

  • Also a Dr Pepper junkie! Havent stopped altogether yet... But it's not really worth all the calories and carbs to me. I think it's more of a taste thing with me than the caffiene since in the past I have switched to caffiene free sodas and not had a problem but I alwas go back to my Dr Pepper! When people say the diet…
  • If you are unable to seek conciling there is a book I highly recomend, it's called The Dance of Anger by Dr. Harriet Lerner. I read this book about six months ago and it really helped me. Best of luck to you!
  • Me too. I thought maybe it was all the extra sweat from exercising even though I shower right after- hate being sweaty! Never occured to me it was the diet change.
  • I have this friend and i've been exercising with him and ha always trys to get me to eat something bad! He'll be like you can eat these french fries or this brownie we're going to burn it off. It's a little hard to deal with sometimes I haven't the best track record with sticking to healthy eating. I told him that I was…
  • I dont have any children but I do take care of my elderly parents. It's a full time job. I think you have to do the best you can and not be so hard on yourself. No one can do everything no matter how much you want to. Perfection is a nice idea but its just not reality. I try constantly to remember this one- you have to…
  • Bring something you can snack on without feeling guilty and take a bite of that whenever you want.
  • I've only just started but I exercise really late as well. I havent been eating the exercise calories hopefully to lose weight faster. This is probably not a good idea though because if I did eat them later on it would throw off my weight loss. Also I find by not using them if I go over a little when I cant check on…