Rindabu Member


  • You look amazing and I love the tattoos!
  • Thank you so much :). I'm 25. People used to think I was my husband's mother :(. Now they think i'm 17. My mother had the bypass at the same time as me and it took the years off her too.
  • I just had abdominoplasty. I carried most of my weight in my stomach, so I had about 2 square feet of excess skin. O.O
  • How have I never heard of this? I have enough recipes to keep me busy for the next month. lol
  • Thank you all for the advice. I upped my calories for the last four days. Not only am I less tired, but my scale moved for the first time in three weeks. I guess I just got too used to eating super small amounts that I didn't even realize that I was practically starving myself. Lol and a special thanks to dward59 for…
  • I don't think I could continue to lose 2-3 lbs a week. I'm only 15 lbs from my ideal body weight. I wouldn't mind a pound a week. I just feel so tired and hungry but I can only fit so much in my pouch at once. :(
  • I had considered long sleeve under armor because I have a VERY pale complexion. The main reason i wanted to wear a tank top was so I wouldn't get overheated. Does the under armor make a lot of difference temperature wise?
  • I just hit 150lbs lost a few days ago. I've lost half my bodyweight in 9 months. I'm 10 lbs from my ultimate goal weight. :D
  • Is it swallowing solids that is the problem? You could try leaning forward when you swallow. That used to help me. Still, That could be a sign of Dysphagia. It's an issue with the muscles in the esophagus that move food to your stomach. You might want to check with a doctor about that.
  • Thanks for all the advice. :) I talked to my mom and we decided to stick to just whole foods for a while. 6-8 months of healthy habits just aren't enough to erase 20+ years of compulsive overeating. We went out and got some healthy snack alternatives and let my kids finish off the goldfish. I'm glad to be rid of the…
  • Cons: The first three days post op Not being able to eat and drink at the same time You eat so little that left overs occupy most of your fridge space Pros: Completely got rid of my obstructive sleep apnea Way more energy No more heart palpitations SELF CONFIDENCE!!!
  • The first three days are the hardest. You'll hate jello soon enough. lol
  • If I ever want to add my isopure protein powder to a hot liquid, i mix it with a small amount of cold liquid first and just add that. It eliminates clumping.
  • I just hope everyone is proud of their responses and justifications for said responses. How YOU perceive your advice is not important. How she perceives it is. The ultimate goal of advice is not to bully someone into your way of thinking. That doesn't help anyone. If anything it makes them less likely to try and understand…
  • That's why i referred to the comments as "seemingly negative." While I agree that this is a serious issue and I am not intending to minimize, I can certainly understand why angelaanhela would feel kind of attacked. She came here for support and understanding. What she got was tough love, but it took more of a tone of group…
  • I only want to say that you seem like a strong, opinionated, beautiful woman and you would be doing a disservice to yourself if you didn't do everything in your power to take advantage of this opportunity to improve your health. Also, I'm sure all these seemingly negative comments are coming from a place of concern and…
  • I also had wls in Oct 2013 :) What did you have done?
  • A VSG will help with weight loss, but it will probably do nothing for your reflux. RNY's are very good for relieving acid reflux, though.
  • That has happened to me a couple of times. My doctor says that when that happens to sip hot liquids. SIP VERY SLOWLY and avoid solid foods for a couple hours. Just try and remember to eat slower. It will become second nature soon enough.
  • You'll find no judgement here. I think it is awesome that you're taking such a huge step towards a healthier you. I have a brother and a son with autism. I know how challenging it is to deal with, but you also wanting to lose weight so you can take care of your son is so beautiful. I know you can do it, and i'm sure…
  • Nvm. Problem solved.
  • Honestly, I would never eat if I had to eat when hungry. I just don't get hungry and eating has become a chore. Most nutritionist will recommend that you get at least 60 grams of protein a day. Protein helps you heal and keeps you from losing muscle mass. Maybe you should look into talking to another doctor or a…