stronglifts 5x5 scam?

I really want to try a heavy lifting program. After reading about this program it kind of seems like a scam. The guy kind of rambled on and on, then says give your name and email and I "promise" to send you the free report. I am just looking for a outline/ guide to follow to get me started lifting heavy. Anyone tried this? Is it legitimate? Thanks for any feedback!!


  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    Yes Mehdi is really long winded and reading through his website can be life draining (lol) BUT his program is definitely legit. It's extremely similar to Starting Strength, in fact thats what he based it on. He does send you his free report, again very long winded but the program itself is solid. I'm on my second week of the program. If you're looking for more info or a condensed version of the program you can go here:

    And feel free to join our group if you have any specific questions or would like support.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    It's okay, 5/3/1 is better.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Yes Mehdi is really long winded and reading through his website can be life draining (lol) BUT his program is definitely legit. It's extremely similar to Starting Strength, in fact thats what he based it on. He does send you his free report, again very long winded but the program itself is solid. I'm on my second week of the program. If you're looking for more info or a condensed version of the program you can go here:

    And feel free to join our group if you have any specific questions or would like support.

    The dude is totally a tool but it's a good program.
  • riverabeth
    riverabeth Posts: 45 Member
    Thank you so much! I will check out the "summary" & will also consider joining the group! (A little hesitant Cruz I am such a newbie)lol
  • riverabeth
    riverabeth Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks everybody! Yeah, this guy really likes to talk but not looking for a new friend just a guide to lifting weights!
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    Yes Mehdi is really long winded and reading through his website can be life draining (lol) BUT his program is definitely legit. It's extremely similar to Starting Strength, in fact thats what he based it on. He does send you his free report, again very long winded but the program itself is solid. I'm on my second week of the program. If you're looking for more info or a condensed version of the program you can go here:

    And feel free to join our group if you have any specific questions or would like support.

    The dude is totally a tool but it's a good program.

    I agree :laugh: If I ever have questions about any of the exercises or form, I search Rippetoe videos on Youtube. Rippetoe is the man!!!
  • loseslarge
    loseslarge Posts: 9 Member
    How advanced you are as a lifter makes a difference. I tried the 5x5, but I have been lifting for too long and too heavy for my central nervous system to handle the squat volume (was just looking to try something new). Thought my knees would explode. If you are serious about heavy lifting and are interested in the 5x5 or 5/3/1 check out - but ignore all the BS about their supplements. If you have the time however, you may want to stop by a powerlifting club and see about developing a program with one of their coaches and making sure you have proper technique before embarking on this type of program.... my two cents.
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    Your knees won't "explode" from [properly] doing squats 3x a week :laugh:
  • DaveRCF
    DaveRCF Posts: 266
    Your knees won't "explode" from [properly] doing squats 3x a week :laugh:

    You must be a "young thang". As you get older, having only a day or so to recover from a 5X5 heavy squat workout is a challenge. I've gone down to 3X5 on squats, 5X5 on the other lifts (except deads at 1X5) and it seems better for me.
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    First, SL5x5 isn't REALLY Mendi's program, it's ripped off from other people. In all honestly if you are a semi-experienced lifter I would skip SL5x5. 5/3/1 is fine for an intermediate too but I would say just skip to Westside for Skinny *kitten* 3 or pick-up the Westside Book of Methods and just do the full-on Conjugate method.
  • ichorica
    ichorica Posts: 475 Member
    I haven't started the program, but checked it out months ago (not sure if I want to do the program or not. Currently doing New rules of lifting for women) and I have been getting his emails since. I actually find them informative even if I am not doing the program. They are very "long winded" emails though but its legit.
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    First, SL5x5 isn't REALLY Mendi's program, it's ripped off from other people. In all honestly if you are a semi-experienced lifter I would skip SL5x5. 5/3/1 is fine for an intermediate too but I would say just skip to Westside for Skinny *kitten* 3 or pick-up the Westside Book of Methods and just do the full-on Conjugate method.

    It isn't "ripped off" if someone gives them FULL credit for their ideas. Medhi even says in his report many times these are not his original ideas. He says "use what works" and these are time tested methods used by professionals. Love how this is turning into a Stronglifts debate. The OP was simply asking whether or not Stronglits was a scam. IT'S NOT.
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    Your knees won't "explode" from [properly] doing squats 3x a week :laugh:

    You must be a "young thang". As you get older, having only a day or so to recover from a 5X5 heavy squat workout is a challenge. I've gone down to 3X5 on squats, 5X5 on the other lifts (except deads at 1X5) and it seems better for me.

