You don't look like you need to lose weight. Huh?



  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    So when people say, "you dont look like you need to lose weight." its because you look good and healthy and losing weight isn't going to change you body any. Working out and toning is what you really want, not to keep dropping weight and most people dont look at someone and think, they need a supermodel body. If you are in a decent porportion to the rest of your body, you are healthy, then you are fine at your weight. Most people are probably dying to just be your size.

    I am actually overweight by the charts, and according to my doctor. But, I agree, sometimes, it is the toning we need. I'll love it when I get there. :-)
  • BBCTiffyB
    BBCTiffyB Posts: 114 Member
    I get told that all the time...............I find I explain to them that I am within
    norms of weight for my age and height, Its my body fat % is off the charts.

    That's my biggest problem. In my case, they would be right! I don't need to 'lose any more weight" however I do need to drop a few % in the body fat region. People who don't understand that "weight" and "fat" are really two very different things, they just don't understand.

    I know they really mean it when they think that, but it is just that, they don't really understand. I'm sure you do look great, but we are our own worst critics, but we also know our bodies the best! Congrats on the weight loss and good luck on the weight loss still to come :)
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    I think it may be because it's normal for people to be at the high end of their weight range or at the least, slightly over weight. If you look healthy to someone they'll probably think that wanting to lose weight is vanity. If someone were to look at me now I doubt that'd know that gaining less than a pound would have me in the overweight category for my height.

    Even crazier than having someone say that I don't need to lose weight... I had someone tell me that I don't look like I need to exercise! No matter what size you are you should have some activity in your life just to stay healthy.

    I got that the other day "were you just running?" "no, I just have a sweating problem... Just kidding, yeah" "you should know you really don't need to run!" umm... I value my heart, so I actually do!

    I have large boobs, and tend to carry my weight decently, so people kept thinking I didn't have much to lose... Even people who have seen me naked, which leads me to believe our society really has decided it is okay to be overweight. I was a rounding error away from obesity when I first started...
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    All the time!! Lol.. Well actually I get people who argue saying I don't weigh what I said I do.. That I weight MUCH less! Like WHY would I lie about my weight and say a LARGER number??
  • nrvo
    nrvo Posts: 473 Member
    I just say thanks, and tell them that I'm trying to just eat healthier.
  • eidalac
    eidalac Posts: 11 Member
    I get that alot, but then I tell people what I weigh ... and then I have to get on a scale to prove it. I simply don't look as overweight as I am. Granted, I'm not that overweight, but more than anyone would think to look at me.

    Then again, I also sink like a stone in water, so it's not so much of a body fat % with me. Which reminds me I need to figure that out again.
  • claire_xox
    claire_xox Posts: 282 Member
    I tell people they don't need to lose weight when I think they should...The Healthy BMI range is HUGE and you can be in it and have a bit of flab. But if anyone starts talking about a diet and when they are probably in the healthy range but the higher end of course I say you don't need to lose weight!! and from a medical point they probably don't, but socially they probably are overweight... and of course it's not just physical that matters, mental does to.

    If you talk about a diet, no one in the world would turn around and say "That's a good idea, I was going to suggesst it for you".
  • AimingHighWeighingLow
    I go with one of the following:

    'the scale tells me different'
    'my jeans beg to differ as I can't do them up'
    'are you blind'
    'I look different without clothes on...wanna see....then they change their minds!'

    Then I log them in my head as known liars who would never tell you what they really think!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I get this all the time because I'm tall and no one understands that my weight just has more places to go.... it doesn't mean that I'm not overweight or heavy.. I am, I just don't look like it.

    I have friends who are shorter, so obvi. their weight shows more.. and when I say how much I've lost, everyone freaks out and acts like I'm trying to kill myself.. when in reality, I'm looking and feeling better then I've felt in 3 yrs.. sorry that they can't support that.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    I got this all the time before I lost weight. I was borderline overweight (BMI 25-26) and I DID need to lose weight to be optimally healthy.

    Now I have lost weight everyone says "wow! you've lost so much weight, you look great!" Well thanks, but you were telling me before I didn't need to, so which is it?

    I think other people don't like us losing weight as it makes them feel threatened in some way.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member
    That's why I tried (and still do) to emphasize fat loss and muscle gain goals. After all, that's the real purpose. If all we needed to do was lose weight, then we could just cut off our arms and legs...
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I was at 140 (at 5'0") before I got pregnant - my highest ever, aside from previous pregnancies - and people always said I looked great, didn't need to lose anything, etc. I was 20 pounds over what I consider my ideal, and my body was feeling the strain - joint pain, less energy and endurance, etc.

    I've managed to keep my gain during the pregnancy to 15 pounds so far (at almost full term) and everybody keeps telling me how SMALL I look, even though I'm measuring big according to the doctor. I don't get it! I wonder if we have gotten used to women gaining so much during their pregnancies that they are huge everywhere, or what, but it falls under the same thing I guess.
  • lisaweaver3
    lisaweaver3 Posts: 29 Member
    While people may say "you don't look like you need to lose weight", what I actually hear is that they don't want me to change so they don't have to be accountable for the way they look. Or, they are co-dependent and tell me what they think I want to hear. Regardless, since my doc wants me at a certain weight, that's the number I'm shooting for...
  • fitwatch
    "Thanks, just trying to get into shape! I want to see if I might qualify for a body building contest? Do you think I might qualify or do you think I should gain some more muscle weight?"
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    i'm 6'3", so people say i "carry my weight well." its all in my belly pouch and my thighs. i say thanks and just think that i have to go work out a little harder.
  • kanzz
    kanzz Posts: 13
    yes a few times people will say i m so tiny but i know i m not especially my tummy so my response will be just smile and thank you.
  • kristinkt
    kristinkt Posts: 921 Member
    I just say thanks, and tell them that I'm trying to just eat healthier.


    I think many times people are telling us what they think you want to hear. Most likely because that same person would like to hear someone tell them they don't need to lose weight. I wouldn't take it too seriously. These seem to mostly be casual conversations rather than true heart to heart talks.
  • yanicka
    yanicka Posts: 1,004 Member
    I get told that all the time...............I find I explain to them that I am within
    norms of weight for my age and height, Its my body fat % is off the charts.

    That's my biggest problem. In my case, they would be right! I don't need to 'lose any more weight" however I do need to drop a few % in the body fat region. People who don't understand that "weight" and "fat" are really two very different things, they just don't understand.

    I know they really mean it when they think that, but it is just that, they don't really understand. I'm sure you do look great, but we are our own worst critics, but we also know our bodies the best! Congrats on the weight loss and good luck on the weight loss still to come :)

    Same here. I am in a size 4 skinny jeans but my body fat is around 28%.
  • reallivefitness
    I get people telling me a lot that I don't need to work out as much as I do because I'm "so skinny." Yeah, well, it takes work to maintain that look, duh. And I do still have a muffin top and some belly jiggle I need to get rid of, but no one sees that when I have clothes on. I figure that when my bf starts to tell me I don't need to lose anymore I'll think about it, since he gets to see the WHOLE picture. :-P
  • dlyeates
    dlyeates Posts: 875 Member
    I'm 5'4" and weight about 185. I'm trying to get to my pre-baby weight of 170 as my first goal and 150 as my ultimate goal.. I have a good friend who is at least 3 inches taller than me who tells me all the time that I look good and shouldn't lose any more weight. I try to explain that for my height and BMI I'm quite overweight and she tells me not to look at the charts.

    Finally silenced her last night when I asked her why she gets to be under 160 and is taller than me but I don't need to lose weight?!?!?! She said that I could go to 150 but that should be it. It was funny but I finally got her!!!