How often do you weigh yourself?

I think I am getting a bit OCD with the scale.... I weigh when I wake up, then wake up my daughters and get them dressed, weigh again before I eat or drink to see if it changed.... then before bed.... vicious cycle? I can't help it, and I'm sure that's not normal. So, often do you weigh yourself and why? I know everyone is different, but should there be a few days between weigh-ins?

Kimberly :)


  • Faybelline88
    when I'm dieting I weigh once a day, in the morning, before breakfast and after going to the loo. To me there's no point during the day because you eat and drink etc so any differences will be down to that, and it's only going to go up which could be disheartening!

    I sometimes weigh before bed though because I know I generally lose about 2lb in the night so it's a good indicator and can keep me going if I'm flagging...
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    Everyday. But, only once a day. I've found that weighing everyday has taught me a lot about my body. It has helped me learn what foods cause my weight to go up, go down, etc. How much water I need. Most of all - I've learned what is a normal range for my body. I know that anywhere from 143-147 is normal. This really helps with the "OMG! I gained a pound!" freak outs.

    You're going to see a huge fluctuation if you weigh in throughout the day. How much water you've had, what you've eaten, last time you used the bathroom, etc will ALL show up on the scale. If you MUST know - do it once a day, in the morning after you've used the bathroom but before you've eaten. Then put the scale away until tomorrow. Constantly weighing like you are currently doing will drive you NUTS!
  • Linsey1973
    Linsey1973 Posts: 75 Member
    I am bring strict with myself and weighing myself once a week - on the same scales at roughly the same time of the day.

    Your weight fluctuates during the day so weighing yourself regularly could be, IMO, demotivating!

    I do it when I get up on a Saturday morning before breakfast etc. xxxx
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    There should be a week or longer, unless you're plotting all of these measurements on a scatter graph and analysing trends.
  • blueviolet20
    blueviolet20 Posts: 317 Member
    I weigh myself almost every morning.
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    I weigh every day - in the morning before I eat or drink and after I've used the facilities. This works for me - I know that if I'm going to face the scale in the morning, I'm not going to want to get too off track today. If I lose, I log it. If I gain, I give myself a few days to bring it back down before I log it. This MOTIVATES me a lot.
  • eidalac
    eidalac Posts: 11 Member
    I aim for once a week; though I tend to do it a bit more often then that since there is a scale I walk by at work every day & I use the WII for some stuff and it bugs you to test every day, so I sometimes do it to make it shut up.

    But a weekly check is what is most commonly advised to do.
  • tickletickle
    First thing in the morning everyday, also sometimes night as i loose a kg overnight so will know if i will weigh less.
    I have found on a Saturday im the lightest of the week, dont know why? And Thursdays im heaviest.
    You fluctuate through the week anyway, i just take my weight based on the lightest day of course :)
  • kstep88
    kstep88 Posts: 403 Member
    Thank you all for the info... I think I will stick to a morning schedule, and forget the rest. Afterall, I drink like 12 cups of water a day and I'm sure that doesn't help when I jump on the scale mid-day. Thanks again!
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Daily in the morning before coffee and breakfast. . . but I only log it once a week.
  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    I weigh myself every Monday after I wake up and use the bathroom. That is my constant weigh-in and record day. Whatever number is on the scale on that day is what I check in with.

    Other than that, I weigh in whenever I get curious enough to see what my weight is doing. I like knowing my daily fluctuations. I feel like it gives me a better idea of what different foods do to me and how my body acts on its own. The biggest thing with daily weighing is to remember not to be frustrated by gains because there WILL be gains.
  • Rhodygarden
    I weigh every day - in the morning before I eat or drink and after I've used the facilities - unofficially - as I don't write it down. I keep a weigh in log taped on the bathroom wall and log 'officially' the date and weight every weekend.
  • MaudeBeige
    Twice a day.

    First thing in the morning, after the bathroom visit.
    Last thing at night before going to bed when I think I've been to the loo for the last time!

    And yes, I plot the whole lot on an Excel spreadsheet! (With trendlines!!!)

    I haven't been doing this for long... SallieBeige got me into it because I wasn't 'in tune' with what my body was doing. It's true, I wasn't! I also wasn't remembering what I was weighing each time I did it before and wasn't aware of how much I was losing.. Now, when I 'gain' one day and lose the next I don't panic, I can see the general trend is downhill!

    Thanks Sallie!
  • d_llopez
    d_llopez Posts: 167 Member
    I weigh everyday and sometimes twice. Once in the morning and right before i go to bed. It actually keeps in sane.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    Twice a day.

    First thing in the morning, after the bathroom visit.
    Last thing at night before going to bed when I think I've been to the loo for the last time!

    And yes, I plot the whole lot on an Excel spreadsheet! (With trendlines!!!)

    I haven't been doing this for long... SallieBeige got me into it because I wasn't 'in tune' with what my body was doing. It's true, I wasn't! I also wasn't remembering what I was weighing each time I did it before and wasn't aware of how much I was losing.. Now, when I 'gain' one day and lose the next I don't panic, I can see the general trend is downhill!

    Thanks Sallie!

    I was kinda joking, but if it stops you going mental!
  • inertiadriftsc
    Depends on what im doing. If it's like right now when Im trying to gain a lot of strength I ignore the scale except once a week because my body does strange things when im heavy lifting 3 days a week with 2 days of assistance work. When im plotting it, once a day and only once and I keep a graph to look at overall trends over a couple week period.
  • pawsmum
    i aim for once a week - same time (as far as possible) - same scales

    today though i had a sneaky peak and its gone up due to eating out yesterday

    staying away for a bit to make sure my next weight log shows i am down
  • geminirooster
    Once per week! Saturday mornings at 8 AM!
  • ukrob
    you should weigh yourself, the same time of day as you did before, and similar clothes on, I normally do mine few times a week while at gym in evening. you will get heavier as the day goes on.
  • obstacleone
    every day in the morning. It's a great motivator, or a great reminder on what you need to do. Also, it's nice waking up to a positive in the morning.. hopefully.