

  • Awesome! You're both making me think I'm bound to have another boy now :) We'll see :) I'm due January 31st, but I usually go at least two weeks early (5 week, with my daughter) so I'm guessing I will deliver in mid-January.
  • Awesome! Thanks for friending, Kalee! I'm 16 weeks (tomorrow) I have 2 boys and 1 girl already. This one is a mystery so far :) I started feeling kicks a week ago and they became even stronger today - getting excited! I'm not trying to gain anything yet because I started out about 30 lbs overweight and then gained 10 lbs…
  • Thank you! I would have never imagined there would be an actually pregnancy thread :)
  • We have a lot in common (hobbies) in addition to trying to lose weight so I would LOVE to be friends...I'll send along a request. Good luck!
  • I'm in the SAME EXACT boat as you Lisa! What I've been doing as a work-around of sorts is I've been letting myself have what I want to have but only the tiniest fraction so I feel that I've gotten what I wanted and it satisfies me but it doesn't hurt me that much. For instance, if you look at my food diary from today and…
  • I've sent you a request - I look forward to helping in any way I can! Sometimes I find the best help of all to be just watching someone do what they need to do to make the changes they want to see. I think "I want that!"
  • You can add me too :)
  • Way to go! What an amazing transformation... So inspirational!
  • Thanks for the warm welcome ladies! I blew today off because I really needed a day off after 5 weeks but I'll be back on track tomorrow. Sorry to hear about your doctor's reaction Sylvansuede... my doctor hasn't complained but it doesn't mean she approves... I just don't really know how she feels. I'm drinking as much…