Last 10 pounds Club



  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Hoosiermamma-- good job setting specific goals with what you are struggling with this week. Great example for the rest of us. Let us know if you make those goals!

    I'll follow in her footsteps and set a few of my own:
    -Be within 150 calories every day (over or under)
    -Exercise every day Mon-Thurs (out of town Fri & Sat)
    -No dessert while out of town (going w/ a group from school and we always indulge in desserts....must resist!)
    -10 glasses of water per day
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Sorry I have been away a few days camping with the family and today we got an early surprise. Our grandson that was due on Sept. 23 decided to come this morning instead. He weighed 8 lbs 2 ozs and he's a cutie pie. It's good to be back though.

    To should be tooting your own horn girl!! You did an amazing job and I'm so proud of you!!

    I haven't had the chance to weigh today but will weigh in morning and post if I've had any change but with camping out and eating more than usual I doubt it lol.

    Here are a few of my goals this week:
    1. Drink at least 10 glasses of water a day
    2. Exercise 6 days and take 1 day of rest
    3.Continue rotating cardio day & strength training allowing my muscle groups to rest.
    4.Eat as many fresh fruits and veggies as possible
    I've been working at changing up my exercises as much as possible. Love doing HIIT exercises and discovered today on youtube that I can do pilates on my total gym so trying that this week.
    Good luck this week ladies:):)
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    I am now 108 but I revised my goal (again) to 100. My jeans size is now US 0 or UK 4 :) My plateau happily went away with a loss of 4 lbs in 4 days which was quite nice! My goals at the moment are to eat 1000 calories per day and do new kinds of exercise. I am also back at college and aiming to take packed lunch every day.
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Missing one of my goals today...I've got 229 cals left for the day and I just can't eat any more! Even junk food, I can't eat anymore. I wanted to be within 150 cals. I'm looking forward to weigh in on Friday even though I think it will still be TOM which might throw it off.

    How is everyone else doing this week??
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    I'm doing great with my goals but TOM is messing things up for me too bstamps!! Argh!! I always try to net at least 1200 and sometimes I'll eat more and sometimes I won't......just depends on my workout and hunger level. I seem to be more satisifed lately with less which is an unusual pattern for me but I have cut back on exercise and concentrating more on my diet (which you suggested bstamps) Something about diet being aboutt 80% of weight loss and I've been more focused on what I'm eating with a smaller defecit to fill which has stopped me from stressing so much. I'm more relaxed with my diet and exercise now but no way lazy about it. Just more aware I guess. I'm still rotating cardio and strength training days and started pilates this week which I'm enjoying. I feel like I'm going at a decent pace and closing in on my goal (only about 3 pounds away) but may reset it once I get there. I've still got more toning to do!! I love this small group of ours, it's so much more personal than a larger group. Have a great week:):)

    The baby in my profile pic is my new grand baby, Cole David. He was born on Monday and weighed 8 lbs & 2 oz and he was two weeks early!! This is my step daughter that had the own children haven't had kids yet. Thank goodness lol. I have 2 sons, Ryan age 17 and Logan age 22 and neither one is ready to be a parent yet nor am I ready for that to happen either. I become a granny at the ripe old age of 37 and now have 5!!
  • autumn_leaf
    I'm so happy to see this club...i can use some motivation from folks in the same boat as I am! It's way past my bedtime, so I will post some introductory info tomorrow.

    Good night!
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    :drinker: 2 HUGE DAYS in a row!! My husband went walking with me for 2 days in a row!!! I have to make a BIG deal of it here because I have to act very casual about it with him! Yahoo!! Who knows, could become a habit!!? I know that it is the up-coming pheasant season that is motivating him, but he is also drinking less beer. Funny how all the changes that are good for him are good for us! :drinker:

    :flowerforyou: kylakesgal-- Beautiful baby - Glowing Grandma -- Looking SOOO good!

    :flowerforyou: Welcome autumnleaf! We really do support each other. Those last 10 are stubborn! But we are hanging in there. If you go back in this thread you will see some great ideas, blogs and threads we have shared!
  • autumn_leaf
    Thanks, Hoosiermomma, for the welcome! I will be sure to read through all of the posts. In scanning them, this looks like a wonderful group, with some great advice!

    So, about me and my weight history:

    I started off at 160 in May, reached 153 on my own, started to creep up again, and then found MFP in early August. So I've been bouncing around between 154 and 151 for the past several months.

    By way of history, I'm 5"9", and my top weight ever was 190, which I attained at age 13. As an adult, my weight has ranged between 142 and 185; over the past ten years or so, that range has tightened to 147-160. My goal now is to tighten that range to 142-145. So, I've been in the "approximately 10 pounds to lose club" for a while now. I know I need to maintain discipline---I readily admit that and, although I'm great at maintaining discipline and self-drive in other aspects of my life, especially professionally, I fall apart when it comes to these 10 lbs. I'm sure I'm not alone in that regard, as I scan through posts on MFP.

    I eat healthy foods, so that's not the issue...I just tend to eat a bit too much of it. I exercise, and am healthy, but I do not maintain consistency with my exercise program. I joined the 1000 minutes in September group, which is helping me in that regard, and I hadn't joined any other groups because I didn't see one that really seemed to fit. Until now, that is.

    I welcome friends, and offer my active support.
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Welcome to our lil club autumn_leaf. Glad you found us. It's great to be able to discuss our struggles and victories with someone that can relate:) Make it your goal to be more consistent with exercise and you will get there. Exercise is such a habit for me now and if I'm thinking about slacking, my guilty conscience won't let me lol. I have to make myself take a day off!! I know that doing it as a group with supporters works so much better than trying to do it alone:)

    I'm sure I would have had a loss this past week but darn TOM!! We usually weigh in on Sunday or Monday autumn_leaf. Glad you are here:)

    Oh, thanks hoosiermama for the compliment. I feel sooo much more energetic than I did when I started here with the extra 28 lbs I was carrying around!!
  • autumn_leaf
    Thanks, kylakesgal! I'm glad to be here!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Welcome to autumnleaf!!

    Kylakesgal, I know what you mean about energy! I remember being so tired and fatigued all the time when I was overweight. The crap I ate and the fact that I never got that natural buzz from exercise (bc I never exercised) just didn't give me energy to do anything.

    Bad Friday & Saturday this weekend. I was out of town with a school organization and I ate a lot! I did way better than I would have in the past though. Just NO access to snacks or anything so by the time we had a meal (which was at a restaurant of course) I was so hungry! Weighed in at 136.5 last Friday before I left though, which was an exciting breakthrough from 137 that I had been stuck at. I'll be way under on my calories today but given Friday & Saturday, I think it'll be okay.

    Let's do a challenge this week!
    Add an extra fruit or vegetable serving to what you would normally have every day. It's getting to be apple season, so I stocked up on lots of delicious apples for this week!
  • sexyharleymama
    Welcome autumnleaf!!! :flowerforyou:

    OMG!!!! That is all I can say about my last two weeks. I am so sorry I really haven't been around to be very supportive :blushing:

    The last two weeks have been a roller coaster of stress and emotions. I am not sure how I am going to survive between now and 12/16.

    Both my husband and I work full time and are going to school. We have a 3 yr old son and a 19 month old son and no family support :sad:

    It has been a challange the last couple of weeks trying to figure out how to balance home, work, kids, and sanity. Sanity was not balanced :laugh:

    I was not even able to think about logging last week and a few after dinner walks is all I could squeez in for exercise. Have been stuck at 138 for three weeks now. Stress and not always having time to make my breakfast and lunch in the mornings couldn't possibly have anything to do with that :tongue: My goal this week is to get up and make my breakfast and lunches again, log my food, and squeez in a few minutes a day for some squats, lunges, pushups, chair dips, jumping jacks. Just don't have the time for full blown work outs right now. If I can keep work under control and not fall behind, I can make a bigger effort to start going to the gym again during lunch. We have a gym at work, used to go everyday, but haven't gone in about two months. Will just really have to focus on my diet.

    Congratulations kylakesgal on the new addition to your family!!!

    Great job bstamps for eating less than you normally would have and really not seeing that big of a move in the scale for it :flowerforyou:

    Love your challenge for this week bstamps, but I don't know how I could possibly fit in one more fruit or vegetable serving. LOL :laugh: I think I might turn into one if I do :bigsmile: But that is an awesome challenge and great idea!!!

    I hope everyone has a super fantastice week and Happy Monday!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Monday weigh-in... Anybody out htere still doing the weekly weigh-in?

    Just for fun (or not :grumble: ) I decided for a week to weigh every day. Wow was that scale (or was it me?) all over the place! I got to see just how up and down my weight does go! I have been close to 138 this week and have been over 142! Makes me a little less upset about only being down just .4 of a pound from last week. So that where I am today 140.8 More and more I am convinced that pounds are NOT the best indicator of success.

    Last week I did walk everyday except Sunday and I did get in 1 1/2 days of my weight work-out. Company arrived 2 hours early ... thus the 1/2. TODAY: No excuses! putting in a load of laundry and heading down to the dungeon of torture... (at least you would think by the many diversions I find before making my way down those stairs!)

    Have a great week all. More fruits and veggies bstamps? :flowerforyou: Not too hard for me. I can do that! Less fat would be the biggee here! In trying to up protein, fat always seem to be along for the ride! :laugh:

    bfischer :flowerforyou: Sound like life is chaotic!! You seem to have the right idea, take small steps in all the ways possible and keep yourself on-track! You really could use positive steps to help you feel like you are in control!! Way to think it out!

    Have a good weekl! I'm going to be in this club for a while so it's fun getting to know you all!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Good morning!
    Yes hoosiermomma I still weigh in. Checking in today....141.2 down from 141.8. I won't record it until tomorrow because the offical weigh in is for tomorrow for another challenge I do. Hoping it will be better in the morning. Ok don't laugh but I keep a weight log notebook by the scales. I weight morning and night and record it. I know I shouldn't but it helps keep me accountable and it doesn't stress me out anymore! I only started this with these last 10 lbs lol.

    I ate a Cashew chicken salad at Culvers Restaurant last night and figured that would be the healthiest choice but when I came home to log it, it had more fat in it than a cheeseburger!!! Crazy! This was a green salad with snowpeas, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, cashews and grilled chicken. I'm sure it was healthier than the cheeseburger, I guess? lol Most days I'm under on fat and carbs but most always over on protein and fiber. I love veggies and eat oatmeal for breakfast. I bought some of the steel cut oats to try this week. I'm used to instant so I'm probably going to have to add some fruit to it.

    Ha ha hoosiermomma, dungeon of torture? I hate doing laundry too but at least I don't have to climb steps to get there. Think of it as an extra burn!! Have a great week ladies:):)
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Oh and I totally agree with you hoosiermama on the scale isn't always the best indicator of success! I went shopping on Saturday and really had a good time because I liked the way I looked in clothing and I feel so much better about myself. My self esteem has increased big time! I think the best exercise we can do at our stage is strength training. I read on the mayo clinic website the other day that for a woman, 10 mins of strength training is all it takes. Now we can all do that!!
  • bz120
    bz120 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi! How are you doing on your progress? I'm in the exact same boat you were. I'm 135 and want to be 125. I was 125 back in June and it felt soooooo good! I have gained 10 since then. I need help. Support? Advice?
  • bz120
    bz120 Posts: 10 Member
    I definitely want to be a part of this awesome group. Just reading your posts has helped me gain some motivation. My problem is that I do really well for a few days and then I sabotage myself with night eating which can also lead into bad eating the following day. I think checking in with you guys would really help me. Can I join? I'm going to weigh in on Friday. If sooner, I will report it. Thanks...I've enjoyed reading your posts!!
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    kylakesgal! :flowerforyou: "The dungeon of torture" is where my weight equipment is. Funny you mention the laundry, it would probably be good for me if it was in the basement. I WOULD be getting a lot of stair climbing in! :laugh: I have such a hard time getting my self to the weight equipment. My routine takes over and hour and 30 minutes. I keep putting it off. But with doing it only 2 days a week it actually is a better fit than the 1 hour I was doing 3 times a week. I do plan to move to a shorter routine once I reach my goal! I am noticing muscle gain. Looking forward to measuring at the end of this week.

    Welcome bz120! :flowerforyou: This is a nice manageable group, you will love the encouragement and info here!
  • kylakesgal
    kylakesgal Posts: 952 Member
    Oh ok hoosiermama lol didn't realize you were talking about working out. I was doing a challenge at the end of July and August and pumped up my exercise to about 600-1000 calorie a day burn and guess what? I had NO weight loss at all!! I was shocked but now that I've cut back to just 30-45 mins, I'm seeing great results! Wondering if maybe I was creating to large of a calorie defecit? I found that I was eating all the time doing that! Just have to find what works for you I guess plus I think the strength training is increasing my metabolism too since I'm building muscle. You are kicking butt on workouts hoosiermama!!

    Welcome to the last 10 pounds Club bz120!! I think you will enjoy it here:)
  • autumn_leaf
    Hi, everyone, and welcome bz120!

    Well, the past week had many high points, including consistency in exercise, which is what I've been trying to attain. So, yea me on that front:happy: ! On the down side, I was a bit bumpy on the food intake--on half the days I did fine--the other half, I didn't do so well. I have to say that I had what ended up being a trying experience yesterday afternoon, to which I reacted by coming home and overeating. It wasn't binging, but was definitely a "knee jerk" eating reaction, unlike anything I have experienced in a long time. This emotional overeating reaction really surprised me, I must say. Today I'm back to normal, but I have been reflecting on that experience and wondering how it knocked me so totally off track. So, my first weigh-in with this wonderful group is 155.5, which puts me up 2 lbs from my previous weight, and 11 lbs away from my goal of <145, ---I hope you don't kick me out!:wink: I'd better get myself back in line so as to maintain eligibility!

    This is going to be a busy week for me, but I'm committed to staying on track! Today I did well on intake and exercise, so I'm off to a good start. Thank you for being here!:flowerforyou: