X power lifter need info



  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Quote:Pick one main lift. ie. bench, squats, deads etc..... then superset another small muscle group, shoulders, tris, ligtht back and one high intensity exercise for the sweat. This prevents me from doing one set and sitting there for 5 min before doing something else. I get 9 sets of triple sets in in 30 min and do 30 min of cardio.

    Main body part, 4 sets of 10 with a minute between sets. Get done with that and do supersets, I can't give it all up. 9 sets of triple sets in 30 and do 30 of cardio sounds cool. Just don't take my fun away, lol.

    yeah, I know wha you are getting at. But you're supposed to be scaling back a touch to see if your joints feel better from the downtime.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    Hi reps low weight does it also.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    I have had great success with concentration work. Light weight with strict form and high reps. I had not lifted heavy for about 20years. I have worked up to heavier weights, but anytime I try to relive the old dayswith a crazy max, I sideline myself with either back, knee or shoulder pain that last for months. I figure I never want to be that big or need to move that much weight again so I stick to rep work and going for a high intensity burn instead of a a bulk/max workout. I use flax and fish oil as well as a joint supplement from wally-world. Can't beat their prices and that has helped a lot, with no side effects other than lowered cholesterol and lowered BP, so it is helping there as well.
    This morning I did chest and tri's,
    bench 135 warm up then 4 x 12 as fast as I can to keep heart rate up and still get 185 for 4 sets. Then dumbell press 4x12 30 sec rest, pec deck same and finished off with close grip bench. Did tricep press, overhead tricep press and finished with kickbacks, whole workout takes just under 20 mins and I am out of breath and sweating up a storm, but pretty pain free. Still can't get over 225 on squats without messing kness up, but at 49 and still 100lbs overweight I'm okay with not lifting heavy.
    Good luck - you can get good fats for the cartilage with avocado and it has goood protein and fiber too boot.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    Is there anything, herb shops,GNC, vitamins that I might be missing ,voodoo lol, that you can take? I miss heavy lifting...Even light weight and hi reps hurt the same as heavy weight and lower reps.

    try some joint support supps. some things work, some dont.

    i had decent luck with MSM.

    look into animal pak and animal flex. reccommended by most lifters.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    All this old guy lifting talk is making me wonder if I should break out the white/yellow knee wraps the next time I squat.
  • loseslarge
    loseslarge Posts: 9 Member
    I have pretty much f'd up all my joints from football, heavy lifting, martial arts, falling down drunk - had a massive elbow break when i was a kid and it didn't heal properly, knee cap dislocation, all ankle ligaments torn in ankle. Neck surgery that forces me to use a manta ray for squats (sucks cause going deep is tougher).

    I was getting a lot fo crepitus in my joints - started using "Animal Flex". Stuff isnt cheap but it seems as though my joints dont go snap crackle pop as much. I also use Glucosamine which is also used for healing post surgery and is anti-inflammatory I belive.

    I am using a 5x5 type of workout to try and maintain strength and lean mass while I diet (blew my back on a bad form dead recently so kinda had to reset) and it was effective at placating my desire to lift heavy.

    Right now BP 295x5x5, DL 335x5x5, SQ 365x5x5 - as I drop weight I will increase the DL and SQ by bodyweight lost. I do intend to cap my lifts at 325BP, 425DL and 425SQ at those rep levels as I find heavier does begin to REALLY stress my joints.

