Last 10 pounds Club



  • HealthyWayorNoWay
    Can I Join This Club
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    Just a tip for those on a plateau:
    Last week I took 1 week off exercise and ate 1200+ every day. Then on Monday I cut back down to my normal intake of about 1000 and exercised yesterday. Th result is that today I am down 2 lbs to 106. I think my metabolism is happy because mathematically, I shouldn't have lost that weight yet.
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Welcome healthyway! :flowerforyou: Of course you can join. Always nice to have another friend as we work towards our goals!

    Interesting that you should mention that upping your cardio did not benefit you in weight loss kylakes! :flowerforyou: I was just in the process of pasting this atricle that shows a study that backs your experience up!

    Same for your experience littlemilli. :flowerforyou: The indication is that we need to give our bodies enough nutrition to allow them to let go of fat. Dipping below the 1000 mark unless you stay in bed all day will probably cause you to stand stlll again. Your body stresses when it lacks nutrition. Not that I'm so smart, just have been looking into some of these studies lately!

    Now to apply them to myself! I'm not such a great study participant. I have a hard time remaining consistent. (i love the variables - like weddings, family dinners, dinner out!) The real life challenge is to figure how to make the science work for me outside of the lab!

    My latest plan is to walk and or get onto the elliptical on my non weight work-out days. (weights are HIIT for more than an hour) I am wondering if the intensity of the program is going to be counter productive? I'm entertaining myself by being the lab-rat.:laugh:
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    You absolutely may join us healthyway! Feel free to share with us ANYTHING that is working for you:):)

    Hoosiermama, thank you for that awesome article. I'm glad I'm not the only one experiencing this. I just couldn't believe that I didn't lose a single pound burning in excess of 3500 calories a week. I think that for us strength training is where it's at ladies. Cardio is great to get that heart pumping and keeping us healthy but unless we are also doing strength training, it is going to take a lot longer. Since our bodies aren't burning like they were in the beginning.....we have to build muscle to get our metabolism burning more calories. I love my cardio though lol. I don't mind being a lab rat either hoosiermama:):) I know since I added strength training, I am losing again!! I've been doing sit ups too which definately isn't my favorite exercise but I know it's good for me. What types of strength training do you enjoy doing?
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Hello everyone, so i have been on a somewhat low carb experiment for a week , will weigh in on monday, but i feel less bloated have more energy and all around feel much healthier, i eat more fruits and vegetables, i still eat my bread and a treat of cookies , so i never feel deprived , i think i can stick with this for the long run, and i have been upping my protein , hopefully i wont get tired of eating a lot of meat , i also love almonds and peanuts , hope this will break my plateau , hope u ladies are having a great wednesday :flowerforyou:
  • HealthyWayorNoWay
    Today I feel good because i didn't go over my crabs (i been going over lately). I always wondered why losing the last few pounds are harder?
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Wow, I've gotten behind on this thread!

    Welcome to bz120 & HealthyWayorNoWay!

    I have been eating extra fruits most days, I did eat extra green beans as my extra veggie one night. Trying to enjoy the last days of decent bananas & strawberries.

    Cookie, I'll be interested to see how the lower carb & high protein works for you!
    HealthyWayorNoWay, I almost always go over on carbs. Growing up as an endurance athlete, I constantly ate them and of course now they are some of my favorite foods, so it happens! The last few pounds are the hardest because it's usually when your metabolism and muscles have adjusted to the level of exercise and calorie intake you have been doing, and your body becomes more efficient at saving the calories. Many of us have had luck breaking plateaus by taking a slow, restful week of exercise or boosting our calorie intake for a few days to mess with the metabolism.

    Kylakesgal, You know I always agree with you about strength training! I did P90X legs the other day and I am still so sore because I haven't done leg strength training in a while (all my strength training has been upper body). Even with my running, biking, and swimming, strength training is still important for us all!!

    Hoosiermamma, I think you are right about littlemill. Littlemill, your body may have been going into starvation mode where it hoards anything you eat and stores it as fat. I would try to keep it above 1200 (as recommended by doctors & nutritionists) to keep your metabolism going. Good luck!!

