best friends really NOT helping . .bless her!!



  • chubbychristianchick
    chubbychristianchick Posts: 217 Member
    Here is a tip for the future: When offered something or put in a situation where you feel must take something... I always say no thank you I don't want to feel guilty later. This will make the person you are with stop and think as well as help you hold yourself accountable! In the mean time don't beat yourself or your friend up. It's easy to feel peer pressure and eat what we should when other are indulging!
  • Just because our friends and family eat whatever they want and stay skinny dosn't mean their healthy. There heart and arteries need a break from that junk food.
  • I have this friend and i've been exercising with him and ha always trys to get me to eat something bad! He'll be like you can eat these french fries or this brownie we're going to burn it off. It's a little hard to deal with sometimes I haven't the best track record with sticking to healthy eating. I told him that I was trying to burn off the fat already on my body not the fat as im eating it, lol. I try to have a good attitude about having to say no all the time, it's frustrating but later I feel proud of myself for resisting the temptation.
    But I know alot of people who have no clue about nutrition, most of my friends will tell you I have tried to educate all of them at some point. They are nice about it because they know I love them. Maybe you could help your friend?
  • wendybird5
    wendybird5 Posts: 577 Member
    I get friends who, for some reason, expect me to eat any leftover food after a meal. "Here, why don't you finish this?" Um, I'm not your trash can...
  • whitelaurel
    whitelaurel Posts: 162 Member
    I have to deal with a 6 foot 4 skinny guy who is my best friend, unfortunately we share an office... all day he eats candy, drinks dr. peppers and is snacking 24 -7 and he is as skinny as a rail. Just enough to make you want to give up somedays.

    Haha, I have some guy friends like that. (I don't have any girl friends like that...) It makes me wonder! Seriously! Never give up, he's just one of those lucky *kitten* who was in the right place at the right time when God was giving out limited edition "Never Have To Worry About Your Weight In Your Life" passes. :)
  • d2footballJRC
    d2footballJRC Posts: 2,684 Member
    I have this friend and i've been exercising with him and ha always trys to get me to eat something bad! He'll be like you can eat these french fries or this brownie we're going to burn it off. It's a little hard to deal with sometimes I haven't the best track record with sticking to healthy eating. I told him that I was trying to burn off the fat already on my body not the fat as im eating it, lol. I try to have a good attitude about having to say no all the time, it's frustrating but later I feel proud of myself for resisting the temptation.
    But I know alot of people who have no clue about nutrition, most of my friends will tell you I have tried to educate all of them at some point. They are nice about it because they know I love them. Maybe you could help your friend?

    I would have to tell the friend if you keep trying to get me to eat bad stuff I am going to have to find another exercise partner. Losing weight is hard enough without extra outside temptations from someone else!
  • BlutAura
    BlutAura Posts: 97
    Luckily all my friends know to ask for exact instructions.
    If they know your aims and your ambitions they should not get offended if you reject their trash off hand, after all I'm assuming they want a healthy best-friend for years to come.

    Also beware the saboteur! There is always one... You know who they are! Always trying to sneak that cookie or flapjack into your lunch and make you feel guilty if you don't eat it!