Last 10 pounds Club



  • I'm there! last time I weighed it was 128.8 and I wanna get down to 120 so here's to the toughest 10 lbs!
  • Happy Wednesday!!! I hope everyone is having a super fantastic week so far!!!!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    Holy cow, where did August go, Sept tomorrow already? Doing a couple challenges for September. Hopefully I can keep up with them with school starting in a few days, my husband already in class, work, kids, animals, house.......I guess I should have just said life. :blushing:

    Lets rock September and see if we can all get those last few pesky pounds off!!!! WE CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    milileitner: How tall are you? With only 18% BF, it's going to be ridiculously tough to lose because even supermodels are usually around 15% BF. I personally would be super careful with the scale and eating habits because you could risk losing muscle instead of fat, which means you don't have the muscle there to burn calories when you are just sitting around. You might even try a week of rest with lighter intensity workouts....that worked for me and kylakesgal when we plateau'd.

    bfischer: You are so close to your GW! Great work. Hopefully those September challenges will help you!
  • Happy Friday Ladies!!!!!!!!

    I hope that everyone has had a great week and has a safe and super fantastice holiday weekend!!!!!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    bstamps-thank you :smile:
  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    oooh, there is a club for the last 10 pounds? Awesome! I have about 4- 8 pounds left to lose (I have a goal range, not a specific number- 138-142) and I'm excited to be almost there... but it's taking a l-o-n-g time. I am pretty sure that's because most days I eat to maintain, not to lose, because I'm pretty content to stay at this weight for awhile.

    But I do want to lose the last few, and am starting to work a bit harder to make that a reality!
  • celticmuse
    celticmuse Posts: 492 Member
    Hi, I just heard about this group on another thread, and would love to join. I have been stuck on a plateau for about 2 mos. What is frustrating, is that I am within 1 lb of my second goal, and I just can't seem to get there! My final goal is 137, and I am presently at 146, so I actually have 9 mos. to lose. I have set my weight loss goal at .5 lb. week awhile ago. For exercise, I do a form of HIT which consists of 60 sec. on the elliptical, with an assortment of 30 sec. strength training exercises. I usually burn about 375-400 calories in 45 minutes, 3-4 times week. My current calorie goal is 1330/day. I recently started eating my burned calories.

    I look forward to joining the discussion. Have a great weekend everyone!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Hi and welcome to our small but growing group, Vegangal and Celticmuse!! Please feel free to add things that have worked for you to get past a plateau:) To celticmuse, I know that eating back exercise calories at first seems totally backwards but it does work really well. It sounds like you are doing what it takes to lose. It just takes that little extra the closer we get to our goal.
    We usually post our weigh ins on either Sunday or Monday and post a challenge for the week too. We can do this as a team. Feel free to add me as a friend. Have a great but safe Labor Day weekend!
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    milileitner: How tall are you? With only 18% BF, it's going to be ridiculously tough to lose because even supermodels are usually around 15% BF. I personally would be super careful with the scale and eating habits because you could risk losing muscle instead of fat, which means you don't have the muscle there to burn calories when you are just sitting around. You might even try a week of rest with lighter intensity workouts....that worked for me and kylakesgal when we plateau'd.
    I am 5'1 don't worry there is plenty still to lose! My BMI has lots of wiggle room and unfortunately I store all my fat on my stomach which is a health problem waiting to happen. I am trying very hard to get protein after every workout and a major source of protein at least 2 meals per day (as a veggie with dairy intolerance this is hard!). This week I lost 1/4 inch here and there so I am sure I am building muscle still since the scale is still 112. I am trying to do different exercise too, like yesterday I did HIIT for 30 minutes, went for a run last weekend, and I am doing double workout days where I do for example a full DVD plus elliptical/run. Next week college restarts so my routine will change drastically again.

    I am actually wondering if I have temporarily plateaued because of extreme stress? Can that happen? I had 2 make-or-break exams this week which have been playing on my mind 24/7 for as long as I've been plateaued.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Hope everyone is having a great Labor day! It has cooled down here and it's soooo nice outside!!

