eidalac Member


  • Well, down 5 lbs, which puts me half way on my weight... unfortunately I didn't do any running last week, due to various situations. Bummer.
  • Down a pound and up 9.6 miles... though the pedometer on my phone is trying to KILL me. But I think I got that figured out. Of course, if I were sane, I'd just walk on my off days (I was already running 3-4 days a week), but -no- I gotta be all macho and run it all. LOL.
  • Oye, still not sure about those 100 miles... but nothing left but to try. lol.
  • I'm in. So, my weight goal is... 184. Doable. Less sure about the running... but we'll see as we go.
  • I've never heard of it having such an affect. I can see it leading to water retention, and it's linked to high blood pressure, but it shouldn't be linked to your metabolic rate by any means I'm aware of.
  • I get that alot, but then I tell people what I weigh ... and then I have to get on a scale to prove it. I simply don't look as overweight as I am. Granted, I'm not that overweight, but more than anyone would think to look at me. Then again, I also sink like a stone in water, so it's not so much of a body fat % with me.…
  • I aim for once a week; though I tend to do it a bit more often then that since there is a scale I walk by at work every day & I use the WII for some stuff and it bugs you to test every day, so I sometimes do it to make it shut up. But a weekly check is what is most commonly advised to do.
  • I'd do both. You need the cardio to lose weight and the muscle from strength training to keep it off. From your description and weight, I'd think it best to focus a bit more on the strength training ATM, since you don't seem to have a huge amount of weight to lose ATM, but putting all your effort into strength training…
  • Eating less than 1,200 for a prolonged period can be bad, as eating that little can trigger your body to go into 'starvation mode', during which time it'll store as much energy as it can as fat rather than burn it. The exact amount varies from person to person, but I will add in a snack to avoid going under 1300 myself,…
  • 'Bout to do my morning run once it warms up a bit. Week 4 and I'm up to 2.5 miles... scheduled says I should be up to 3, but that seems too much of a jump for me ATM (called for 2 for a week, then 2.5 one day and 3 the next...). I don't -like- it, partially because I still can't run more than a few moments without having…
  • Hrm... well, if you haven't changed anything, I wouldn't be terribly concerned. Might just be a factor of your dieting having altered your base line metabolism and/or muscle gain. I know the last time I was losing some weight, I hit spots where I wouldn't lose anything for a week, but on cutting back on calories for a few…