    I'm tweaking as I go based on body response.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    Break out the double gold line wraps, wrestling singlet and blast shirt. Look old days were great 505 flat bench without a shirt, 405 incline( aint seen many do heavy incline), seated behind neck military 315, sets 10 with 185 for curls. Monster days back when, been too long to get back there and body doesn't need those days. I ate terrible back then because I ate everything and lifted with heavy days and medium heavy days. I did power lockouts twice a year( awesome results) but bad on the joints. Love the stories and history guys, it would be great to sit down and talk about way back when. I've got a lot of funny stuff from those days. Dang I got off subject, I think I'll try the glutamine stuff and some of the things Jeff92SE was talking about. Thanks guys....you got me missing the old days, but you did get my adrenaline going for tonights workout, much appreciated fellas. Loseslarge you make me want to get back to the gym 5 sets of 5 sounds great, been working out at home for a month and its coming back. I did flat bench with 275 for sets of 5 the other week, it felt great other than a little joint pain later. I know what will happen I'll get hooked again with the heavy stuff and I know I don't need it especially at 45.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Damn, your bench is higher than my 450lb wrapped and suited squat and dead. haha. Big arsed numbers guys.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    Yeah but my squats sucked back in the day, so was the DL for my body weight.. Plus I used a very wide grip on the bench because my arms were so long 6'6" finger tip to finger tip. My thumb would be on the smooth line on the bar.
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    Doc said cut back on the fats so I pretty much don't eat much with saturated or any transfats. Liver too fatty so I'm trying to fix that first.

    hmmm, you may wish to read this. http://wholehealthsource.blogspot.com/2009/06/fatty-liver-reversal.html

    Also, man made "veg. oils" like corn, canola, safflower are practically indigestable. Use coconut oil or beef fat / tallow instead when frying up foods. You may want to research that process of how insulin resistance (meaning too many carbs int he blood, a sign of diabetes) releases triglycerides in the body and thus leads to fat storage in the liver.

    Triglycerides are caused by your body's reaction to not being able to handle carbohydrates in the diet NOT by EATING FAT. Carbs cause fatty liver, not fats. And inflamaiton of the joints is another symptom of too many triglycerides.

    Plant based omega 3's are great! best wishes. Peace.
  • millerll
    millerll Posts: 873 Member
    The past year, I've also gotten back into PL. I also have lower back (disk) issues and an aging knee, so I understand your pain. I'll tell you, for the first six months or so, I only did assistance exercises - leg presses, leg extensions, leg curls, etc., before I ever tried to do a squat. I wanted to make sure I had some underlying strength back before I went under iron. I did a lot of machines, and if anything hurt, I backed off the weight for a week or so until I could complete the sets with no pain.

    I did the same on all the major muscle groups - I started wtih assistance exercises and went slowly. I'm now back to squatting, although my knee does speak up once in a while. I had hoped to only lift with a belt, but I've found that knee wraps really help keep the pain away as my squat weight has gone up. So that's disappointing, but something I may have to live with.

    Deadlifting came easier, and I love it, but sometimes it does make my back ache. I only go 1RM about once a month or 6 weeks now, and that helps. I also take chondroitin with MSM, and I think it's helped a bit, but I can't honestly say it's a miracle cure.

    For the record, I'm 49, and I was a competitive PLer (NCAA) in college back when the dinosaurs were around (actually, 30 years ago, LOL). It's been quite a challenge getting back into it, but I love it and will do it as long as health allows.

    Best of luck to you!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Damn strong guys and gals around here!

    Thezilla: I like how your light weight x5 bench is more than my 1rm :tongue: On the topic of joint health, I swear by the liquid fish oil (as it's easier than taking mass capsules). I always thought it was just another placebo supplement but I can actually feel the difference in my knees if I forget to take it. I take 10ml per day but can't remember the EPA/DHA ratio, it's not the best but was pretty decent for the price.

    Forgot to say, do you do mobility stuff in between sets? Usually I will just do say 15 shoulder internal rotations with a resistance band rather than any set rest period. It's generally close enough. I'm recovering from a shoulder injury and hip injury (both non lifting related) so I've had to mix up my stuff greatly to include all the rehab my physio has given me.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    Right now I'm in new territory, I know this started for me with health reasons. Loosing the weight is great and I can breath better, more flexable, getting stronger, strength is coming back pretty quick. They always said if you did it naturally it would take longer to lose it and easier to get it back, I find that is true. I'm really undecided now after this post as what I want to do. I know I don't want to be huge again, although I loved the power. I really would rather try losing body fat and if strength comes with it great if not its ok. My best sets of 5 was on the flat bench with 405, I knew when they put 505 on there and the bar was bowed just sitting there I had gotten to the big boy level. I think if I can get down to 225 and do 5x5x315 that would be a good goal to strive for, I don't know I guess I will play it by ear. The squats I'm done with, I think leg presses will have to take its place. Dead lifts will have to be reps with lite weight. I may try some creatine or that force factor stuff. Like I said I'm in a new area may try the lean cut look I don't know yet, doing the P90X too and its kicking my rear end.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    Doc said cut back on the fats so I pretty much don't eat much with saturated or any transfats. Liver too fatty so I'm trying to fix that first.