    I finished the One Hour Runner Program today! It hurt. Wow did it hurt. I tried to give myself every excuse in the book for not running today but in the end, I did it. I was gritting my teeth after about 45 minutes to finish it, but the "hurt" was the good hurt, not like something was wrong, but like my body wanted to be lazy & didn't like me pushing it to its potential. Now I'll rest my legs for a few days, at least in terms of running & strength training. Maybe I'll even get to do Zumba this week--havent't done that in forever!!
  • JustJudy
    JustJudy Posts: 142 Member
    I'd like to join the last 10 pounds club!! Hoosiermama mentioned it might help motivate me and also get some good information. I have lost 18 pounds since I started this journey and have got as close as 3 pounds away from my GW and then life just happens! I'm back at work (work in the schools) and it seems like every year, my weight plateus and I actually gain weight. During the summer I eat every 3 hours and I just can't do that at work b/c honestly I forget and I hate to eat in front of the students if they can't partake!!:blushing: I;ve gained 4 pounds then lost two and regained yes I am frustrated :mad: and need your support please!! How do I keep this thread up on my profile. I'll weigh in on Tuesday!!
  • JustJudy
    JustJudy Posts: 142 Member
    Question to all you last tenners: If you use a HRM, do you eat back all your calories? I use the NEW BALANCE one and somedays it says I burned 800 during my hour circuit training class. I typically only acount for 70% of whatever that says and try NOT to eat all those back. This past summer I was eating all my calories back and maintaining. Now I am NOT eating all my calories and the weight has started to creep back up.

    I'd love to hear what your experience has been. If this keeps up I'll have to join a last 15 club :laugh: ~cheers Judy
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Hello JJudy! :flowerforyou:

    I am in the same boat. I was down to 134 and allowed myself to creep up into the 139-140 range. It's been really tough to work my way down! I actually feel in better shape now but would love to lose my "jelly-roll belly-roll" :tongue: If you have time scroll through this thread and you will see links to some really awesome sights that are talking about tactics to achieve that last bit of weight loss AND maybe more importantly assessing what is a realistic goal. You will also notice that we have a few very faithful participants, (where are you ladies? :smooched: ) who are super supportive!

    I am so about learning to live this healthy life with out being obsessive. I want to ENJOY my healthier state not drive myself crazy! :drinker:

    As far as the HRM question and eating back calories, you will see different approaches. I would like to get an HRM, mostly because new gadgets are fun and motivating, but I just haven't done it yet! I am right now trying to eat close to about the same every day which includes my daily walk calories but I do not try to eat all 1400 cals from weight circuit days. About 800 of those go into my weekend bank account :wink: to allow me a dinner out or a drink. I feel like a bit of a lab rat. I am my own experiment.! :laugh: In the meantime I am benefiting by getting more fit and hope to become more lean!

    Hope this thread is helpful to you! Oh, and if you look at "my topics" under the community tab this thread should show up for you! Have a good Weekend!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Welcome to JJudy! Glad to have you with us! I use an HRM when I exercise but it is a little low on the calories burned, I think. It is strapless and those aren't as accurate anyways, so I usually average what MFP says for the exercise and what my HRM says. I do try to eat my exercise calories back, even if it is by means of drinking the calories by having a glass of milk, a protein shake, etc. I try not to have less than 150 calories left at the end of the day because I can tell a big difference in my energy level the next day if I haven't replaced my energy sources. Hope that helps :flowerforyou:

    Well yesterday and today are CRAP for me. I had my bi-weekly dermatology appt for the warts on the bottom of my foot and my thumb & OH MY GOSH they hurt so bad now! I am definitely not a crier but last night I broke into tears from the sheer pain in my thumb and foot. I had tried Zumba soon after the appt (last time it took several hours before the pain started so I thought I could get in my workout immediately) but couldn't make it to the end of the first song, my foot hurt soooo bad. I thought, maybe I can do some strength training? Nope. Couldn't do a pushup because that hand couldn't handle the pressure, couldn't wrap that hand around my dumbell, couldn't do anything! & There is literally nothing that makes it feel any better. On top of that, I was in such a miserable mood that I didn't log into MFP after dinner and mistakenly thought my side dish was 110 cals & that I had cals left for popcorn. But the dish was 210 calories so the popcorn pushed me over. :explode:

    Today I really have to go grocery shopping but even just walking is intensely painful and I'm dreading it already. Exercise is out of the question, but luckily I have planned the day better nutritionally so I don't go over on calories.

    Reminding myself that one day over 100 calories won't kill me! I think part of the frustration is that I was so excited to finish my One Hour Runner Program on Wednesday...I was in one of those spots where it's easy to be healthy because of such a big NSV as a motivator, and this pain is just a buzz kill! Praying the pain subsides by tomorrow, when my mom will be in town and the weather is supposed to be good, so we can go on a long walk or something.

