Loosing to fast?!

I wasn't sure where to post this.. but I'm getting concerned.

I have been dieting for well over a year and although I had my weeks where I had my wieght drop 3-4 lbs, it's never been anything quite like this.

It's been a bit over a week and I have lost 7ish pounds already.

I haven't been doing anything different, eating the same, same calories, exercising, eating them back... I feel like I have been eating more if anything, since I'm loosing.. why not lol.

But I know how loosing fast can hurt you, your skin, ect.. and I'm worried.. but I don't know what to do! I am scared to up my calories, I don't want to gain... just to loose like I was before... whatever happened.

Will this rapid loss hurt me? I see no lasting effects atm... just my clothes fitting nicer, lol.

Should I be to concerned?


  • kbrown1171
    I'm not sure what the answer would be but I just wanted to reply so I could say -- WAY TO GO!!! 101 pounds lost!!! Great job! :smile:
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    My advice, if you're really concerned, ask your dr. If the dr says it's ok, it's ok
  • JamieSK
    JamieSK Posts: 266 Member
    My first week I lost 4 pounds..I attribute it to the "shock" of my body not used to the diet & exericse I'm getting. It will most likely change...if not head to the DR.
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    My advice, if you're really concerned, ask your dr. If the dr says it's ok, it's ok

    Unfortunally, I have HIP since we don't have much money and my doctor is no offense chubby. She won't listen to me when I talk about weight loss, she just drops her jaw at my progress :(.

    I can't afford another doctor... and my insurance won't cover it.

    So that's why I'm trying to get opinions here.

    (and no I don't and can't afford to go to a gym right now and talk with a trainer)
  • mccgivens
    Could be water weight but like she said, if you're really worried, ask your doc...Good Job on the wight loss though!! Woot, Woot!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    How many calories are you eating? Are you getting the nutrients your body needs? Has this only been happening for a short time? If it is a short term thing and your body is getting the fuel it needs, then you are probably ok. If it keeps up, you will need to see a doctor to see if there is something bigger going on with your body. Short term isn't going to hurt you though.
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    Has it been just this one week, or a recurring quick loss over the last month or so? If it is a one week deal, I might not stress about it too much. If it is a weekly fast drop, I might considering upping my calories. It is possible that as you are losing weight, your metabolism is kicking into high gear...

    I recently had a fairly large drop (a little over 3 pounds in ONE day!). It took a couple of days, but I actually ended up gaining a couple back (which I had kind of been expecting). I have no idea why the quick loss and gain, but I evened out at less than last week, so I am comfortable with it. Interested in hearing what others have to say though...
  • mccgivens
    Oh, just keep monitoring like you are doing. You will know if something is not right. You know your body. :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • cskalaj
    cskalaj Posts: 94 Member
    I'm sorry, but "chubby" or not, if your doctor doesn't support your weight loss and you had over 100 pounds to lose, find a new doctor! Otherwise, I would say that 7 pounds in a week is fast, yes, but who knows what your body is doing? Is this after a month or so of plateau? I wouldn't worry about it unless it continues at such a rapid pace. For example, if you're down 20 pounds by the end of the month, go see a doctor (I'd save up and go see a different one personally). Weight fluctuates both in the negative AND positive every day. 7 may seem like a lot, but our bodies can fluctuate 5 pounds any given day, so give yourself a break :)
  • Barbj56
    Barbj56 Posts: 39 Member
    How many pounds are you set to lose each week? It is sad when docotors won't address your concerns. I would say if it's only for a week, you are probably okay. However, if it continues past 14 days, I would see my doctor.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Unless it continues for several weeks I'd just celebrate and keep up the good work. If it does continue for several weeks then I'd probably see whatever doctor I had access to.
    I wouldn't be concerned unless it kept happening. You may have dropped most of it in water weight. Or maybe you just pushed to a new level. If it happens next week as well, then you should look into checking with your doctor or upping your calories.
  • eidalac
    eidalac Posts: 11 Member
    Hrm... well, if you haven't changed anything, I wouldn't be terribly concerned. Might just be a factor of your dieting having altered your base line metabolism and/or muscle gain.

    I know the last time I was losing some weight, I hit spots where I wouldn't lose anything for a week, but on cutting back on calories for a few days I suddenly lost alot in a short span. I could be something as simple as that.

    Now, if you keep losing at this rate for more than a couple of weeks, I'd think it'd be best to see/ask a professional, just in case.
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    How many calories are you eating? Are you getting the nutrients your body needs? Has this only been happening for a short time? If it is a short term thing and your body is getting the fuel it needs, then you are probably ok. If it keeps up, you will need to see a doctor to see if there is something bigger going on with your body. Short term isn't going to hurt you though.

    Eating the same, 1200 plus exercise calories.. it might seem low, but I am jobless and do nothing all day., been at 1200 for months.

    Yes, just a short time, just this past week+.
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    Has it been just this one week, or a recurring quick loss over the last month or so? If it is a one week deal, I might not stress about it too much. If it is a weekly fast drop, I might considering upping my calories. It is possible that as you are losing weight, your metabolism is kicking into high gear...

    I recently had a fairly large drop (a little over 3 pounds in ONE day!). It took a couple of days, but I actually ended up gaining a couple back (which I had kind of been expecting). I have no idea why the quick loss and gain, but I evened out at less than last week, so I am comfortable with it. Interested in hearing what others have to say though...

    Well it's always stayed the same then dipped down at the end of the week, but not this much, usually only 1-3 lbs, this is the first time it went 7.
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    I'm sorry, but "chubby" or not, if your doctor doesn't support your weight loss and you had over 100 pounds to lose, find a new doctor! Otherwise, I would say that 7 pounds in a week is fast, yes, but who knows what your body is doing? Is this after a month or so of plateau? I wouldn't worry about it unless it continues at such a rapid pace. For example, if you're down 20 pounds by the end of the month, go see a doctor (I'd save up and go see a different one personally). Weight fluctuates both in the negative AND positive every day. 7 may seem like a lot, but our bodies can fluctuate 5 pounds any given day, so give yourself a break :)

    I can't afford it.. HIP won't pay. I seriously can't stress the money factor. It's hard enough buying healthy food to loss.

    And I was at a plateau for a few weeks.. now that you mention it, before this happened.. wasn't a major one but it was fusterating.

    Yes if I loose 20 more I know something is wrong and will have to figure out a way to see another doctor.. but with the holiday's, it's almost impossible.. :(...

    I don't have a job and can't find one and have been (not being picky we live in a small town) looking for awhile :/.
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    How many pounds are you set to lose each week? It is sad when docotors won't address your concerns. I would say if it's only for a week, you are probably okay. However, if it continues past 14 days, I would see my doctor.

    I'd say been 8-10 days I'd have to go back and check, and I have it set for 2 lbs a week.