Last 10 pounds Club



  • celticmuse
    celticmuse Posts: 492 Member
    Update: My Sister-in-Law passed away this morning. She was 51, the mom of 4 and grandma of 3 with one more on the way. Live your days with love and care, the memories she leaves are of a loving and faithful woman!

    So sorry for your family's loss. Such a tragedy...
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Update: My Sister-in-Law passed away this morning. She was 51, the mom of 4 and grandma of 3 with one more on the way. Live your days with love and care, the memories she leaves are of a loving and faithful woman!

    So sorry u have lost a loved one, my condolences to u and ur family :flowerforyou:
  • autumn_leaf
    Update: My Sister-in-Law passed away this morning. She was 51, the mom of 4 and grandma of 3 with one more on the way. Live your days with love and care, the memories she leaves are of a loving and faithful woman!

    So very sorry for your loss, Hoosiermama. You are so never knows when one will be called, and it is when we hear of such a loss that we tend to take stock of our own lives. See the beauty each day brings---love your family and friends---never go to bed angry---and keep life's challenges in the proper perspective.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    I'm so sorry for your loss Marjie (hoosiermama). My thoughts are with you are your family. I lost my sister in law to breast cancer 2 months ago and it was very hard. Take care of yourself girl!
  • sexyharleymama
    I apologize that I have been absent and not very supportive within this group the last few weeks. :blushing: I think I am finally getting some things balanced and sorted out, cross your fingers. But then life happens again :explode:

    But I wanted to share my inspirational quote of the day:
    "I have learned, as a rule of thumb, never to ask whether you can do something. Say, instead, that you are doing it. Then fasten your seat belt. The most remarkable things follow."
    – Julia Cameron

    Welcome to all the new members!!!!

    Hi to all the regulars, miss my MFP peeps :cry:

    Hossiermama, I am very sorry for your loss. Not easy. I lost my mom unexpectidly Christmas Day 2007, she was only 51 from a heart attack. And then we lost my husbands mother to breast cancer Oct 2009. Times like this are very hard. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

    HW 195
    MFP SW 166 (1/30/11)
    CW 138 (stuck for a month now)
    GW 135 (but thinking of adjusting this when I get there)

    I hope everyone has a super fantastic week!!! And hopefully I will be on here more regular in the coming weeks :bigsmile:
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    haven't been out here for awhile but finally back to *almost* daily logging and finding it really does help me stay more within my limits being accountable.

    CW: 127
    GW: 123

    Hoosiermamma: So sorry about your SIL. My sincerest condolences.
  • celticmuse
    celticmuse Posts: 492 Member
    Hi ladies,

    I just finished the Sept. challenge with Tazzy and I lost 1.7 lbs. That means I am now 6.8 lbs. from my UG weight. Yesterday was an off day. I had a very light lunch (manhattan clam chowder), ended up starving by 4:00 pm, so I stopped and bought some granola (bad), then I came home and ate too much for dinner (taco salad). The lesson learned spacing out the calories throughout the day keeps hunger at bay, and your less likely to overeat at dinner. A lesson I thought I knew....
  • Mcctin65
    Mcctin65 Posts: 507 Member
    5lbs for me. I keep hovering around 140. I think it's my happy place.
    I, too, am stuck at 140 and was thinking the same this where I need to be?? I think 30 would be ideal so that's what I'm shooting for!
    I'm in!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Hoosiermamma- So sorry for your loss. Cancer has affected so many loved ones. :flowerforyou:

    Welcome to mcctin!

    SW: 164 (pre-MFP)
    CW: 137
    GW: 135 (ish...maybe closer to 130)

    Since school started again, I've gone back to some unhealthy ways. Some of the habits are not even that bad, like eating crackers or cracker chips for a snack instead of fruits, but some are worse, like eating out more often than I did this summer. I know everyone is busy, but I really am the busiest person I know and it's just so hard to prepare foods and plan ahead in eating. Like, everything else I do would be noticed by others if I skipped it, so I can't skip those things, but only I notice what I am eating, so when time is an issue, the obvious shortcut is to cut time on eating good foods. AHHHH.

    I'm weighing in tomorrow, but I think I am stuck at another plateau. GRRRR. The above paragraph explains why, but I have to figure out how to get off these last couple of lbs even with my crazy busy lifestyle. I bought carrots, radishes, and frozen blueberries and blackberries last night to snack on, so maybe eating those this week instead of so many processed (yes, low-calorie but still not the healthiest option) snacks will help. I'm also doing strength training more than I did over the summer, with a little less cardio. Goal is to strength train twice, run 3 times, and ride my bike 1 time next week (Friday to Thursday since my weigh-ins are on Friday).
  • sexyharleymama
    Happy Friday Ladies!!!! I hope everyone has had a SUPER FANTASTICE week!!! :bigsmile:

    I hear you bstamps, busy is my first name :explode:

    I have a challange idea fo the month of October. We set a minimume number of minutes to exercise for the month?
    Example: 1000 minutes

    What do you ladies think? More minutes?

    I am starting Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred tomorrow. Lets see if I can complete it this time. Tried this back in August right before my world went crazier then its normal crazy. Wish me luck :tongue:

    I hope everyone has a great weekend. And I believe I read a challange earlier this week in this club about eating a healthy breakfast this weekend. Lets do it! :flowerforyou:
  • quiksandy
    quiksandy Posts: 246 Member
    I'm in. I only have 3 pounds to go but I've definitely hit a plateau. Arrrgggghh!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Yes, healthy breakfasts again this weekend o3bfischer! I'll be having oatmeal and yogurt before I take the LSAT in the morning! Not going to lie, I am giving myself a treat of eating out for lunch then shopping bc I can't give myself a treat of not doing homework/studying but I deserve something after this stupid LSAT! I am eating before shopping though so that will force me to eat something that won't bloat me as I try on clothes.

    That's also a great challenge idea!! I am going to be ambitious and set mine at 1200 minutes, a little under 40 minutes for each of the 31 days. Although I can't do 40 minutes every day, it will encourage me to keep up the long runs & rides on the weekends to make up for a shorter exercise day or a rest day during the week.

    And welcome to quiksandy! Glad to have you!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Happy to say I weighed in at 136.5 this week, down .5 lb! I have a shin splint in one leg now and I'm trying to let it heal but my 10K is now 1 month 3 days away and I've only done 1 60 minute run...kind of nervous now! I wanted to be at 8 miles by the time I raced the 10K, not barely at 6! Praying the leg heals quickly!

    I had oatmeal & yogurt for breakfast on Saturday and waffles with sugar free syrup today, both great breakfasts for me. I had tried the "light" syrup which still has over 100 calories per 1/4 cup, but the sugar free syrup only has 35 calories per 1/4 cup! Who would have thought? Little fyi for those of you who like waffles, pancakes, etc.

    Total exercise minutes for the weekend: 85
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thank you all for your expressions of condolence. :heart: We travel today and are back on Wednesday to go to the service. i will be glad to be with our family. It's a bit surreal for us over 2,000 miles away. I need to see that my brother is surrounded by friends and family there and that God is comforting him as he so badly needs.

    Today is weigh in and I am so glad to see a bit of a loss in a week that included Seafood in Indie, a Brazilian Steak House and Ruth's Chris, I'm not feeling too bad! The week ahead will be another challenge. Lots of travel for the funeral service in California and 2 weddings in Michigan.

    SW: 160
    LW 138.8
    CW: 138.5
    GW: under 135 (132?)

    :flowerforyou: Hooray for the losses bsstamps and celticmuse! we will keep at it!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Where are you guys at this week! Hope you are all staying on track for the first week of October. The time to set your habits is NOW, RIGHT NOW before the holidays come. If we can all set our habits and get in GOOD routines and don't let ourselves make excuses for exercise, we can power through the holidays with losses instead of gains.

    Total exercise minutes for the month: 195

    What is everyone else's goal for minutes of exercise? Those who have set a goal, what is it?

    I was over on my sodium today so not expecting a loss on the scale tomorrow, but we'll see! I'm going to a big college football game this weekend (Arkansas vs. Auburn) and while I will workout Saturday morning, I'm letting myself not count calories at the game. I haven't been to a NCAA or NFL football game in 2 years and this is a big treat for me & my husband before he leaves for almost a month w/ training for National Guard. It will be so weird to eat without counting the calories...but my bet is that my stomach will get upset now that it's trained to eat healthy foods, not greasy football foods. We'll see! Have a fabulous week LOSERS!!
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Home again, just to let you know... Hope you have a great weekend. Had the Ooms and Tantes for dinner (Uncles and Aunts in Dutch) so the table was set for 17. Had a few college kids thrown in too. Dinner was delicious and I ate small portions. Not going to log since it's after midnight. At least clean-up is done! Tomorrow they come back for coffee and then we pack for the weddings Friday and Saturday in MI. It's a crazy life full of sorrow and blessings, so I'm going with the flow and enjoying the ride! I'll be back sometime Sunday. Votes for Monday weigh-in?? Or might it be a good to pass this one up? :noway: I'm sure the festivities and travel will have their effect! Talk to you soon!

    Short term goal? To enjoy this weekend and not overindulge!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Well this weekend was definitely not the most healthy weekend I've ever had. I didn't log foods on Saturday for the first time in forever because I had already decided just to have fun. Now to eat super clean this week to clean myself out =) I'm finally getting to hike a beautiful mountain that I've lived only an hour away from for 3 years tomorrow & I can't wait! My husband, daughter, and I are hiking it and I'm so happy to set that example of a healthy, active lifestyle for my daughter. Even a year ago, we never would have done that as a just wasn't part of my lifestyle. I would plan us going out to eat at a restaurant instead of something outdoors and active. Nice to realize how far we've all come in ways other than the scale and jean sizes sometimes :smile:

    So what have you guys realized is different about your life now than before MFP? Not just the scale or how you look, but what else?

    Total exercise minutes for the month: 240
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Back from our 2 wedding weekend! Grand Rapids was beautiful! Took a couple great walks and had lots of delicious food.

    The aftermath: Laid around the house with 2 sick daughters yesterday and took reports from the rest of the ill family! Had a GREAT time but many of us were struck with something!

    Actually did weigh-in yesterday morning. Up a bit more than a pound 139.6 (totally expected, still a little depressing.) If I get back on track now that should reverse fairly quickly!

    What a fantastic experience, bstamps!! :flowerforyou: I hope your hike lived up to your expectations!

    Changes in my life... Where do I begin...
    * I actually miss exercise when I have days without - definitely a change!
    * Many new cute clothes that I am motivated to be able to keep wearing
    * Lower pulse rate
    * Here is an interesting one... I actually had to have an additional mamogram because my breast tissue had become more dense and the radiologist needed a second look :laugh: Who woulda' thunk it?
    * I could probably think of more but I want to get out and walk!
  • slossing
    slossing Posts: 5 Member
    I eat only 1200 calories a day if that and it is not junk food either. I also do the ellipitcal for 30-45 minutes and zumba too, but I just can't seem to lose any more weight. I am at 147 now and used to be at 140. Anybody have any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Hey everyone I'm back! I've been on vacation since last Monday and have only been getting on briefly to log my food and exercise. I did have a loss today of 1.2 lbs from 140.8 to 139.6 so now I'm officially in the 130's!!! YAH! Thought I was going to be stuck there forever lol. Although we didn't get to go on a real vacation, we have had a lot of fun visiting family and crusing around in our lil convertible. The weather her has been so wonderful:) It's good to get back on mfp, I have missed all of you.

    To slossing, I would recommend raising your calories. I have had two plateaus and both times I've raised my calories and that got things moving again. With the last 10 lbs, 1200 calories a day is too low in my opinion. I would raise them at least to 1350 and see how that works for you. Make sure you have your goals set at no less than 1/2 lb a week.

    @ bstamps, the difference for me besides the scales and my clothing has been the way I feel. My energy level is so much better. I find I tire less easily and I'm loving the muscle tone I'm getting from the strength training. I just feel so strong now! Let's kick some butt this week girls!