

  • That is AWESOME! 60 lbs in six months. Keep up the good work!
  • I absolutely LOVE Zumba! It is great total body workout. I log it in under Aerobic Dancing and it says over 800 calories for an hour .
  • I highly suggest Zumba. It is an all over workout and it tones everywhere. It is also a lot of fun, so much so you may get addicted. I know I did. Congrats on meeting your goals!!!!!!!! Kathy
  • You can do anything if you set your mind to doing it. Set small goals for yourself that are obtainable. When you reach those goals reward yourself with something you love. I quit smoking eight months ago in addition to trying to lose weight and I reward myself every payday with something. It may be a shirt, going out to…
  • Congrats on your weightloss! You are an inspiration to me and to others that are on the same journey. I have taken control of my life as well. I quit smoking 8 months ago and that was the start of my getting healthy journey. I wasn't on any medication thank goodness but I was well on my way. My triglycerides were high and…
  • You don't need us, sounds like you are a self motivator which is GREAT! You are on the right track. Keep the good attitude. The more you work out the easier it will get. If you are anything like me you'll feel worse when you don't do something everyday. You'll be in that bridesmaid dress before you know it.
  • Could your medication be playing a factor in your weight loss. You may want to discuss with your doctor to see if that is the case. My doctor told me that thirty minutes of cardio isn't enough. He said the body doesn't start burning off your stored fat until after the first thirty minutes of exercise. Use the food journal…
  • My first advice is to eat your calories for the day. Your body needs that energy and nutrients so don't deprive it. Starving your body makes it want to hold on to the stored fat. Plus you'll feel better, have more energy for exercise and keeping up with your children. Keep protein bars around as snacks when you are on the…
  • I absolutely love Zumba! I have been doing it got about six months now. It is such a great workout and it is fun. Don't worry if you don't get all the moves right. You will in time but the purpose of it all is to just keep moving. It is the same as with anything new, the more you Zumba the better you'll get at it. At least…
  • The smallest changes can have the biggest impact. Just because you are trying to get healthy and lose weight doesn't mean you can't have some of the things you like. Making small adjustments in your eating habits will help you succeed in your weight loss and you will not feel like you are doing without some of the things…
  • Instead of bring you treats to show he loves you how about putting the babies in the stroller and taking a walk. You two can spend that time talking about your days and getting exercise at the same time. It will also be a way your boyfriend can support you in your weightlose. Then after your walk he can show his love for…
  • You are going to love Zumba! I have been doing it now for 2 months and I think it shows. I get more of a workout doing an hour of Zumba than if I spent hours upon hours of just doing the treadmill and eplitical. I still do all of that and my strength training but Zumba is a lot more fun. On the days you do Zumba you can…
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