Last 10 pounds Club



  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Hoosiermomma-sounds like you are back on track this week! Keep it up and the scale will go back down!

    That said, yesterday was crap for me. I just wanted one more day of eating crap after I trained so hard all summer and watched what I ate so close except on my cruise. It was also a rest day so I was over on my calories but only by 100, so still at a deficit. Maybe that will play with my metabolism too to drop some more this week? lol wishful thinking!

    bfischer-I saw on my news feed that you are super busy this week. Remember that nutrition is really close to 80% of losing weight so even if you only get in a few runs to train for your 5K this week, you can still lose this week if your nutrition is good!
  • sexyharleymama
    bfischer-I saw on my news feed that you are super busy this week. Remember that nutrition is really close to 80% of losing weight so even if you only get in a few runs to train for your 5K this week, you can still lose this week if your nutrition is good!

    Thank you stamps! Just been so frustrating lately that things haven't been going as I plan. Every day is a brand new rollercoaster, I just miss my somewhat stable routine. It will come back, just need to relax and roll with the flow right now. :happy:
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Busy week this week for all of us it looks like!

    I'm starting my senior yr of college so free time is down the drain. I'll still be in this group and the miles challenge groups and motivate as much as I can, but I have to be honest and say I could spend hours on MFP reading through the message boards...but I've got to be super careful with time management and not let myself get on MFP 10 times per day like I do over the summer or I'll waste too much time on here. :ohwell:

    I'm thinking of changing my goals to lose .5 lb/week instead of 1 lb/week. What are you guys set to? I have thought about it lately and it seems like once I reach my goal, to add 500 calories per day all at once would be a lot and may result in weight gain, but maybe by upping calories slowly it will let my metabolism adjust so I still lose and then can maintain easily? I've just been wondering how that works with MFP once you reach your GW, how to prevent gaining anything when you suddenly start eating more? Any ideas?
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Busy week this week for all of us it looks like!

    I'm starting my senior yr of college so free time is down the drain. I'll still be in this group and the miles challenge groups and motivate as much as I can, but I have to be honest and say I could spend hours on MFP reading through the message boards...but I've got to be super careful with time management and not let myself get on MFP 10 times per day like I do over the summer or I'll waste too much time on here. :ohwell:

    I'm thinking of changing my goals to lose .5 lb/week instead of 1 lb/week. What are you guys set to? I have thought about it lately and it seems like once I reach my goal, to add 500 calories per day all at once would be a lot and may result in weight gain, but maybe by upping calories slowly it will let my metabolism adjust so I still lose and then can maintain easily? I've just been wondering how that works with MFP once you reach your GW, how to prevent gaining anything when you suddenly start eating more? Any ideas?

    :flowerforyou: stamps I came to the conclusion that I needed to moderate my MFP time awhile ago and have done better, especially since that time can be used to be active in some way, even if it is just cleaning the cook-top!

    I have been on a .5 loss for a long time now. It runs me a bit close but if I stick to it it does work! I've heard of many who struggle with maintenaince (looking forward to that struggle myself!:tongue: ) It seems common to up calories by 100 per week and find their maintenance zone. i have a feeling tracking will become very important!

    Busy schedules do make it so hard to keep up the "good routines." I really am trying to focus on starting a new good habit when I'm not so busy and hopefully stick with it through the chaotic times. We will all keep working at it!:flowerforyou:
  • sexyharleymama
    I changed mine a couple months back when I got within 10lbs. Seems to be okay. But I do think finding the happy medium when we reach our goals will take some trial and error. And do agree that tracking is going to still be very big. Those people that have always been thing and healthy, don't have to worry about it. But if you have ever gained weight, I think you have to remain more alert and active about your life choices. But if we made it this far, we can DO IT!!!! :bigsmile:
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    Checking in in little late this week. Up 1/2 pound. I have stepped up my running mileage and am starving now! Hopefully will taper off as I get used to it.

    I have had my weekly weight loss at 0.5 pounds/per week always. I could not eat any less than that and still managed to lose, just more slowly but it has stayed off. Lately, my problem is just eating too much *sigh*.

    Have a great weekend !!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Kath-I've heard of lots of people gaining weight while upping their running. Weird phenomena!

    So I changed my goals and set it to lose .5 lb per week now. I have have 1640 calories, up 230 calories per day from 1410. I honestly don't know how I will eat that much plus most of my exercise calories on days I do long workouts! I'm such a picky eater and I'm picky about textures in food...childish, I know, but unfortunately most things like trail mix, granola bars, etc. just don't taste good to me and I just can't get past the textures. I love a lot of healthy foods, but they are low calorie...broccoli, radishes, cucumbers, carrots, grapes, etc. So I'll be researching some foods I really like that are heatlhy and not super low calorie (sounds like an oxymoron? lol)

    How is everyone doing on the challenges this week? I've done my extra stretching since this isn't a super intense exercise week for me. And it has sucked to log the birthday cake I ate...but I've logged it all!
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Sorry i haven't been checking in lately , i have been splurging to see if i can bust through this plateau , i also have started to run , but the hot weather in AL, is preventing me from doing so , i get heatstroke, i weighed myself today and i am 124.6 i think , the scale keeps giving me different numbers , hope u guys are having a fab sunday :flowerforyou:
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    To bstamps, did you have your goal to lose 1 lb before you changed it? If so I think by lowering it to the 1/2 lb a week instead will help you, I know it did for me. With 10 lbs or less to lose, I heard that is the best setting to go with. Congrats for logging the birthday cake too!

    Welcome back Cookie and great to see you again to Kathy!

    I will be posting my weight in the morning....hoping for a small loss:) Fingers crossed!
  • sexyharleymama
    Happy Monday :bigsmile:

    I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend and that everyone will have a super fantastic week. Last week was a big week for me. I dropped below 140 for the first time in 12 years (only 4.2 to go), I fit into pants I haven't worn in 8 years (size 7/8 wranglers), and I controlled my weekend way better then I usually do (typically scale goes up 4/5 lbs over the weekend. only 1.6 this weekend)!!

    Looking forward to another rocking week!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Monday Check-in!

    Helloo All. Finally back to 139(.4) :love: Going to give credit to the weight work-out routine. The weekend was definitely not stellar. Had dinner/lunch out 3 times and hosted a dinner party besides. I really need to have my non-eating-out days under by about 100 cals to make-up for the weekends that put me over every time!! I dd get a good walk in on Saturday.

    So here we go again to see if we can see another dip down in the week ahead. Have a good week all! :flowerforyou:
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Weigh in for the week. I'm down .8 lbs from 143.2 to 142.4!! I'm just so excited to now see 3 weeks of loss!! I've really been cracking down on my food, still doing the strength training and much less exercise. My body seems to be responding well to this change for now:)

    Does anyone have a good challenge for us this week? I've had company over the weekend and haven't really thought about one but I can come up with one if I need too lol.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    I tried HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) today for the first time and I highly recommend it. If anyone of you that hasn't heard about's some info about it.

    High-intensity interval training (HIIT) or sprint interval training is an exercise strategy that is intended to improve performance with short training sessions. HIIT is a form of cardiovascular exercise which is beneficial to burning fat in a short and intense workout. Usual HIIT sessions may vary from 9–20 minutes. The original protocol set a 2:1 ratio for recovery to work periods. For example, a runner would alternate 30–40 seconds of jogging or walking with 15–20 seconds of hard sprinting.
    A HIIT session consists of a warm up period of exercise, followed by six to ten repetitions of high intensity exercise, separated by medium intensity exercise, and ending with a period of cool down exercise. The high intensity exercise should be done at near maximum intensity. The medium exercise should be about 50% intensity. The number of repetitions and length of each depends on the exercise. The goal is to do at least six cycles, and to have the entire HIIT session last at least fifteen minutes and not more than twenty.

    HIIT is considered to be an excellent way to maximize a workout that is limited on time.

    Ok so I challenge each of you this week to try this. You can use HIIT was any form of exercise. It is an amazing workout!!! This will allow you to get the most out of your workout in LESS time. Try it and let me know what you think of it. You can do this with almost any type of exercise.

    Have a great week friends:)
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Great losses & congrats to kylakesgal & bfischer! You guys are awesome!

    Yes, I was set to 1 lb loss per week until a few days ago and I changed it to .5 lb per week loss. I went from having 1410 calories to 1640 but it's hard to eat that much for me so far!

    I do HIIT Training about once a week with running. I've also done it on the bike before. I run 10-15 minute warm up, then sprint 30 seconds, then slow jog 1 minute. I do 6 repetitions of that cycle then run cool down about 10 minutes. Sometimes I walk the 1 minute at a fast pace if I've had a hard week on my legs. On the bike, I warm up about 20 minutes then sprint 45 sec or 1 minute then slow cycle for 1:30 or 2:00, then cool down 20-30 minutes. It's important to do HIIT on a flat road (or treadmill) so that hills don't throw you off...always run or bike hills on a separate day from your HIIT. HIIT is a major calorie burn & I can't wait to hear about you guys experiences with it!
  • anniefooz
    anniefooz Posts: 4 Member
    That's a great quote.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Oh cool bstamps....I didn't realize you had already tried it. Glad you can share with us your experiences. I'm still reading up on it and I have to say it's very interesting! I did do mine on the treadmill today and I ran like I've never ran before. It felt incredible:) I just recently started running but I'm enjoying it. Look forward to hearing feedback on it.
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    The Weight training I am doing is HIIT since the sets of weights are divided by 5 minute intervals on the elliptical. I chose this because its a 2 day a week program. I do moderate walking or a shorter elliptical session on 3 other days. This allows me a lot more flexibility for the weeks that are hard to get in 6 days. It will be fun to see where this leads us! :love:

    :flowerforyou: Hooray for your ALMOST pound loss kylakes!! That is really awesome at this point of weight loss!
  • sexyharleymama
    thank you kylakesgal for the information about HIIT. I guess I have done that before without knowing that is what I was doing. sometimes at home on my stationary bike I will warm up for 8 minutes, then push as hard as I can for 60 sec then back off for 90, usually did this about 6 times (14 min), then cooled down for 8 min for a total of 30 min. I have not done it for awhile, but perhaps I could get that in a couple times this week :o)
  • fit4everyoung
    1 pound down effective today, after 3 weeks. Thank you, Buns of Steel DVD, day 9 completed this am. Keep up the good work everyone stay strong. I want to nail those 10 pounds before X-Hallooween!
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    Quick check in to say I have been stuck on 112 for 9 days which for me is ridiculous. I normally lose 2-3 per week. So I am working out harder and eating more to see if I accidentally killed my metabolism. Lost a half inch here and there but nothing remarkable. I am working for 105 by Dec 1. This next 1lb loss will be a big milestone as it will mark 30lb total loss and also put me as a 7 stone-something :) I am currently working out with Jillian's NMTZ, elliptical, and the odd bit of very light weights and running.