    Why thanks! I didn't know 33 was young lol. I see your point though when the weights get heavy. Stronglifts does say you can do this workout 2x per week rather than 3. Or at least cut the squats down to 2x/week. But if 3x5 is working for you then great that's what you're supposed to do anyway when you start failing or are unable to recover properly. My point was though squats are not bad for your knees, they will not "jack your knees up" like some people think. As long as you are going past parallel you will not have quad dominance. All of your leg and butt muscles will be worked in balance resulting in a stronger knee. But if you already have pre-existing knee problems I would say consult with your doctor first before starting any type of program like this. There's my disclaimer haha. But squats do not CAUSE knee problems.
  • loseslarge
    loseslarge Posts: 9 Member
    First, SL5x5 isn't REALLY Mendi's program, it's ripped off from other people. In all honestly if you are a semi-experienced lifter I would skip SL5x5. 5/3/1 is fine for an intermediate too but I would say just skip to Westside for Skinny *kitten* 3 or pick-up the Westside Book of Methods and just do the full-on Conjugate method.

    It isn't "ripped off" if someone gives them FULL credit for their ideas. Medhi even says in his report many times these are not his original ideas. He says "use what works" and these are time tested methods used by professionals. Love how this is turning into a Stronglifts debate. The OP was simply asking whether or not Stronglits was a scam. IT'S NOT.

    Two points:

    1) Its not an age thing so much as how much weight lifted. I don't know any advanced powerlifters who would do legs 3 times a week near max weight for two of them.

    2) I think the comment 'scam' was more does it work. It does work for some people. Because the author of the post is a beginner to heavy training and will likely see results but will need more advanced programs with time.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    Wow! ,lmao...
  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    Oh your gosh, it's free, so it has to be a scam!

    I have a friend who did it with great results (would have been better if he'd eaten more). I have a few other friends who are enjoying it.
    It's easy to follow, and not too time consuming.
  • Rays_Wife
    Rays_Wife Posts: 1,173 Member
    First, SL5x5 isn't REALLY Mendi's program, it's ripped off from other people. In all honestly if you are a semi-experienced lifter I would skip SL5x5. 5/3/1 is fine for an intermediate too but I would say just skip to Westside for Skinny *kitten* 3 or pick-up the Westside Book of Methods and just do the full-on Conjugate method.

    It isn't "ripped off" if someone gives them FULL credit for their ideas. Medhi even says in his report many times these are not his original ideas. He says "use what works" and these are time tested methods used by professionals. Love how this is turning into a Stronglifts debate. The OP was simply asking whether or not Stronglits was a scam. IT'S NOT.

    Two points:

    1) Its not an age thing so much as how much weight lifted. I don't know any advanced powerlifters who would do legs 3 times a week near max weight for two of them.

    2) I think the comment 'scam' was more does it work. It does work for some people. Because the author of the post is a beginner to heavy training and will likely see results but will need more advanced programs with time.

    1) This program isn't for "advanced powerlifters". It's for people who want to get stronger (beginners-intermediate) and perhaps lose some body fat. Agree on that.

    2) Yes of course after time this program will no longer work, that is stated in the report. Eventually you will not make gains and you will be stalled but that will take months. After that, you can advance to Stronglifts intermediate and Stronglifts Advanced. Or whichever other program you choose to take you to the next level.
  • jolarocknrolla
    jolarocknrolla Posts: 236 Member
    It's okay, 5/3/1 is better.

    Are you loving the program? I like Wendler's style of writing (I read his website occasionally) but have not picked up the book yet.
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    I'm doing it now. The e-book that he sends you is reaallyyy long winded- probably only 3 pages of it contains helpful information. There's a Stronglifts iPhone app that I'm in love with- tracks everything for you, which makes it even easier. Can't say much about results yet- I'd have to let you know in another 7 weeks or so. ;)
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    I really want to try a heavy lifting program. After reading about this program it kind of seems like a scam. The guy kind of rambled on and on, then says give your name and email and I "promise" to send you the free report. I am just looking for a outline/ guide to follow to get me started lifting heavy. Anyone tried this? Is it legitimate? Thanks for any feedback!!

    Find you a power lifting partner to work out with.