

  • Cathe Friedrich is awesome! She has helped me reach many goals over the past 9 months. She will challenge you like no other. She is tough, but well worth trying. Some of her workouts are on fitTV if you would like to preview.
  • I know what you mean!!! I have been PMSing really bad! I ate ice cream all weekend, but I also exercise my rear off when I cheat. I make sure I push myself extra hard in the days afer I binge to compensate. This can be so hard. I have lost 12 lbs since October and I am not going to fight to get this weight off for the 20th…
  • It is not awesome for everyone.
  • My dad had a triple bypass this time last year. He is a 40+ year smoker and a diabetic. By the grace of God he made it through the surgery and exceeded the doctor's expectations during his recovery. There were many people praying for him. The power of prayer is awesome!
  • Definitely home! Absolutely no excuses. I have a step, weights, a ball, and tons of Cathe Friedrich dvds.
  • I lost my grandmother on August 18, 2007. There is not a day that goes by I do not miss her terribly. She was a strong Christian woman and I know she is in Heaven with Jesus. I will be praying for God's will to be done in her lfe as well as yours. I will also be praying that He gives you both the strength you need to get…
  • I love all of the Cathe Friedrich dvds. I started out using 3 and 5lb dumbells and I am up to 8 and 10lbs, plus for many things I use a 25-35lb barbell. She has motivated me like no other instructor. I can tell you that it takes so much time. I have been consistently working out with weights for 7 months and still have a…
  • I got hooked on Cathe Friedrich about 6-8 months ago and I absolutely LOVE her. She is very motivating. I never thought I could do step because of knee pain, now I do most all workouts on an 8" step. There is a site called They have most all of her dvds and you can try them and return if you don't…