Obsticals tempoarily got the best of me- but I'm back!

I found MFP a couple of months ago and I was excited and ready to go and stayed on track for a little while. I have obsticles, I suppose we all do. I've been over weight since I was a kid and have had minor sucess in the past with weight loss, but always gained it back. My biggest obsticle in weight loss and life now is that I was recently diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. One of the best things for this illness is excercise and to keep moving, but it can also be one of the hardest things to do. Now that I finally have some control over the pain I'm ready to go!

I want to turn my "biggest obsticle" into my biggest motivation. It would be awsome to make some new MFP friends to have more support in my journey, and I've been told I'm a pretty good support too :). One thing that would realy inspire and challenge me when I first found MFP was to see my 1 friend on here log her excercise, it would remind me that I can do it to and the rewards of excercise are awesome! I want to be inspired by your sucess and remind myself, and my MFP friends that even excercising and staying with in your calories for 1 day is a sucess. Were all at different levels and need support and to to acheve even the smallest goals to reach that ultimate goal were all here for. So lets be MFP friends and support eachother!


  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member
    Welcome back! I've got fibromyalgia too, and it's a vicious circle - need to exercise, but it hurts to do it.

    I've found that swimming/Aqua aerobics is really good as the water supports your poorly joints.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • IamBrande
    Obstacles can definitely get in the way, esp when they are sometimes so HARD to jump over!! We jump, we fall, We get up, we start again, we run, we Jump , we fall... Just keep getting up, Eventually, you will Jump OVER that hurdler/obstacle in the way!!

    Eh, its justa speed bump!! Welcome back!!
  • dolphin030574
    dolphin030574 Posts: 9 Member
    There's always going to be obsticals but it's great that you came back! Just get yourself on track again and stay positive! :happy: