calories of MFP vs. calories of Insanity Nutrition Guide

Hi Everyone!!

I´m having a bit of trouble here...I started using MFP a few months ago, and after putting in all my information and goals it says I have to eat 1,200 cals/day (+exercise calories).
Recently I started doing Insanity. Im on my 4º week (actually 5º, but i´m repeating the 4º one). I have followed the exercise religiously and I can say I always give my 100%. I ALMOST can do all the exercises completely, BUT, I have only lost 2 pounds.
I also do BodyRock at night and I´m an instructor´s assistant at Krav Maga, I take my dog out at least 3 days a week (the other days my husband does, so dont hate me ;) ) so Im an active person.

I was wondering, since I read that your weight loss can plateau if you eat too few calories. According to the Insanity Nutrition Guide I should be eating 1887 calories a day for weight loss (I think that number includes the exercise calories from Insanity)

I have been using a HRM for my workouts, it says I burn about 230-290 cals/ insanity workout (and I´m kicking my own *ss!) so even If I add those calories to MFP (1,200 + 290 = 1,490) there´s still an almost 400 calories difference between that and Insanity...

So what should I do?? I don´t know if I should increase my calorie intake to 1800 and see what happens (I´ve read soooo many stories about people eating too few calories, and the moment they started eating more, they started loosing weight) or should I stick to what MFP says?

I also quit drinking Diet Coke, i think it has been 2 weeks. I read that aspartame (for reasons unknown) it doesn´t allow you to lose weight. I drink a lot of water and I have been following a clean eating approach for the last months.

Please help! I still want to lose at least 10 pounds


  • mom22ms
    Is it possible that you're gaining muscle and losing fat? Have you noticed a difference in the way your clothes fit? If so it's probably this, muscle weighs more than fat.
  • brandihutchinson
    I would try eating more calories. That's what helped me when I hit a plateau after losing 30pds.
  • Meggles63
    Meggles63 Posts: 916 Member
    Since you're not losing now, why not kick the calories up a notch and see what happens. I was at 1250 net, and was way too hungry and puny feeling when I did Insanity, so I upped them to 1500(!) - started losing a lb. a week...sometimes 2. It's worth a shot. Good luck!
  • ManicMelody
    I am struggling with this exact same thing. I have been told by several people that I'm not eating enough and that I should be eating AT LEAST 1700 calories a day to see a change in weight. I have lost an inch or so around the waist/hips/thighs/arms, but no weight whatsoever in two weeks. I just keep upping my calories and eating less sugar and carbs and replacing them with protein. This is a big struggle because I hate eating meat. It just isn't appetizing for me. Anyway, I would also like a good solid answer to this one as well.
  • carogza
    carogza Posts: 13
    Mmm...they fit better, but they are not loose. I mean I have seen changes in my body, more toned and lean, but I´m still at 24% fat, and I weigh 136 lbs at 5´2". I have been in a plateau for months, between 141 and 136 lbs.
  • carogza
    carogza Posts: 13
    I would try eating more calories. That's what helped me when I hit a plateau after losing 30pds.

    Wow!! congratulations on that! and how much did you increase your calories?
  • carogza
    carogza Posts: 13
    Since you're not losing now, why not kick the calories up a notch and see what happens. I was at 1250 net, and was way too hungry and puny feeling when I did Insanity, so I upped them to 1500(!) - started losing a lb. a week...sometimes 2. It's worth a shot. Good luck!

    I´m hungry too!!! and I´ve heard lots of people who became hungrier when started Insanity! Maybe its our body asking us for more fuel, don´t you think?. It´s hard to increase those calories and not feel guilty, specially when I have been counting and trying to stick to 1200 calories for the past few months with MFP
  • carogza
    carogza Posts: 13
    I am struggling with this exact same thing. I have been told by several people that I'm not eating enough and that I should be eating AT LEAST 1700 calories a day to see a change in weight. I have lost an inch or so around the waist/hips/thighs/arms, but no weight whatsoever in two weeks. I just keep upping my calories and eating less sugar and carbs and replacing them with protein. This is a big struggle because I hate eating meat. It just isn't appetizing for me. Anyway, I would also like a good solid answer to this one as well.

    I wouldn´t cut out the carbs....of course everything with the word REFINED is out, but the rest of them (whole grains, oats, quinoa and of course veggies) are necessary. Also an excess in protein i think (read, somewhere) it can cause kidney problems...I think balance between fats, proteins and carbs is the key. Im gonna increase my calorie intake and let you know if it works ;)
  • loseslarge
    loseslarge Posts: 9 Member
    Have you tried SERIOUS cheat day? Rather than going on a permanently higher intake take one day and overload - like 2,200 calories or something. Just don't pay attention to what is being asked.

    The logic goes something like this: Your have now trained your body to rely on minimal calories and it has moved into a plateau because it thinks you are going to be in this caloric deficit for an extended period of time - basically subsistence levels.

    By giving your body one day (at least) to think it has excess calories available will relax its efforts to ensure metabolic efficicency.

    I have had previous success using this methodology
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    check this out. Explains many nutritional myths.

    I would up the cals as it sounds like you are very active.
  • brandihutchinson
    I would try eating more calories. That's what helped me when I hit a plateau after losing 30pds.

    Wow!! congratulations on that! and how much did you increase your calories?

    I changed my goals to 1pd a week rather than 2. So that put me at around 1400cals, but with exercise I'm eating around 2000. Scary, but I can do it and I'm seeing greater results!
  • SkinnyLaMinki
    Since you're not losing now, why not kick the calories up a notch and see what happens. I was at 1250 net, and was way too hungry and puny feeling when I did Insanity, so I upped them to 1500(!) - started losing a lb. a week...sometimes 2. It's worth a shot. Good luck!


    I did the same. I was on 1200 (!!) and was miserable and the only thing I was losing was my temper! I upped it to just below 1500 and started losing....