mdplopez3 Member


  • one hour with a personal trainer then 105 minutes of TaeKwonDo. Burned 1537 calories today :) Edit: I did the TKD AFTER I stepped on a rusty nail and tetanus shot! *dedicated to losing this weight*
  • 986 calories burned: Running at 8mph 913 calories burned: Rollerblading 730 calories burned: Tae Kwon Do 730 calories burned: Jump rope 657 calories burned: Stair treadmill 584 calories burned: Jogging at 5mph 511 calories burned: Backpacking 511 calories burned: Racquetball 511 calories burned: Cross-country skiing 511…
  • Pretty stoked! I've burned 4551!!!!!! That only leaves 449 left until my goal!!!! I"ll have that licked by 10 AM! I've got a family fitness class then TKD so I will kill that 5000 goal! Yeah I'm going to brag a little :) This is only my second week fully dedicating myself to fitness! Yea Me!!!
  • Okie Dokie, I'll play :) Weekly Goal: 5000 Mon: 1423 walking then 120 minutes of TaeKwonDo Tues: 918 Jogging and 1 hour of TaeKwonDo Wed: 716 1 hour at the gym with a personal trainer Thur: calories burned (how they were burned) Fri: calories burned (how they were burned) Sat: calories burned (how they were burned) Sun:…
  • I've got three, but mine are quite a bit younger. I only have healthy option in the house now as opposed to junk. My youngest discovered that he really liked carrot sticks and ranch... who knew! I always have lots of fresh fruits available, they can have as much of that as they want. I also keep yogurt, nuts, whole grain…
  • Welcome to MFP. This is a great weight loss tool! Make mini goals that are totally do-able like increasing your water intake. Cut out fast food. Take a 10 minute stroll. Make one small change a day, and you'll be on your way in no time at all! Healthy is a life style, not a quick fix. It sounds like you've made an half…
  • Congratulations on kicking cancers *kitten*! I don't know much about the medication you're on, is weight gain on of the side effects? If you can beat breast cancer shedding some pounds will be a walk in the park. Talk to a personal trainer at your local gym, they have some great insight. Good luck, you CAN do this!
  • High five to the fellow Bama Belle! I was born and raised there in Anniston and military life has moved me all over the country We are currently in Annapolis, Maryland! Roll Tide Roll!!!!!
  • Congratulations on making your lifestyle change! Making that first step is always the hardest! But the results are so worth it in the end. I'm Melanie I'm south of you here in Maryland :) I've got three kiddo's and my hubby is in the service. I'm an emotional eater, happy sad, anxious, stressed, you name it, I eat it. Now…
  • Welcome! I'm a mom to three kiddo's too! I'm 5'0" and 160. MFP is an excellent tool for your weight loss journey! Having friends to keep you on your toes helps. Feel free to add me! Good luck!
  • He needs to reevaluate his honor and integrity. We live by the tenets of Tae Kwon Do: Honor Integrity Perseverance Self Control Indomitable Sprit. YOU exemplified all 5. He on the other hand sounds like a win at all costs, trophy chaser. BTW Congratulations on your title :)
  • I have thought to ask him! I'm glad that you mentioned that, thanks!
  • Thank you! very interesting. I guess it might be in my best interest since I do have a very specific goal in mind. And its something I can continue to use after the fact.
  • During my formal TKD class we don't wear shoes. But if I'm working out on my own at the gym I wear my trainers. Its sucks because the bottoms grip the floor making turing hard. But I'm not BF on the yucky gym floor so I suffer thought it and just work on simple stances, blocks and kicks, I don't do any combos or poomse…
  • Hi all! 31 in Maryland! I trained many years ago in TKD and got my second don Black belt. I've recently signed the whole family up to begin taking again. My kiddos 6 and 8 and my hubby are all Orange belt and my son 4 is a white orange stripe. I had to start all over from the beginning and I've moved three belts a time and…
  • I wear the VS sports bras I do Martial Arts and tumble with them and I've not had any issues. I'm at 36D. Its looks like you've got quite a few responses so I hope you find one thats right for you!
  • You can add me too :) I'm on everyday and I could use the support too :)
  • I would like to join please :)
  • I suggest that you take a look at they have LOTS of wonderful information when it comes to BFing! Congratulations on your new addition!
  • I've had a Mirena for 4.5 years now and I don't even notice that I've got it it. I've taught dance and gym and I'm currently taking TaeKwonDO and I've NEVER had any pain.