs you need. the more strength training the more protein you need. at least for me. I am a firm believer of listening to your body. It is very smart, and will tell you exactly what it needs, if you just pay attention!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Cookie: I really can't say what type of shoe you would need, and I am an overpronator so I have the stability shoes. I got fitted at a running store last March. I have Asics and they cost about $110 at the running store. I've since bought the same shoes for about $65 at Academy Sports & Outdoors because I love the shoes and they really fit me just right!

    Ashlee: I can't say that higher protein was for sure the cause of any of my weight loss because I never isolated it; as in, when I would eat higher protein, I would also make other changes that week, so I don't know which change triggered the weight loss. I can say that from what I've read and learned on MFP, it seems to be a good idea to drink protein shakes/eat extra protein after a cardio workout IF that cardio is running, biking, swimming, etc. that uses a lot of muscle strength as well. If your cardio is from an elliptical or walking, you probably don't need the extra protein because your muscle fibers aren't challenged as much. Of course, like sbgraves said, if you are strength training a lot, protein is always a good boost for that. I would also echo sbgraves comment that you should listen to your body! I personally use Body Fortress Super Advanced Whey Protein Chocolate really tastes pretty good mixed with milk. However, I maybe use it once a week, if that often.

    How do you guys do on sodium? I have been so far over lately, due in part to eating canned soup for lunch a lot (and yes, I buy reduced sodium soup and no, I don't have time to make my own soup). One day I weighed in at 132.0 which would have been a 2 lb loss but it seemed like a fluke so I didn't record the loss. I have been over on sodium since then and not weighed in below 134.0 but I can see even my fingers are puffy. Any suggestions on specific foods that are surprisingly low sodium?
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Hi, i am doing well on sodium, i have increased my protein and water intake, i am now running 3 times a week and i am loving it , i feel so free and powerful when i run, today was suppose to be be a run day but it is raining here in Alabama and there is a tornado watch also :sad: question for those who run, do u put on water weight after ur runs or the day after, i have a weekly weigh in on sundays and i run on saturdays and i am always heavier the next day after my runs, Stamps, i buy the canned chicken at walmart the great value brand, and i put spices and mayo and either eat it in a sandwich, wrap or in a salad, it has 270 mg of sodium per 2oz, much lower cals then ur soup , or u can even cook ur own chicken and then it will be even less sodium hope u guys are having a great evening :flowerforyou:
  • I have a huge problem with my sodium! I know if I could get it under control I would see the scale move! I too, eat canned soup a lot for lunch and veggi chips with hummus for snack. I find it hard to buy food that is somewhat healthy that both the kids and I will eat. These foods please everyone.
  • It also seems the closer I get to my goal weight the more I am thinking of changing it. I am 5'4" and fluctuate between 126 and 128. My goal weight right now is 124 but I think I really need to be closer or under 120. It just seems so far away!
  • Moonbyebye
    Moonbyebye Posts: 180 Member
    135, 10 pounds to go! :)
  • ashiz86
    ashiz86 Posts: 2 Member

    i want to lose around 10-20 pounds. i could really use some help though! for a week (yes i know that isn't long but you know when your motivation is hanging by the thread) and i ate between 10 and 12 hundred calories everyday plus at least 30minutes of intense exercise a day. and nothing. but not even nothing i had put on 1 pound.
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