    Weigh in for the week....I've lost .6 lbs this week and current weight is 141.8!!
  • Wow, crazy weekend! State fair and trying to get some things squared away at home. Classes start back up this coming Saturday, have to get started on the homework due the first day. This will be interesting. I really don't know what my husband I were thinking. I don't know how we are going to juggle both of us working and both of us in school? I won't be able to start my homework until after the kids go to bed since my husband has school at night and is gone T, W, and TH's. Then I have class Sat and Sun afternoons. Will have to try to continue to fit in my workouts with the kids around.

    Weigh in for the week - down 1 lb, cw is 138.2, only 3.2 to go!!!!

    I am thinking I may want 135 to be my high. Maybe maintain between 132 and 135 or so. Will have to see what happends when I reach 135.

    Great job kylakes!!!!!!!!!!!! Getting closer and closer to 140 :bigsmile:
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Great job on the loss yourself bfischer! It was a wild weekend here too....holidays weekends always seem to be that way lol.
    My orginal goal was 138 but I think I may adjust it once I get there. I also am thinking around 135 for me too. I haven't weighed that is a very long time. It won't be long until we are all switching to maintenace mode:):)
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    I've been reading up on weight loss plateaus again and these are some tips from the mayo clinic that will help us all out.

    How can you overcome a weight-loss plateau?
    If you're at a plateau, you may have lost all of the weight you will given the number of calories you're eating each day and the time you spend exercising. At this point, you need to ask yourself if you're satisfied with your current weight or if you want to lose more, in which case you'll need to adjust your weight-loss program. If you're committed to losing more weight, try these tips for getting past the plateau:

    Reassess your habits. Look back at your food and activity records. Make sure you haven't loosened the rules, letting yourself get by with larger portions or less exercise
    .Cut more calories. Reduce your daily calorie intake by 200 calories — provided this doesn't put you below 1,200 calories. Fewer than 1,200 calories a day may not be enough to keep you from feeling hungry all of the time, which increases your risk of overeating
    .Rev up your workout. Increase the amount of time you exercise by an additional 15 to 30 minutes. You might also try increasing the intensity of your exercise, if you feel that's possible. Additional exercise will cause you to burn more calories
    .Pack more activity into your day. Think outside the gym. Increase your general physical activity throughout the day by walking more and using your car less, or try doing more yardwork or vigorous spring cleaning.Don't let a weight-loss plateau lead to an avalanche
    If your efforts to get past a weight-loss plateau aren't working, talk with your doctor or a dietitian about other tactics you can try. You may also want to revisit your weight-loss goal. Maybe the weight you're striving for is unrealistic for you. If you've improved your diet and increased your exercise, you've already improved your health even without further weight loss. For those who are overweight or obese, even modest weight loss improves chronic health conditions related to being overweight.

    Whatever you do, don't revert back to your old eating and exercise habits. That may cause you to regain the weight that you've already lost.

    We can do this......we all are so close to our goal. Try and fit extra exercise in during the day with normal activities, such as taking the stairs instead of the elevator, park further away when you are out shopping, stand up more rather than sitting, etc. Small things like this can make a difference of burning a few hundred extra calories a day. Have a great week:):)
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Wow lots of activity since I've been gone! Welcome to our new members! Glad to have you all!

    Milileitner: Sounds like you are building muscle if the scale hasn't moved but you lost 1/4 inch. That's at least a NSV! I don't know scientifically if extra stress could cause a plateau but I would think it can. Stress releases the hormone cortisol which causes you to store belly fat, I know that I would think that would lead to your body holding onto the weight instead of letting you lose it? Unfortunately, there isn't much you can do about stress...I'm a college student so I feel the pain of huge exams!

    Thanks for the article kylakesgal!

    I weighed in this morning at 137 so no change over the weekend. I was so nervous that I would gain between eating out and eating at my relative's home (who are totally unhealthy and they have no healthy options available) but I was excited to see that I maintained. Now hoping for 136.5 this Friday.

