Ash2712 Member


  • Awesome work!!!!!
  • I use you tube.
  • almost 5 months from the day we first met! We moved in together after 3 dates! Without sounding insane...we both just knew! My family had a lot to say about it and us moving so fast. So to gain more respect from my father and brothers (I am the only girl), he told me we were having a long engagment. So almost a year and…
  • I tried it for the first time last night. I have heard so many people talk about it and I found it on you tube. I loved it. I did have to modify it alittle. But it was great!
  • All of these comments made my whole night!!!:laugh: I have always wondered why sex was never in the database lol....I never knew it was a secert was "walk the dog" Good to know:happy: I will never look at others who post this the same way now!! But now I'm interested to know just how many calories are burned when I "walk…
  • I'm on a 1260 cal plan, and I will admit when I first saw the number I thought I would die of starvation lol. But I made the real change to add healthier things to my diet so I am never hungry, some days I even struggle to get all of them in. It is what works for you. I have been serious about wight loss for about a month…
  • So happy to see your joy. It helps to motivate me too. You look amazing keep up the great work!
  • I uses a shake every morning for breakfast, If I don't then I either do not eat or eat crappy foods! I usually do a GNC amp whey protrin, I love the chocolate, the banana is great too! mixing the two is awesome. If I get a sweet tooth at night then I will have one of these (4oz, 93 calories) it is really great! Good luck.
  • Sweet, I am re-starting my slim in 6 program tomorrow!!! I would take a challenge!! lol add me!!
  • I loved reading your story, thank you for being so honest. I was in a similar situation, I am 5'6 and my lowest was 135, I met my husband and he encouraged me to stop smoking finally and then getting engaged was a lot for me I guess, I started creeping up to 185, I was able to lose 15 pounds before the wedding but I put it…
  • I am always on and would love to have more friends to share the journey with!!
  • I am always trying to add more people!! I need all the help and support I can get! I love that having people see my daily progress keeps me trying to do better:blushing:
  • Thanks for the response, this has been very helpful. I changed my settings to project the amount of protein I need, and was shocked at the amount of fat...I think this is going to be hard mentally. But I also think that this will help me reach my goal calories too. I have found that I am never hungry much so I've stayed…
  • So is there such a thing as to much protien? I am still fairly new, I was told that the more protien the better.
  • I was desperate one night for a quick dinner with my kids because of our schedule that day, so we went to wendy's. I got a cheese burger with not ketchup and took the bun off and had that. Not the healthiest but in a bind it worked. Ps most of the cheese got ripped off with the bun...
  • Keep with it, I am starting over again. I tend to make it 2 and a half weeks each time and I always have some reason that I stop. I love the workout because I can feel it! but I set myself up to fail sometimes out of laziness!! So happy to find the group, hopefully this will keep me motivated to stay on track! I am going…
  • I keep under 1300 calories, but I have to admit some days I find that I stay lower because I am so full I do not want anything else, I also have days were my energy is low and I bump it up a little to help. You will figure out what works best for you. My mother in law didn't watch the calories at all when she was in the…
  • I had my first child at the ripe age of 18, and I had gained double the amount of weight you did! I felt horriable about myself and would only wear sweaters and jackets, no matter how hot it was! I understand the pain that comes with it all, you have this beautiful baby that you fell in love with the moment you see them…
  • I am always looking for more friends to help keep me motivated, please add me! Ash2712