Fundraising for Charity Races

I am doing my first half marathon in the New Orleans Rock & Roll Half Marathon in March for American Cancer Society DetermiNATION and I've committed to raising $1250 for ACS for the race. That just seems like such a HUGE amount of money! How do you guys fundraise for these huge fundraising races? What are some ideas as an individual that I can do? Besides wrapping gifts for donations, any ideas for fundraising over the holidays?

Any ideas are greatly appreciated!


  • soccerella
    soccerella Posts: 619 Member
    ask your colleagues or make a facebook page about it? we always get emails at work for some charitable thing someone is doing...even putting a coffe can in the breakroom for leftover change is a good one
  • StrengthIDidntKnow
    StrengthIDidntKnow Posts: 543 Member
    What about a comedy night? There are some organizations that put on comedy shows and a portion of the proceeds goes to the charity. I went to one that also had a silent auction and 50/50.

    Some of the direct sales consultants, ie Mary Kay, Pampered Chef, will donate a portion of their show back to you.

    Pictures with Santa

    If I think of anymore I will let you know.
  • I almost did something like that but was overwhelmed by the amount of money I had to raise. I don't know if you have a chick fil a where you live but they do fund raising. Actually I think a lot of places do...where you are allowed a percentage of sales as long as the people buying mention your fund raiser. krispy creme does some kind of fund raising too. I would check with all your local restaurants, car washes....stuff like that. Good luck! I am running my 1st half in March too!
  • we did a carwash for our Relay for Life team. Also several memebers volunteered at the Cooper River 10k and received money that was split between them. Me I chose to walk/run it. We made our goal.
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Thanks for the ideas. Any more that are good before the holidays especially? And for individuals? I am part of a team but we are spread throughout the state and I'm the only one within about a 45 minute drive.