In the wrong mindset

browneyedmom Posts: 26
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
What do you do when you know you are going about this ALL wrong. I know what I should be doing but I am having such a hard time with eating right!!
Most days I am under my calorie goal because I am consumed with calories. Only I am not eating healthy ones just cutting back on the bad ones! I know this is not what I need long term, but it has been a struggle!! My life as I am sure most of yours are, is crazy sometimes with my kids and different activities so it is always all about convenience! Why is it so hard for someone to get into the right mindset. I know it can be done. There are healthy busy people out there, so please share some of your tips that is helping you succeed!!


  • summerblunden
    summerblunden Posts: 184 Member
    What I'm tryign to tell myself (because I have friends that do this exact thing) is that just because it isn't MY way of doing it , it is not wrong. You are making BETTER choices than you used to. Right now, that is enough. Eventually, you will (hopefully) get tired ofthat type of food, and when your weigh loss slows down because you aren't giving your body the right food, your mindset will change.

    So right now, just try and stay honest with what you are eating, eventually you will come around and know that in order to make this a lifestyle, you need to make better choices, and you will then seek out the best choices at whatever place you happen to be eating at.

    What I do is I make my lunch the night before and bring ti with me, that way, if you have to drive the kids through mcdonalds, you have a better option with you already. Plan your food out ahead of time, so you have no excuses. You have to MAKE it convenient for you. Carry an ice chest wherever you go.

    Good luck!!
  • My first advice is to eat your calories for the day. Your body needs that energy and nutrients so don't deprive it. Starving your body makes it want to hold on to the stored fat. Plus you'll feel better, have more energy for exercise and keeping up with your children.
    Keep protein bars around as snacks when you are on the go. The food journal in MFP really helps me keep track of it all. You'll get there just don't give up. Every day is a choice you make to live a healthier lifestyle.
    Good luck with your weight loss.

  • hamiltonba
    hamiltonba Posts: 474 Member
    I've had to make many "break throughs" during my "journey" to a healthy lifestyle. I think that it is mostly mental and you definitely have to be in the right mindset. I think the hardest part was finding that happy medium of eating healthy, but not going without. I can eat a cupcake, just not 2 or I can eat chips, but portion them out into a bowl, don't eat out of the bag. I think baby steps at first and then once you can conquer small items, you continue with the bigger picture. I also think it would help if you read articles about eating healthier and finding out what you need to do. And before you eat something that is not healthy (chips, icecream, cake, macaroni & cheese, etc) ask yourself if you really need it. Or ask yourself how bad do you want to lose weight? If you eat the food in excess, then you don't want it....
  • Jamie_V
    Jamie_V Posts: 26
    Hey, now, don't be too hard on yourself. Since when did cutting out some of the "bad" calories become such a terrible thing? One step at a time, hon, be patient with yourself. One good choice at a time. :wink:
  • I guess it is the perfectionist in me. I feel like I have to do all or nothing. Which is what used to sabotage me because if I messed up on one little thing I would say I blew the whole week and wait until Monday to start all over again. Believing all the while that since I didn't start until Monday I could completely binge until then! I have gotten myself out of that mindset THANKFULLY! I guess I just need to apply it to this too. I really love this site and can't believe how much it is helping me!!
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    I guess it is the perfectionist in me. I feel like I have to do all or nothing. Which is what used to sabotage me because if I messed up on one little thing I would say I blew the whole week and wait until Monday to start all over again. Believing all the while that since I didn't start until Monday I could completely binge until then! I have gotten myself out of that mindset THANKFULLY! I guess I just need to apply it to this too. I really love this site and can't believe how much it is helping me!!

    one way to try introducing "better" things into your diet is by doing it little by little. become obsessed with a particular type of vegetable and then seek out all its varieties, try it with all kinds of different recipes, put it where you think it wouldn't belong.

    one thing that totally shaped the way i eat today (which i love my diet) is to get things locally and/or organically from farmers markets or roadside stands because it turned out that it wasn't that i didn't like ___________, it was that i didn't like it when it was picked early and gassed to ripen on cross-country trucks. most of the produce at the grocery is bland. i have never had a grocery store produce item and said "whoa.. this is the most amazing ______ i have ever eaten!" but this is a regular comment from stuff i get from our garden, market and csa share.

    grocery stores only supply the most mainstream of vegetables, which are fine when you're in a pinch, but are nowhere near the deliciousness nor variety that truly exist!
  • st27
    st27 Posts: 101
    Yes it happens....Just start planing your meals. Get small healthy snacks together and place then in Plastic bags. Look for a good protein bar to have on you at all times. Start a food journey and write things down,This can help you express how you feel some days. Have more fruits and vegs in your diet as part of you meals and snacks. And drink more water. Yes , you Can do this. Stay focus and take a step back and see what you reallly want out of all this.Small small goals and keep asking for help. Good luck. tc. hug.
  • emersoam
    emersoam Posts: 179
    The "big idea" that has made the most impact on my nutrition is thinking this...'FOOD AS FUEL." I try to get exercise each day (running, walking, biking, playing tennis, weight lifting, etc...). I know that I need food/fuel to help my body be successful and get stronger. And then I need to eat well after hard exercise, so I can rebuild/repair my body. Just my 2 cents.
  • I lost 67 pounds 2 years ago--I tried several times without success. One day it just clicked in my head and I took off with it. When I saw the numbers start to move, it just kept me motivated. I slowly gained 45 pounds back over time- I just quit doing the things I knew I needed to do--it was too easy to fall back into. The joy I felt when I got under 200 pounds for the first time in years was awesome--I told myself I would never see that 2 again...but slowly I gained 45 pounds back...recently when I found myself back to 215, going to the doctor again because my blood pressure was back up, and realizing what had happened....I heard that click again. I work at a hospital and have a crazy schedule between work/home/kids/etc as most of us do. I stopped making the excuses, immediately cut out all caffeine (including my 2-3 cappucinos a day), cut all sugar that is not in fruit or normal food (no junk food), and wrote down everything that went in my mouth. One of my coworkers told me about this site the other day. I started on July 6 and to date have lost 18 pounds. I can't really explain what made it click--I think for me it was seeing the scale start to move. Now this takes the front of my mind. After the first week, sugar doesn't even sound good to me, I don't crave the things I did before. It is very tough...just keep the ultimate goal in mind and one other thing....Don't look at the total pounds to lose... Don't say, "I need to lose 50 pounds"....say, "I need to lose 10 pounds, five times" Do 5 or 10 pound goals at a time--then it doesn't seem so far away.
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