

  • Like someone else said, I think it depends on the situation. My husband and I are dual military, and even though we've been married for about four and a half years, we've only been in the same location for just over two years. I feel like I'm in a long distance relationship, but one that definitely works. I know he'll come…
  • I'm a full time student, so my weekends are usually full of homework catch-up time. My husband is overseas so that's also our Skype date time since neither of us usually have anywhere specific to be. My guilty pleasure is watching that week's Scandal episode on Hulu.
  • I like the fitbit because it syncs to MFP and I have friends and family "friended" on there and we can kind of compete. It also adjusts your calorie count on MFP for the walking around you did that exceeds your typical day, so it adjusts if you did a lot of walking for the day or not. I also have a Polar HRM, that I love…
  • My goal percentages are 40/30/30. I've done a lot of research on this topic, and different people will tell you different things based on your goals. I've settled on the 40/30/30 because I usually have high activity levels and am trying to tone and define rather than lose weight or cut. My percentages are based on…
  • Keep your head up. There's lots of people willing to offer support and advice here. My best advice is to find people similar to where you are in your journey. Don't compare your chapter 2 to someone else's chapter 20. I say that because there are some people who are strictly focused on eating at a calorie deficit, and…
  • I have the same problem, and some days I do better than others. Rand486 has some great ideas. I try to make sure my snacks have protein and every meal. Maybe quinoa instead of rice? It has more protein. Edamame makes for a good snack that's packed with protein. Eggs, greek yogurt, Quest bars, cottage cheese, protein shake…
  • I ran a half marathon last year, and have decided I want to run a full marathon one day. When I joined the Army 8 1/2 years ago, I couldn't pass the run portion of my physical fitness test, and I spent the next 6 years barely passing. The last time I took one, I more than got a maximum score on my push-ups and sit-ups. I…
  • I take CLK and I notice a difference in my body when I take it compared to when I don't. I think I am leaner when I'm taking it, but I also notice the difference when I'm not so I don't think it's a long term thing. I've taken HD before, which is great as long as I'm not planning on doing anything where I need to focus.…
  • You can do anything you put your mind to! Good luck. :)
  • I try to do them separately. I'll go run, then later on in the day I'll do weights. If I don't, I like to incorporate circuits so it gets my heart rate up, sort of incorporating a cardio within my weight training.
  • So, along these same lines, I tend to be under calories on days that I work out, and need to eat more in the evening to make up for my deficit I've created throughout the day. One thread on here suggested a spoonful of peanut butter or a protein shake, with an overwhelming suggestion to eat ice cream. What are your…
  • http://www.myrecipes.com/recipe/curry-ginger-butternut-squash-soup-10000001010500/ It's a little exotic, but my sister loves it! I think it gives it more flavor and makes it a little less bland. I think it's delicious. I got the original recipe out of the Cooking Light magazine I used to subscribe to.
  • I have the fitbit flex bracelet and I love it. It syncs well with MFP as long as you log the time you did any particular extra exercise. It will automatically adjust your calories for the day as long as you set it up to do so. I sit at a desk a lot, but when I'm out and about and running errands, it tracks the increase in…
  • I've enjoyed this entire thread! I'd like to think I fit in somewhere in here. My calorie count is 1,780 without doing anything. I usually end up working out for a total of 2 1/2-3 hours 4 days/week. (That's broken up into two or three sessions within a day usually). Depending on the week, I'll fit in one extra hour or so…
  • 20! I usually wear about 2 per day, but I am a special case. I wear one in the morning for working out, then I change into another one after I shower. I'm in the military, and I find they're more comfortable for all day working, running around, climbing, etc. My favorite used to be C9 by Champion from Target. They come in…
  • I eat try to eat very well on days that I have control over what I'm eating. Even when I go out, I prefer restaurants that I know I can get something healthier at, and I will suggest them in a group. Last week a friend had a going away party at Plucker's Wing Bar. There's not much in the way for healthy options, and I love…
  • Like so many other people posted, different people have different definitions. For me, I think it means not eating pre-packaged or processed foods. While I don't necessarily stick to this, I use it as a guideline. It requires way more work and preparation. I don't stick with organic, because I find that the cost difference…
  • On days when I train long and have burned a ton of calories, I can be way under on my caloric intake based on what MFP says. I can't even imagine eating more because I've eaten until I'm full. When that happens I look at my overall calories, and generally stick with what is normal for me. For me, that's about 1700. If I've…
  • I'd add it in as cardio. I have a fitbit and it tracks my steps and syncs with MFP. I love it. I have my settings set to sedentary because I am a student and most of my day is sitting reading books, or sitting at a computer, or sitting in class. I workout usually a couple of times a day, and include that in exercise, but…
  • My weight seems an odd discussion because for me, my goals are no longer weight related. I care more about my BF% than I do my actual weight. Because of that, when my body composition changes, and people notice, they'll say they can tell I've lost weight, but really, it's not much, if any, but my BF% has changed. I don't…
  • Step 1: You're here! Step 2: Acceptance. Know that you ARE BEAUTIFUL. No matter what. The more confident you are in yourself, the more you'll feel it. If you look at this change as a way to "fix yourself" you'll never be happy. Look at it as a way to improve, but if you struggle, that's ok, and it's the small steps that…
  • I refuse to make more than one meal, and I feel like if I'm cooking, it's going to be for us, not just for me and not just for him. So with that in mind, I make things we can agree on, and make adjustments as a compromise. I also slowly included more vegetables, and less red meat for my husband. I started by using ground…
  • A lot of times, even if you're eating a lot of calories, it's not enough of the right foods. I try to stick to 40% carbs, 30% protein, and 30% fat. The grams of protein will change depending on my intake for the day. That's what works best for me. If I don't get enough protein, I feel the way you described. Some days I do…
  • You're doing great! Progress is wonderful! One thing I've found that helps me when I find myself freaking out about my numbers is to add in all the things I plan to eat today, then I can adjust as needed. I can look at what items were higher in a certain content that I didn't want to be high, and where I need to increase.…