Hello, I am new here,

Kinda. I have been useing My Fitness pal for a few weeks and have lost 6 pounds (depending on the day) since I have started. I am just now getting to know my way around here and figured I should introduce myself.

I am Tina, I am married and have 3 children. My Husband has also joined fittness pal as he wants to not only loose weight, but be supportive of me as well. I was a "skinny Chick" until I got pregnant with my second child, and went from 135 to 200. Starting out on this journey a few weeks ago I am ashamed to say I weighed in at 212 and now weight 206-208 depending on the day. (yes I weigh daily even though I know I should weigh in only once a week.)

My goal is to get back down to 135 and lead a healthier lifestyle so that my children will not only have a good role model, but have me around for a lot longer than they would if I didnt change my way of life. :happy:


  • smcassaro
    smcassaro Posts: 123 Member
    Nice to meet you! I'm fairly new myself. Feel free to add me, I would love to support you on your journey.
  • Aleciajones
    Welcome welcome! You'll probably find that you become addicted to MFP. I am ;)
  • Sepa
    Sepa Posts: 243 Member
    Hello, I am Sarah. Joining MFP is the first step. I have learnt so much by using this site. Monitoring what i eat helps me lots. I never feel hungry when i know how many calories i eat, but if i dont use MFP i am always hungry and dont stop eating junk. I hope you find this site as useful as i have. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like some more moral support :happy:
  • ckclontz
    ckclontz Posts: 68
    You picked the right place to be! MFP is a fantastic site for motivation and support!! I weigh myself daily, too, I must admit, but I only write down the WEEKLY number, and that is what I post here.

    However, make sure that you measure yourself, too - I am down just 16 pounds, but I'm down almost 6 inches in my waist!!! Measure both arms and both legs, too - I haven't found many people who are the same size on both sides, myself included.

    Feel free to add me if you'd like.

    Good luck and good health!
  • tommyekatt
    tommyekatt Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks! smcassaro I added you, At least I hope I did it right. LOL

    Aleciajones, I am already addicted to MFP. I LOVE the barcode scanner on the phone app the best.
  • ♥xenawarriorprincess♥
    Hello and nice to meet ya!!! Congratulations on starting...that is an important step...lol...now continue the trend and you will find yourself back at 130 and being called a skinny chick again.

    I am Shannon and I just turned 40 (and fabulous), I am married 18.5 yrs now...we have 3 teenage boys and one pre-teen girl (11)...I am a recent cancer survivor and have decided that it is my time now to get fit and healthy so I can continue to be cancer free..

    So nice to meet you and will send you a friend request asap...Good luck and blessings to both you and your hubby !!!
  • juliekin
    juliekin Posts: 139 Member
    I am fairly new here. I started at 220, went to 145, gained to 184 and have been trying to have a new outlook and lifestyle change. I weigh in every day, but only put my weight online once a week. I'm married and have 3 kids, also. I'm trying to get to 145 and then rebalance my eating skills and maybe gain 5 pounds of muscle. It is a daily struggle. Feel free to friend if you want.
  • dolphin030574
    dolphin030574 Posts: 9 Member
    Welcome! I'm pretty new here too, I found it's a great place for motivation!
  • soknurdy
    soknurdy Posts: 74 Member
    You are so sweet. Don't be so obsessed with numbers at first, it can seem really daunting. I fluctuate 6 lbs during the month depending on my cycle! (It used to drive me nuts!) But don't forget, taking out foods you're not supposed to be eating here and there and getting some exercise in will make a HUGE difference. When you feel better, you'll have more control, when you have more control, you got it! Good luck!
  • tommyekatt
    tommyekatt Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you all for the warm welcome! I can not tell you how much all the support means to me. Makes me feel like I am not the only one who is going through this, (I know that I am not, but walking down the street and having the OMG look at how big she is looks, makes me feel so alone.) You guys are great!
  • Michelleljustice
    Hi, I just joined this week to get rid of the last of that stubborn baby weight! It seems to be a little harder this time around! My goal is to get back to my pre-prego weight of 145 and maintain with a good balance of healthy eating and exercise. I was almost there several months ago and then I got "lazy" and started gaining weight back. Ugh! This was not a good swimsuit season for me. LOL. I'm finding this a very helpful way to keep track of my intake and I love that I can access by my phone when I'm out, but I think I just need a little more support. Trying to get the hubby on here - he's hanging on to a bit of "baby weight" too ;-)
  • ammient3
    ammient3 Posts: 82 Member
    Hi Tina,
    Welcome to MFP!! I'm Ammie, This is the best support system besides your hubby:) Someone is always here for you no matter what time it is! Wishing you lots of success to reach your goal quickly & healthy:):) I have 2 boys but no where near the same age! SMH!!! Jum right in with us... Your family now!! Enjoy your evening....