dolphin030574 Member


  • It's exactly the same for me! Whenever I'm stressed or upset I just want to eat! The best thing for me is to stay on my eating schedule so I'm not starving cause once Im past that point I'll eat anything! When I know I want to eat something that I shouldnt I try to drink a bottle of water to fill me up and maybe a…
  • There's always going to be obsticals but it's great that you came back! Just get yourself on track again and stay positive! :happy:
  • Good Job! IT CAN BE DONE!!!
  • Welcome! I love this place, it's keeps you accountable for your food intake!
  • Dallas here!! Yes it is way too hot to be outside. My HOA (which I hate with a passion) told us that dead grass is against the rules and were not under a mandatory restriction so until we are we HAVE to water our lawns because its a fire hazard and just doesnt look appealing. One of the lady's on the board of the HOA lives…
  • I use and They both have great low fat/calorie food recipes at a decent price. MealsMatter will even put everything in that recipe in a shopping list for you! Hope this helps!
  • My best friends co-worker is using that, Sensa I believe. She said it works for her and she's lost about 15 lbs so far. I'm on the Phentramine/Prozac diet. It's the lastest craze in Dallas, several of my friends are on it and they have lost a ton of weight. I just started so fingers crossed!
  • Welcome! I'm pretty new here too, I found it's a great place for motivation!