    hmmm, you may wish to read this. http://wholehealthsource.blogspot.com/2009/06/fatty-liver-reversal.html

    Also, man made "veg. oils" like corn, canola, safflower are practically indigestable. Use coconut oil or beef fat / tallow instead when frying up foods. You may want to research that process of how insulin resistance (meaning too many carbs int he blood, a sign of diabetes) releases triglycerides in the body and thus leads to fat storage in the liver.

    Triglycerides are caused by your body's reaction to not being able to handle carbohydrates in the diet NOT by EATING FAT. Carbs cause fatty liver, not fats. And inflamaiton of the joints is another symptom of too many triglycerides.

    Plant based omega 3's are great! best wishes. Peace.

    I'm taking the Omega 3's, so I need to cut back on carbs more, right? I was using an Omega 3 enriched cooking oil also. The other oil was Olive oil. Man the nutrition thing is tough to get just right. I'll go back and check what I'm eating again. Thanks for your help.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    Checked my carbs I'm usually half of what my daily allowance is on MFP. I'm curious as to what my test results will be when I go back to the doctor in January.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    MFP macros are setup a bit odd. How I do it is, aim for 1g/lb of lean body mass minimum and .4g/lb of body weight for fat minimum. Set the %'s to get to these (so at the end of the day you should be in the red). Carbs are for the rest but as long as I hit the minimum protein & fat, that's all I really care about. It's worked for cutting fat and retaining lean mass for me.

    Closer you are to goal weight/bf%, the smaller the deficit (to prevent muscle loss).
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    Zilla , I wish you good health.

    I personally eat 50% of my calories in fats, and abouty 20% in carbs. No weight gained and a great way to nourish the brain, joints' shock plates, nerves and cell membranes which are all made up of fat. I had to, due to becomeing resistant to insulin. I just couldn't handle carbs at all anymore. What a wakeup call for me! Having to workout harder, not being able to lose a layer of fat that was creeping onto my legs, and getting inflamed joints....

    I was hypoglycemic for years, even with clean eating and primal lifestyle, but a doctor prescribed high carb diet about killed me, inflamed my joints further, and gave me diabetes this year. Switched to a high fat diet from my low fat one, and voila, I'm healthy. Researched why and discovered that the body needs fats, not carbs, to live a healthy life if you are insulin resistant. Personally, I hope you go get a second opinion and bloodwork from another doctor asap. The holidays are acommin, and it would be better to have your diet straight before then.

    Message me if you want info., I don't mind offering some links for your research into what I'm talking about. I can post it here if you want, as they are just links to online studies about nutrition and the need for fats in the diet, protien, etc. I know I probably come off sounding too good to be true, or a crazy person, lol. I'm in the heart of powerlifting here in the midwest U.S., and love strength training as part of my own fitness. I work on being able to do it for life! I don't want you to give up what you love, and you shouldn't have to with the right nutrition.
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    I hope I don't have to go back to school to get a degree in nutrition to understand it all. lol.....Great stuff.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Man I had two protein shakes and still got to only 67 grams. I should be at aro 80-90grams. Dang, I wonder if that hinders me as an active weight lifter? And how would it hinder me?

    I'd have to put two scoops in each shake.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Man I had two protein shakes and still got to only 67 grams. I should be at aro 80-90grams. Dang, I wonder if that hinders me as an active weight lifter? And how would it hinder me?

    I'd have to put two scoops in each shake.

    67g for a whole day? Seems very low. I haven't been under 170g any time in the last 6 months (weighing 170lbs and lifting 3 times a week).

    Protein is required to rebuild muscles so if you don't have enough from your diet then basically you're not rebuilding the muscles to their potential. I figure, it's best to have a bit too much than not enough. And I like meat so that's pretty easy :tongue: