Last 10 pounds Club



  • Phoenix24601
    Phoenix24601 Posts: 620 Member
    I have 11 lbs. to go. :frown:
  • Charlottejogs
    Charlottejogs Posts: 351 Member
    I would love to join- I have lost about 20 lbs over quite some time but would like to loose about 10 more...but the plateau has been discouraging :(
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Welcome to missencore & ashlee!!

    fischer--like I already said on your news feed, proud of you for starting JM 30DS! It doesn't matter that it's not the 1st of the month, you will just look GREAT in time for Christmas parties if you keep it up now!!

    Are any of you on Pinterest? It's an online site where you "pin" things to your online bulletin boards...lots of crafty things, recipes, pictures, etc. I have found a few healthy Christmas recipes on there that I have "pinned" and I will try to copy some of them onto this thread in coming days & weeks to give you all some ideas!
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Welcome to the new ladies, (missencore & ashlee) :flowerforyou: Lot's of great support and good information here!

    BIG day for me!! :flowerforyou: Monday weigh in down another .9 pounds! Wish I could say exactly what is working but I think I'll just take what I can while it's working! (Pretty sure my decline is coinciding with joining this group (thanks all! :blushing: )

    I am going to try upping my calories again since the weight is coming off pretty fast right now and I am close to my goal. I want to slide into maintenance gracefully. :happy:

    Do we have a new challenge for the week?
  • I would love to join! I have 5-10lbs to drop. My husband will be home from Afghanistan for 2 weeks in Dec. so I would LOVE to at least drop 5lbs by then!
  • Welcome to the new members!!! :flowerforyou: If you read back through the pages there are lots of useful information to help get those last few pesky pounds off. On page 8 I posted a list of things that could help break a plateau. This group is awesome, so supportive and full of knowlege. I love these ladies :bigsmile:

    Happy Tuesday!!

    "Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them; but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight." – Helen Keller

    Today is a big day. Back in 2006 during my yearly physical, my Dr decided to check my cholestorol levels. My bad chol wasn't high, but my good chol was very low. At this time I was 60 lbs heavier. Jan 2007 was when I started my weight loss journey, then got detoured with a couple kids in there :laugh: In April my Dr wanted to check my levels again. Again, my bad was not high, but my good was still very low. So he wanted me to have them rechecked in six months. Well, it has been six months and I am about 30 lbs lighter, been eating almonds and lots of fresh foods, and have increased my strength training. Everything he told me too, now it is time to see if any of it did anything. I go in this afternoon to have my levels checked again. In a few days I should receive my results in the mail :tongue:

    JM 30DS L1D2 done

    Feeling good. Feeling a little bit sore today, sure I will feel some more tomorrow. I think I may only do 5 days at level one since I started this back in August. I only did a couple days a level two. Her workouts are always a challange no matter what, but just feel I don't need to spend so much time on level 1 this time. Thinking I will move onto level 2 this Saturday.
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Woohoo Hoosiermamma! You are losing weight rather quickly, good work! How are you upping your calories? Like 100 extra for a few days or all at once?

    Welcome to sbgraves! You can definitely lose 5 lbs this month & wow your husband!

    fischer--thanks for all the quotes, you're awesome. Hope your Dr. appt went well. Great job sticking to JM 30DS. I would do the same thing with skipping a few days of Level 1. I have never done the entire 30 days so I can't say too much, but to me Level 2 is harder than Level 3 (I just use it on bad weather days and days I can't run/bike/swim.)

    How about a challenge for the week: Exercise: Focus on intensity of your workouts & make at least 10% of your workout super intense. At least for me, I may even do P90X, but some days I am just not giving it my all...I'm just going through the motions. So this would mean that for a 30 minute run, make 3 minutes really fast and strong.
    For nutrition: Let's all find one healthy holiday-ish recipe and post on here. It can be really time consuming to search through the recipe forums, but if we each post a recipe right here, we'll have 10 or so new recipes in one place.

    I reached my goal weight today :bigsmile: It nearly brought tears to my eyes to see 135.0 on the scale. That's 20 lbs down since January, 25 lbs down since joining MFP, and 29 lbs down from my overall non-pregnancy highest weight. That's more than my 4 year old weighs!!! I'm not completely happy with my "weight" though, but now I will be focusing on BF% instead of just the scale. I'll be taking measurements and things more often than weighing in.

    Just fyi- I was 145 in late it has taken 6 months to lose the last 10 lbs. They are stubborn and clingy and I hated them. It did NOT happen overnight. It did NOT happen just by running a 5K here and there, or even with a triathlon. It did NOT happen just by eating clean a few days a week. I say this to encourage you guys that the pounds WILL come off with PERSISTENCE, time, consistency, and dedication!!!
  • I have 9 pounds to go to reach my goal weight of 125 pounds and my current weight-134.4 pounds. :smile:
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    Hello everyone, so my weight is slowing going down , i don't know if it's because i upped my protein or it's because i am slowly increasing my cals, last week i exercised for 7 days straight i usually exercise for 5 days but i was bored and there was nothing to do so i did workout, Question for u guys what are ur plans for thanksgiving and what will ur eating be like ?
  • Congratulations bstamps. That is awesome, so proud and happy for you!

    The real reason I am here. I finally reached my breaking point tonight. The stress from the past three months hit its climax. I had a nervous break down and it wasn't pretty and pretty ashamed. But I don't think I can be supportive anymore at this time. I am taking a step back and wont be on here much anymore.

    You are an awesome group of women doing incredible things. I just can't be superwomen anymore. :cry: Somthing has to give and I have to figure out how to be able to survive from day to day without my chesting feeling like an elephant is sitting on it. The stress between home and work is just more than I can handle anymore. The smallest thing right now and I explode :explode: I don't know who to turn to I feel alone and lost and just want to crawl into bed and never come out.

    I will miss you all very much. Best of luck to you all :flowerforyou:
  • bmqbonnie
    bmqbonnie Posts: 836 Member
    I'd like to join. My goal at the beginning was to get to 140 and I am a little under 8 lbs away. I now think I want to lose a little more than that but we'll see how it goes. 140 would make a total loss of a little over 50 lbs, so I'm almost there.
  • You are right, Kylakesgal, it will be slow during the last 10 lbs but we WILL get there!

    Don't forget to change your clocks today :)

    I did my 10K today and it was great! My goal time was 1:08. They had the 1st mile mismarked, when I passed the mile 1 sign, I was at 10:43 which was way too slow for the first mile if I was going to make the 1:08, but I felt really good and didn't feel like I was that far off from my hopeful pace of 10:00/mile. At mile 2, I was at 18:53...NO WAY did I run an 8:00 mile, so I know the first one must have been marked a few tenths of a mile late, lol. One big steep hill but otherwise nice and flat. It was pretty cold for me, 46 degrees at start time, which feels pretty cold given that it was 75 degree here on Wednesday and I absolutely cannot stand to be cold at all. I won my age group (there were only 4 of us in the age group) so that was a great, my time was 1:01:48!!! :noway: :bigsmile: I couldn't believe it when every mile I was just under a 10:00/mile pace.

    Then I got new running shoes. Mine have been hurting for about 2 weeks but I think I would have been worse off with new, non-broken-in shoes than with my old ones, so I held off and went to buy them right after the race. I felt so blessed to find my running shoes at Academy Sports for $69 instead of the $99 I was about to pay for them at ****'s Sporting Goods. :bigsmile:

    So the exercise and shopping was great today but my stomach is churning from all the CRAP I ate today. It tastes good but my stomach just does NOT like grease and butter and fried foods anymore. I seriously pay for it later, lol.

    What are you all up to this weekend? What about setting a mini-goal by Christmas for all of us? I am setting mine at 133.5. I didn't make the 135.0 by the time my husband got home, but I did go from 136.5 to 135.5 so still an improvement. My MFP goal was 135.0 but I would still like to get a little closer to 130 if I can!

    I'm making the decision to make crafts this year for Christmas-y type things instead of baking things or buying food. :flowerforyou: That should help a lot around the holidays because I can usually decently control myself in public but not at home on the couch at night....

    Great job on beating you goal time!
  • bstamps AWESOME job! you have motivated me for sure! I have gained 2 lbs from this devil Halloween candy so I must 1)ship all this extra candy to my husband and 2) bust my butt this week!
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    :flowerforyou: Have a great weekend all!!

    I am heading into a relaxed weekend... no extra company and no parties. I better watch out that I don't sit home and eat to entertain myself! I'm going to make a list of thing s I can accomplish and keep myself occupied!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    sbgraves--I heard about dentist associations who "buy" leftover halloween candy from kids (or adults, too, haha) and ship it overseas to the troops. I think that is FANTASTIC! Unfortunately, I live in too small of a town and we don't have that program here.

    As you may have seen on my profile, my grandpa had a massive heart attack early yesterday morning. Reports looked terrible at first but looking slightly better now. Still no idea of whether or not he will recover. We have come to be with him and we're staying at the hospital, so I'm eating lots of fast food and not getting much exercise. Yesterday was extremely sad and I couldn't really think about my eating habits, but today is better. I'm getting out of the ICU waiting room and just walking the halls every so often. Thank you so much to those who have posted on my wall. It means a lot to have all the support we can get now. I'm 21 so this is really the first time I've endured something like this.
  • oh bstamps! i am so sorry. I am sad to say I have lost too many loved ones and it is really hard. You can only do what you can. your emotional health directly effects your physical health. Embrace your family while you can. There is nothing more important!
    P.S our dentist buys back candy...$1 per pound. I just can't can't convince my girls to do that lol.
  • Charlottejogs
    Charlottejogs Posts: 351 Member
    Eek! I had a very bad day yesterday and responded responsibly with drinking:) I had 4 dark beers over the evening! That is more than one meals worth of calories!!!
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Weigh-in day for me!! I am down again - So jazzed! New weight - unseen since my 20's. 133.2!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: (of course it's water!!)

    Holidays ahead! :noway: What are your strategies?? I have a fun Cranberry Pear Crisp recipe if anyone is interested. It's awesome for a snack re-heated in the microwave!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    obfischer--We will miss you and I'll be praying for you.

    Hoosiermomma--CONGRATS! & Share your recipe with us!!

    ashlee--it's a new day! Don't let that get you down!

    An organization I'm in had our "Thanksgiving Dinner" tonight and it was really pretty healthy! We had turkey & ham, but I sprayed the turkey with "I can't believe it's not butter" and that kept it moist but lower in calories. We had corn on the cob, salad with light dressing, rolls, mashed potatoes & gravy, and green bean casserole. The green bean casserole was the highest calorie thing I ate, and even it was only 161 calories for 3/4 cup. Of course, there was dessert, but I stayed away from that by filling up on an extra serving of salad (I also skipped the mashed potatoes but I don't like those in the first place).

    On Thanksgiving, I'm doing a Turkey Day Trot 10K. Hopefully it's warmer than last year when it started freezing rain at almost the halfway point of a straight out and back course, so even stopping to walk to turning around wouldn't have helped at all, haha. Then it's off to my grandparents (assuming my grandpa is home from the hospital by then--and it looks like he will be, thank God!) for Thanksgiving Dinner. Which honestly I couldn't care less to eat, I just don't like Thanksgiving traditional food! I go just to visit the family these days, haha.
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Cranberry Pear Crisp

    3 cups cooked brown rice
    2 cups diced pealed pears
    1 cup chopped fresh cranberries (frozen are ok)
    1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar
    5 Tbsp flour
    vegetable cooking spray
    1/4 cup rolled oats
    3 tbsp. butter
    1/4 C chopped pecans
    1/4 C flaked coconut (I skipped)

    Combine rice, pears, cranberries and 1/3 cup sugar and flour. Place rice mixture in a 9 X 13 baking dish coated with cooking spray.
    Combine 3 Tbsp. flour, remaining brown sugar and oats in a bowl and cut in butter with a pastry blender until mixture resembles coarse meal. Add pecans and coconut and mix well. Sprinkle over the rice mixture.
    Bake at 375 for 25 minutes or until thoroughly heated. Serve warm. Individual portions can be reheated in the microwave

    Makes 12 servings 157 Cal 28 carbs 2g protein 5g fat 24mg sodium 3g fiber

    I am liking this a lot and it is satisfying!
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