    I picked up the One Hour Runner program to get ready for my 10K and I started with week 7 (2 weeks ago). Now I'm on week 9 which has a 54 minute long run...I can't wait! I have just mentally held myself back for so long at the 30-35 minute run mark and now that I know I can run longer, I look forward to these long runs! I did a 49 minute run on Sunday and it felt so good. I usually don't run back to back days but since I was out of town, it was the easiest option so Monday I did my HIIT run. I was surprised I could actually run after having my longest run ever the day before!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    I had to buy a new pair of running shoes today. My old ones weren't that old and didn't notice I needed a new pair until I started running? Wow, it felt like I was running barefoot so knew it was time!! How often do you buy running shoes bstamps? You are doing an awesome job on the running girl:):) I'm sure you are glad to be back home where you can control your food choices!!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    It is recommended that you buy running shoes every 300-500 miles. I bought mine in March and they are still good but I will probably retire them after my 10K in early November, especially if I decide to do a half-marathon (still debating....). But that is if your running shoes are Nike, Asics, Under Armour, etc. If they are a more generic brand, you should replace them more often. I make sure to only wear my running shoes when running. I have another pair of tennis shoes to wear when I just need to wear tennis shoes (work, class, walking, shopping, etc.). so that I don't have to spend the money on good Asics so often. Also, I blew off advice about getting fitted at a running store for shoes but seriously changed my running life when I got fitted for a pair. I used to get shin splints all the time but I haven't had them since...other parts of my legs and even my back used to hurt (in a bad way not a good way) when I ran, but all those pains went away too. I overpronate (landing my foot turned inwards) and that was causing serious problems that I didn't know could be fixed with wearing the right shoes!

    So I have figured out that my breakfast will likely determine the rest of my day. If I eat my delicious powdered sugar donuts for breakfast, I am more likely to give in to temptations later in the day than if I had my oatmeal, cereal, turkey sausage, etc. For example, yesterday I had those stupid donuts for breakfast and ended up giving in to cookies at a meeting. Today, I had cereal for breakfast and I didn't even think about getting food at a meeting in the cafeteria. Thinking back, this is almost always true for me. Some days I can do just fine with my donuts for breakfast and especially if I'm not going somewhere that has lots of temptations. But I have decided to make a more concious effort to think about the rest of my day and if I am going anywhere that would have temptations...if so, no donuts. If not, I might indulge in the morning but still am going to try to only have them 2-3 times per week instead of 5-6 times.
  • Good for you bstamps for seeing the link between the donuts and the rest of your day. :bigsmile: It is amazing what our mind will do. If we have on indulgence our mind thinks, what the heck, we already had one, what's another? Or you just get that taste in your mouth and it is easier to crave that taste again.

    I am an emotional eater, I have to really watch myself when the stress begins to overwhelm me. All I want to do is eat. Everything and anything. Nothing satisfys, I am just hunger. I eat a lot of extra gum on those days trying to keep from eating all day.

    Finding our triggers is a huge mile stone. :flowerforyou:
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Hope you guys are enjoying your weekend! Mini-challenge: go drink a glass of water RIGHT NOW!! :drinker:

    I did my team tri today and it was awesome! It was the Olympic/International distance (1 mi swim, 25 mi bike, 6.2 mi run). My swim time was 25:10 and I was super happy with that. I was hoping for under 25:30, so goal accomplished :bigsmile: Gotta take my NSVs when I can. My dad and his friend did great in the bike and run as well...we were the only team so obviously we won. I didn't eat super healthy after the race today but I'm still under my calories for the day.

    I'm supposed to do a 54 minute run (following One Hour Runner program) tomorrow...but the un-glamorous side of running is that my pre-existing wart on the bottom of my foot has gotten a lot bigger so I've been going to a dermatologist to try to get rid of it. The thing they did on Thursday has made the bottom of my foot blister up and it's still pretty painful even to walk on...trying to decide what to do! Run it anyways and know that I will get regular blisters when I train for longer races anyways so learn how to deal? Or wait till Monday and hope it's better? Ahhh....I just don't know!

    Saw a great NSV from bfischer on my newsfeed...again, great job on that 5k! :flowerforyou:
  • II hope everyone is having a super fantastic weekend!

