- Would love friendly competition, challenges & motivation! B)
I have a knee that flares up due to fibromyalgia. I find that if I do the cool stretches at least 3 times on the first few days, followed by a protein shake, it helps cut down on the pain. Since my knee pain is not really muscular, I don't know if that is actually what is helping it or not. I wear a brace on it during the…
I was not aware that the Daniel fast or any other FAST was actually "marketed" to Christians as a diet. If a Christian (or anyone for that matter) is using this as guidelines for a weight loss tool, then it is not a fast. A religious fast has nothing to do with losing weight. Last time my church did a fast as a group, they…
Alrighty well, my progress has been less than satisfactory. :sad: I think the cardio may be to intense for the knee that I have trouble with. I really wanted to do this 30 day shred but I have to keep myself safe first. I'm probably going to resort to walking as my cardio and just doing the strength and ab exercises from…
No it's not rude as long as you trust that she won't take anything she shouldn't. When I filed for divorce, he wasn't there when I moved out but he knew I would only take what we agreed on.
I wouldn't take it personally. I've only had one doctor's nurse (a woman) comment on a 15 lb weight loss. Other than that, none of my docs have ever commented on flucutation in weight unless they thing I have a illness to go along with it. Congrats, btw. :)
Going to a make your own pottery type of class.
Thanks. I've really always used the "eat less and exercise more" approach to not myself crazy. I want to be healthy AND happy, and for me personally, obsessing over one piece of fruit or any other food might make me unhappy. I know what not to indulge on a huge piece of cake and then expect to stay at the same…
I don't mean to offend, but people who think sugar = sugar should maybe do a little research or talk to a REAL nutritionist. Not your supplement or shake provider, not the person who helped stick you in a contract at the gym, but someone who has gone to school specifically for nutrition. Fat does not = fat and sugar does…
Sugar is not necessarily just sugar. There's simple sugars and there's complex sugars. These digest differently in the system and that's what makes the difference. I remember this from a college level nutrition course but here's an article explaining the difference.…
- On an experiment on homemade burgers compared to Mc D's in the above link: "...Turns out that not only did the regular McDonald’s burgers not rot, but the home-ground burgers did not rot either. Samples one through five…
I started up again last night. Tried to take it a bit easier, stretched more at the end & added a protein shake. So far so good EXCEPT for the knee pain that I know is part of the fibro. I have a brace and will have to use it when I work out. One of my knees is off and on cooperative - especially when our weather can't…
I'm starting (AGAIN) today. I started last Tuesday and wasn't able to walk properly for the past 5 days. Hopefully it doesn't do that this time around. :ohwell:
This is what I don't get. Who really decides what is the right weight for anyone? I mean, I've seen many pictures of people with eating disorders and usually people who are losing weight the healthy way do not look like that. Pictures of girls that are already skin and bones wanting to lose more weight. I think if you are…
You pretty much said exactly what I did except with a lot more words. No, feathers don't equal that of lead unless you have a pound of each - but that was stated at least 2 times already. :wink:
Thanks for the reply! I'm hoping I can start back up today and do the cool down a few more times & add the protein shake. If I hurt like that again, then it's too intense for me to start right now. :ohwell:
"What you should do is chew sugarless gum."
I just finished my year of support group meetings ;) I used to eat too after I finished my drinking for the night...whatever I had in the fridge, I heated it up and ate - mostly bad stuff like mac n cheese.
Technically, no it doesn't. 1 lb = 1 lb. It's the amount of space that the two take up is what's different. Muscle is leaner, so takes up less space in your body. I actually weigh more when I'm leaner from working out if you are to go by the amount of mass that's there.
^This. And yes, I do think that they think that. Some don't see that one of the reasons they are overweight is simply by what they are eating. Or "you need to gain weight, you are too skinny." When I have an issue with my belly resembling a mini muffin top over my jeans, I consider that too much flab and want to do…
I was drinking 1 to 1.5 bottles of wine A NIGHT by the end of 2010. (That's approx 600 cals per bottle) That's not counting the extra damage I did on the weekends - I think on the weekends I was hitting close to 1500 calories on Friday and Saturday night each. On Jan 1, 2011, I stopped drinking completely. The first 10 lbs…
From FB Page -- Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred DVD: "CHEAT DAYS... you need one a week. If you don't, you are going to struggle in weight loss goals eventually. Cheat days (and I'm talking full on with pizza and hamburgers - whatever you want) help boost lepton levels that drop down when you eat a healthier lifestyle. They…
I want to know when swearing became "ok" in the workplace? I think it's very unprofessional, especially in an office setting and many just throw it around like everyday language. What if a client who would be offended is on the phone or walks in? Could mean lost business... :-\
Cookies ( the kind stored in your computer - not the food- haha) is what feeds these ads. I think there are add-ons to firefox to prevent this but is it really that bothersome? Probably not. :)
1200 should be my limit to lose healthy weight (1 lb a week) but it is almost impossible to stay under that. I have less energy throughout the day and it's impossible for me to do a full 20 min workout if I stay that low. I usually start with the limit suggested then adjust accordingly to have enough energy to make it…
It depends...if you aren't comfortable with it, don't be. I used to have a potty mouth, but it took one time of someone talking about ANOTHER girl swearing and how unattractive it is, then I decided to watch what I say. Some people will never see it as vulgar while others will. I didn't change for that person, I changed…
It has for me as well...I think it's the fact that you are more aware of what you are eating and likely steering clear of the really horrible stuff. At least that's what's happening for me. :)
There's no real "good" way. I do have one friend who knows my personality and knows when I tell her stuff, it's always in her best interests. Most other people, I try to show a lot of encouragement & ideas (if they want them) if they say they are trying something. People really won't take unwanted advice until they…