    What are you guys plans for the weekend? Let's have a Saturday & Sunday challenge: have a super healthy breakfast. Whatever your list of breakfast options are, choose the absolute healthiest & start those days off right! (Have you seen the commercials where the girl starts with a healthy breakfast and ends up making healthy choices all day long? I think there is some truth to it!!)
  • autumn_leaf
    Hi all-

    My weight is 152, so I'm back in the swing of things. I hadn't logged in for a couple of days, as I was away on a busy trip. Back home now, so will get back to my routine. Have a good week everyone!
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Hey all!

    I'm going to be weighing tomorrow AM. Missed Monday but had a great night in Indie and took in the Colts game. So tomorrow morning will be interesting to see if I can have a drop after our extended weekend. :drinker: Had an awesome seafood dinner and a buffet breakfast., (Those are such calorie extravaganzas!) It definitely help to keep the weekly weigh-in day in mind!!

    As a piece of interesting news.. I did measure on Friday and am down 5.25 inches from my measurements last month. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: It must be the weight work-outs because the weight loss since then was only 1 lb!
    The NSV's are piling up!
    Blood counts are healthier than before
    BIGGEE :heart: heart rate is down from last year
    I feel strong
    My sciatic pain almost never bothers me!
    Clothes shopping much more fun

    I probably could come up with a few more but this list will be good for me to look back at when I am wishing the scale would move! :grumble:

    This effort IS WORTH IT!

    Hope your feet feel great and you are back into full swing bstamps!:flowerforyou:

    autumn leaf :flowerforyou: It certainly is nice to get back onto level ground and re-motivate ourselves!

    Lets work hard and have fun this week!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Hey all. I also will be weighing in the morning too. That is my official weigh in day on another challenge I"m doing. The scale wasn't being kind this morning so really don't look for it to be any better tomorrow lol but at least I'm not gaining:) I know I"m building muscle tone since I've upped my strength training so that is a NSV for sure.

    Great NSV"S for you Hoosiermama!!! I love shopping now too:) My blood pressure is in a healthy range too which was extremely high before I started on mfp so the loss and the exercise have helped that. Sometime we have to look at our NSV's and see just how far we have come when the scale isn't moving fast enough for us. I also feel much more energetic and stronger too:) Yah for feeling better!! Let's all work hard this week:) I tried out belly dancing today which I'm learning on youtube. I am always looking for new things to try. I encourage each of you to try a new exercise this week. You tube has some good demonstrations on exercises if you haven't checked it out!
  • JustJudy
    JustJudy Posts: 142 Member
    SW: 156 (1/2009)
    LW: 140

    Increasing my fruits and vegtables and limiting bread to see what next week brings. Also started up elliptical again on my off days from my group exercise class. I was doing that before I hit this yo-yo weight gain/loss. Have a great day everyone!
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    I like the stats jjudy :flowerforyou:

    SW: 160 (4/09)
    LW: 140.4
    * Adding
    Goal for next week 138.3 (1/2 lb.)
    Many of our group are hovering in this same range :tongue:

    Finally have gone down!
    * Going to keep working the HIIT weights twice a week and light aroebic activity at least 3 other days.
    * Trying to take in about 130 grams of protein a day. - Not easy for me!
    * Making the chore list to keep myself moooving this week!

    kylakes :flowerforyou: I have been using youtube a lot to figure out these weight work-outs. "What is a dumbell lat raise and how can I do something equivalent to it at home?" :laugh:

    We are experiencing the rapid decline of my SIL due to cancer. Please be praying for our family! We also have 2 weddings and a wedding shower in the next 2 weeks. These next days are going to be a real ride! I am relying on God's promises. "Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength." Isaiah 40:31 :heart:
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    I also like the stats. Here are mine:
    SW: 169.2 (end of January)
    CW: 141.2 - Boo no loss this week but I'm getting stronger!
    GW 138 (thinking I want to lose maybe to 135)

    I have no clue hoosiermomma what a dumbell lat raise is! No luck finding it on youtube? My prayers are with you and your family. It's so hard to watch someone you love suffer:(
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Update: My Sister-in-Law passed away this morning. She was 51, the mom of 4 and grandma of 3 with one more on the way. Live your days with love and care, the memories she leaves are of a loving and faithful woman!
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Here are mine

    SW : 205
    CW: 125
    GW: 118

    Goal for next week lose 1/2 pound if that is doable since i am having a hard time losing, i am on low carb now , i did see a 2 pound drop , but this week i have been gaining , i have no idea why , i am really getting frustrated , i do strength training 3 times a week and cardio 5 times a week , feel like giving up but i cant
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Here are mine

    SW 205
    CW 125
    GW 118

    I started a low card diet on the 14th , i lost 2 pounds but this week i have been gaining and i have no idea why , i eat a lot of protein and veggies, i am really frustrated , and feel like giving up , but know that i wont , hope u guys are having a fab day