    I am not one to typically toot my own horn, but I am pretty proud of myself today :blushing:

    I was never a runner growing up. I did a little track in junior high, but I did sprinting stuff and long jump. When we had to run the mile in gym class, it took me 10.11 min. Which is not a stellar time when you are only running 1 mile. Then in high school I was on the swim team, but again I did sprinting stuff. Just never been good at long distance, my asthma didn't help.

    My husband likes to run, and last year decided he wanted to run a 5K. So I walked the 5K pushing our two kids in the double stroller while he ran. Walked it in just over 54 mins.

    Then I was laid off in Feb of this year and for some reason decided to take up running. By the beginning of June I coule run a 5K in 40 mins. Then by the beginning of August I did one in 37 mins. So this year we both signed up for the same 5K he ran last year, and this year I was determined that I was going to run it to. So I enlisted someone to come and do the 5K walking and push the kids for me so I could run.

    Well the day came. We get this morning, and my help is lost :grumble: Well the race began, and I had the biggest, most unruley, hard to steer double stroller with 55lbs sitting in it (so probably about 70 lbs total with the weight of the stroller and the stuff in the bottom). And I decided, I was still going to run this 5K, stroller or not. So off I went.

    Mind you, my neighborhood I had been running around for the past six months is flat. This trail is NOT flat and very curvy. But I ran the whole thing pushing the 70lbs up and down every hill and faught it around every curve and corner. I was even told by someone cheering everyone on towards the end as I was running up a hill that I was a "Strong Mama" :bigsmile:

    I finished the race with a time of 43.35 mins!!! I don't think that was to schabby of a time considering the hills and 70 lbs I was pushing. SO VERY PROUD OF ME TODAY :flowerforyou:
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    II hope everyone is having a super fantastic weekend!

    I am not one to typically toot my own horn, but I am pretty proud of myself today :blushing:

    I was never a runner growing up. I did a little track in junior high, but I did sprinting stuff and long jump. When we had to run the mile in gym class, it took me 10.11 min. Which is not a stellar time when you are only running 1 mile. Then in high school I was on the swim team, but again I did sprinting stuff. Just never been good at long distance, my asthma didn't help.

    My husband likes to run, and last year decided he wanted to run a 5K. So I walked the 5K pushing our two kids in the double stroller while he ran. Walked it in just over 54 mins.

    Then I was laid off in Feb of this year and for some reason decided to take up running. By the beginning of June I coule run a 5K in 40 mins. Then by the beginning of August I did one in 37 mins. So this year we both signed up for the same 5K he ran last year, and this year I was determined that I was going to run it to. So I enlisted someone to come and do the 5K walking and push the kids for me so I could run.

    Well the day came. We get this morning, and my help is lost :grumble: Well the race began, and I had the biggest, most unruley, hard to steer double stroller with 55lbs sitting in it (so probably about 70 lbs total with the weight of the stroller and the stuff in the bottom). And I decided, I was still going to run this 5K, stroller or not. So off I went.

    Mind you, my neighborhood I had been running around for the past six months is flat. This trail is NOT flat and very curvy. But I ran the whole thing pushing the 70lbs up and down every hill and faught it around every curve and corner. I was even told by someone cheering everyone on towards the end as I was running up a hill that I was a "Strong Mama" :bigsmile:

    I finished the race with a time of 43.35 mins!!! I don't think that was to schabby of a time considering the hills and 70 lbs I was pushing. SO VERY PROUD OF ME TODAY :flowerforyou:

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: That is amazing!! You persevered! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Others would have given up, but YOU not only overcame the obstacles you actually pushed them for a whole 5K! :laugh: (Not to say your children are obstacles!) and have something to be even more proud of than running the race while someone else pushed the kids!! Way to take a bum turn of events and make the most of it!
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Monday weigh-in 140.8 I am going to give my self a few rules to live by for this week only (yes, they will be renewed but I need to take this in small steps!)
    - NO chips or crackers
    - of course no dips that go with them!
    - Move SOME every day. (elliptical today)
    These should help already! Let's go girls!