

  • Burpees were called squat thrusts when I was in middle school and had to do 10 of them in PE every day.
  • I always plan out my meals and snack for work. When I go into the kitchen at work to put my stuff away, if I see things in there I know I shouldn't eat, I make sure to avoid the kitchen until 11:30 or so. By then, it's usually all gone. (we have a lot of men in our office, and they like to eat.) If I know that we are…
  • It also depends on what kind of whole wheat pasta you buy. I have found my favorite is Great Value (WalMart store brand) whole wheat linguini--it is SO good. I appreciate how much more filling whole wheat pasta is, and I notice less sluggishness after I eat it compared to white flour pasta. I just make sure I put a strong…
  • It honestly depends on body type. I have a smaller waist and large bottom and thighs. I cannot wear most jeans because to get them over my thighs, there are about 6 to 7 inches of extra stuff up at the waistband. Frustrating! Not everyone, REGARDLESS OF SIZE, is shaped like a pole. I am curvy, even when I was thin, my hips…
  • I eat it with pepper and halved cherry tomatoes. To me, it should be savory. My hubby, however, loves it with yogurt and fruit. He prefers it to be sweet.
  • I second the giving it up...in my opinion, diet soda is even worse for you than regular soda because of the aspertame and other chemicals. Also, the artificial sweeteners actually increase your appetite. I used to be addicted to Diet Pepsi,consuming about 12 cans every few days. I pretty much drank it and nothing else. I…
  • What do you mean by results? If you mean increased stamina and ability, and muscle tone, I'd say in a week or so. I started seeing real changes in my ability to simply stay on the machine longer after 2 or 3 days, and to push harder and go faster. The elliptical is a huge help if you need relief from the stress of pounding…
  • I go 5-6 days week, and burn between 400 and 600 calories. I do different things: Zumba, treadmill, yoga, swimming, elliptical, step class, and some weights with lap running in between. I also try to make sure that I go for an hour, whatever I am doing.
  • Popcorn, fiber one bars, grapes, bananas, wheat thins with Laughing Cow Light cheese wedge, sandwich thin with laughing cow a piece of lean ham, rice cakes, 1 flatout flat bread with avocado and turkey...all of those come out to between 100 and 150 calories in the right portions, and they are very satisfying.