loseslarge Member


  • My Thoughts: Weightlifing/HIIT/LISS - Caloric Deficit/Surplus Weightloss requires a Caloric deficit Muscle building requires a caloric surplus (growing so you don't rely on your body's fat/muscle stores) Weightlifting - mass building requires surplus / preservation when in deficit HIIT - High intensity interval training -…
  • The 'crunching' noise you are hearing is likely crepitus (check the Mayo Clinic website for a definition). Not a big deal unless it begins to hurt. Another trick for keeping proper form and posture - try looking towards the ceiling when you lift.
  • Two points: 1) Its not an age thing so much as how much weight lifted. I don't know any advanced powerlifters who would do legs 3 times a week near max weight for two of them. 2) I think the comment 'scam' was more does it work. It does work for some people. Because the author of the post is a beginner to heavy training…
  • How advanced you are as a lifter makes a difference. I tried the 5x5, but I have been lifting for too long and too heavy for my central nervous system to handle the squat volume (was just looking to try something new). Thought my knees would explode. If you are serious about heavy lifting and are interested in the 5x5 or…
  • My lack of pic is more a function of desired anonymity. I don't facebook, twitter or do any of that BS. Its a work thing more than anything.I joined this site becasue it was a decent app and a few times a topic has caught my interest so I posted. I would agree that employment opportunities seem to be inversely proportional…
  • This is completely anecdotal, but I find people who are heavily inked (sleave, etc.) usually do so due to some kind of emotional baggage and insecurity. A drive to be non-confromist, because conformity was never really an option. Small markings that have a serious personal meaning are differnet, but seeing people with a…
  • Have you tried SERIOUS cheat day? Rather than going on a permanently higher intake take one day and overload - like 2,200 calories or something. Just don't pay attention to what is being asked. The logic goes something like this: Your have now trained your body to rely on minimal calories and it has moved into a plateau…
  • I have pretty much f'd up all my joints from football, heavy lifting, martial arts, falling down drunk - had a massive elbow break when i was a kid and it didn't heal properly, knee cap dislocation, all ankle ligaments torn in ankle. Neck surgery that forces me to use a manta ray for squats (sucks cause going deep is…
  • The quick and dirty explanation as I understand it: after weightlifting your body's primary fuel source - glycogen - is depleted. So you are exclusively in fat burning mode when you undertake cardio. Probably works in either order, but more effective if cardio is secondary since you burn more fat with a higher sustained…