smoore0411 Member


  • I know this is the answer that no one wants to hear but...give it some time. You are doing all the right things. Mixing up your diet, mixing up your workouts, etc... It's good that you are adding some heavy resistance training. Keep the sugars low and Protein high and make sure the intensity of your workouts match your…
  • Welcome! You'll get plenty of tips and support on MFP. Remember it's not a sprint to the finish. Develop good habits and if you don't know, just ask! Happy to support your journey.
  • I won't say don't beat yourself up because I am the same way. If you miss your goal and your getting mad about it, you're on the right track! Here's what I will tell you - at some point it will just click and you'll hit your 5k and be suprised because you want to keep going.
  • I'm personally not a big fan of supplements, especially for weight loss/cutting. I use protein and occasionaly a pre-workout. I've tried a ton of different hydroxycut type products but really no results. Splitting my diet into 6-7 meals and eating clean helped me. my .02
  • Thanks G_Bell! Not having frappes at our fingertips helps!
  • Great job
  • I should also mention that having the support and assistance of a significant other plays a big role. My wife is constantly experimenting with ways to prepare us the dishes that we love in a low cal healthy alternative. We are also competitive with each other so it adds a bit of sport to the challenge!
  • Thank you. It took me about 6 months. Keep in mind I have been strength training for quite some but not focused on the diet side. My plan was fairly simple. -Cut carbs dramatically to stimulate the loss. I later added a controlled amount back in my diet. -Increased protein to a gm per body weight -split my meals up to 7…
  • give it a shot! What's the worse that could happen, lose 50 instead? Like you said, don't do anything crazy but I'm a firm believer in setting your sights at the moon. Decrease carbs, increase cardio and always add resistance training. Good luck!
  • feel free to add me. I had almost the same journey. Really close stats. I'm 5'9 -Novemeber 2011 I was at 215 lbs - as of today I'm at 170 lbs and feel the best I have ever felt. So I definitely think it's possible to hit your goal. I encourage you to go after it! Glad to provide any help/support.
  • I would not go below 1200. Start looking at food as fuel. Your body needs fuel to operate. Eat your 1200, do your cardio, maybe implement some type of HIT, etc.. and be patient. I know that's easier said than done but you'll be glad you did.
  • I would add 2 days of weight training for 6-8 weeks and play with your protein levels. Gotta shock your body from time to time.
  • def need to change your workout routine. Let us know what you are currently doing and maybe we can throw some ideas your way
  • Suck it up now so you don't have to suck it in later
  • I try to season mainly with hot sauces or garlic. I don't use much other than that. I keep it simple, mainly because simple is easy.
  • Healthy eating and inexpensive eating can easibly be combined. Sometimes it just takes adjusting your taste buds to eating simple (less sodium, sauces, etc...) My grocery list is pretty simple. Bags of chicken breasts, salmon filets, canned tuna/chicken and steamable veggies. My lunch probably cost me less than $3/day. I…
  • I think this is your key indicator. Listen to your body. If you deplete too much you will def feel it in the gym. If you are eating healthier and runnning/sprinting you are going to see some pretty quick losses for a few weeks.
  • starting again is not a bad thing. What is the alternative? I am happy to assist if you want to bounce any questions my way. MFP is definitely the place to be.
  • I track both but not just for the calories but more so for the protein and carb levels. As long as you are staying motivated and seeing results, that's what counts.
    in Hey! Comment by smoore0411 July 2012